The bounding box for lines and narrow objects doesn’t have center handles
Missing the center handles for all lines, unable to extend lines properly (without scaling them) unless I switch to direct selection tool, which is a pain.

So it’s obviously not fixed, and we all know it.
While the cursor gets changes into the horizontal/vertical two-headed arrow, the center handles for the bounding box indeed don’t appear, if the width/height of the art (here just an orthogonal line) is small enough.
Please continue to share you thought, screenshots, GIFs. It’s time to re-review this again.
RV999 commented
I use my CADTools plug-in line to get around this bug but it is a CORE feature and Adobe should really listen tohow many people are affected by this :( C'mon Adobe, you can do it!
kcm kcm commented
Click on the two attached points so that the center handle appears. :)
Luc-Olivier commented
Please all, have a look to my little screenshoot video. I use all day long Omnigraffle which have adopted a trick to maintain ergonomics on the tiny object horizontal or vertical stretching that is quite useful.
Illustrator and others would do the same. -
Cheryl commented
Not sure what to add except, yes, it's still not fixed.
Narrow rectangles are missing the center handles at the narrow ends (need to zoom in substantially before they appear), and lines are still missing bounding boxes....
Stephanie Gans commented
Looks like we need to implore people to upvote this, since it's been ignored for so many years.
Mike Bully commented
Just tried and it definitely still doesn't work.
I completely feel Brian's pain below. How many years has this been broken? With each release it seems like something that has worked fine for years, stops working and NEVER gets fixed or addressed. I do wonder how many users Adobe listens to because I can't imagine they haven't run across professionals who have not been inconvenienced by these issues.
brian stokes commented
Why does it take years for things to get fixed??? Especially things that used to work flawlessly—often for decades? I do not understand the devolution of this product, but the program I once loved has turned into a constant frustration that hampers productivity. I’m not exaggerating in the slightest. I’ve tried for years to get issues addressed…through customer service, through this seeming useless User Voice Forum…and even having conference calls with engineers. Do you just not give a sh*t about your customers anymore? Actions sure seem to point that direction. You really, really need to work with consultants who use your programs in a daily basis. Please, God. You have become so distant and out of touch and it’s painfully apparent. How do users actually get a voice that y’all will listen to????
Cheryl commented
Yup, it's been years and Admin says the issue was fixed but it's not. Center handles still don't appear for lines and smaller rectangles. WHY?!!
RV999 commented
26.2.1 and it's still not fixed
RV999 commented
It's still a bug, absolutely idiotic "update" of the line tool, indeed the only way to use it is to NOT use it and just use the pen tool with two clicks but still.. i miss my old scalable line from CS6
Ton commented
No blinking problem for me, Egor.
Yep, Ton, I see the difference.
And no center markers for a path-line :(
But do you have the blinking problem when you resize the shape-line? -
Ton commented
Egor, the lines are different because one of them is a shape.
Does anyone else has this?
Thing is I never almost never use the bounding box — exactly because it always tried to misbehave in one way on another...
So, the GIF shows the line differently than the only screenshot the report has. It’s not the box, but just two markers (and one centerpoint).
What’s wrong is the sporadic lags I have, drags that don’t do anything, and blinking glitch — when the line is already updated, but the markers are not. -
Carl commented
Still no bounding box around lines in 25.4.1. Broken.
Carl commented
Still an issue in 25.2. No bounding box around lines, and the centre handles on a bounding box disappear (on any object) when it's too small on the screen. You have to zoom in to get the centre handles. PLEASE fix this...
Mike Bully commented
October 16, 2020 Adobe Illustrator version 24.3 64-Bit and this is STILL an issue.
The nose dive that Illustrator has taken in the past few years is downright criminal.
Lance commented
I'm going to post my comments here again, as this is still non-functional on 24.3.
I can confirm that there is still a bug present. When I draw a line segment with the line segment tool, I immediately get a single handle at either end, not a bounding box. This occurs for both vertical and horizontal lines.
I can make the bounding box appear by deselecting, re-selecting with the direct selection tool (default shortcut A) and then switching to the regular selection tool (default shortcut V).
This causes the bounding box to appear, with three handles at the end, regardless of zoom level, but the middle handle does nothing. There is no cursor prompt to extend the line segment per Avinash's screenshot. The only cursor I get at the ends of the line are the rotation cursor.
If i expand the line segment shape to a path, the bounding box appears immediately with the normal selection tool but the center handle is nowhere to be seen, nor do i get the cursor to extend the line, only rotate and diagonal resize cursors.
The way to make it work: MUST draw with the pen tool, and draw a perfectly vertical line. I can get the resize-line cursor at the end of the line that way.
I can then rotate that line to any orientation and still get the center-extend cursor, even if i rotate it to exactly horizontal, the cursor will still activate. It continues to be available even after deselecting the line, manipulating other objects, de-select them and re-selecting the line.
It *does not activate at all* on a line segment shape or a *horizontal* line drawn with the pen tool, when the line is originally drawn in the horizontal orientation. -
Lance commented
I am "glad to update" that this issue Is *NOT FIXED* or was broken again in 24.2.
Perhaps your engineering team would like to take another look at this one, yea?
brian stokes commented
I'm so tired of the updates with no real improvements. The Illustrator user experience is absolute garbage. I was working on an old computer this past weekend that was using's vastly superior in so many ways. I really enjoyed using it....
How the **** do you ruin a program like they have?