Saving always creates a .tmp file, can't see preview of the file and cannot import AI file to After Effects
as title says, my Illustrator 2020 (24.0.1) always creates a .tmp file whenever i save. I cant see a preview of the file when viewed on Finder. Lastly, I can't import the files i created using AI 2020 to After Effects - it only shows a blank artboard.
Files are saved with Create PDF compatible File ticked.
I have also tried resetting the Adobe PDF joboption settings.
So right now I have 2 AI's installed just so i can continue working with my files.
macOS High Sierra
version 10.13.6

Ratchakrit Klongpayabal posted the below solution to fix this issue.
How to stop .tmp$$$ when export .png File from Avast Anti-virus
The cause of this annoying problem came from the ransomware shield function from Avast. This is an easy method to solve this problem.
1. Go to Avast Antivirus user interface.
2. Select the protection tab.
3. Select ransomware shied.
4. Protected folder by Avast Ransomware shield will appear.
5. Click the checkbox of the protected file location that you choose to export which shown for protection.(C:\USER\...\Pictures etc.)
6. When you select, the message of the selected folder and "Stop Protection" button will appear.
7. Click stop protection.
after this procedure, you can export .png file or else and preview it as you please. Please try...
Willys Oliveira Silva commented
Today 05/08/2023, suddenly my illustrator (Cloud version is always up to date) is not saving my files in ".ai", but creating a ".tpm" (when opening the file it appears empty) what is happening? I need to hand in a job and that makes it complicated. Can anyone help me to resolve?
I await your reply and thank you.
Gabriel Valadares commented
Thank you so much <3
Ratchakrit Klongpayabal commented
How to stop .tmp$$$ when export .png File from Avast Anti-virus
The cause of this annoying problem came from the ransomware shield function from Avast. This is an easy method to solve this problem.
1. Go to Avast Antivirus user interface.
2. Select the protection tab.
3. Select ransomware shied.
4. Protected folder by Avast Ransomware shield will appear.
5. Click the checkbox of the protected file location that you choose to export which shown for protection.(C:\USER\...\Pictures etc.)
6. When you select, the message of the selected folder and "Stop Protection" button will appear.
7. Click stop protection.after this procedure, you can export .png file or else and preview it as you please. Please try...
Anonymous commented
In my case it was AVG antivirus. After disabling it the file saves normal.
Connor Fox commented
I've found if illustrator saves my file as a .tmp the best solution is to close illustrator completely, open the .tmp file with illustrator, then file>save a copy. The copy will save normally and you can delete the weird tmp file. Just in case anyone is still running in to this issue.
Abdelali Boulhilate commented
Check your antiviruses avast antivirus in my case
Anonymous commented
Check your antiviruses avast antivirus in my case
Vit Panacek commented
Hello Guys,
Today I was resolving this issue for my GF.
Background saving was not a cause, but I unchecked
Problem was, blocking access from anti-virus !!!
Check your antiviruses(Avast antivirus in my case), try to disable and try to save again.
Finally no *.tmp file, but saved correctly to *.aiBye and buy #bitcoin
Anonymous commented
Don't Worry Guys You Can Save as Template as Per Your Required Location With Your Required Name and also edit anytime .Regards
Awais Raaj -
Anonymous commented
Was working just fine in AI 2020 at my dayjob, creating an .eps print file using copy-pasted art from an .ai file as usual... then today my new .eps work began "saving" as lots of .tmp files, and new .eps files which will not open. My old original .ai files that I'd been pulling from yesterday have now got all these funky clipping masks all over the place, in spite of me having used no clipping masks originally in that .ai textures or even jpgs. It was all plain bog standard pen drawn vector shapes and live text. Now I cannot save or open any of my work! What should I do??
Anonymous commented
i encounter the same problem. But when I tried to save it in other hard drive, it works!
Natalia Santos commented
Thank you.
It worked.Natalia
Dilyana commented
same problem here......
Yasaka commented
This tutorial solves for me. Looks like a permission trouble.
Windows 10, comp 2004. Illustrator 24.1.2
Allen commented
@Ankit - I downgraded to 24.1.3. I'll let you know if the problem resurfaces on this older version.
Allen commented
@Ankit - FYI, my file and folder names have no double-byte chars. And I already have Accelerated Saving and Background Saving turned off. The most persistent and identifiable symptom is that AI gets into a mode where it never releases a file, even after saving and closing it. As long as AI is open, even with no file tabs, files that were edited during this session are still locked.
The problem may be made worse when background processes are attempting to copy edited files to a backup drive, but I don't see how this would cause problems (it never has before, with any apps).
Let me know if I can provide further testing. I believe you have my email.
odon garcia commented
I solve the problem creating a new user on mac os x, the new user haven´t the tmp problem, in the same machine with the same program. The problem is somewhere in user configuration.
Allen commented
Still happening after turning off fast open/save, and background saving.
Files are still "open" in AI after tab is closed. Can't rename a file or delete it until I close AI.
Allen commented
While laboriously recovering the TMP files, I've found that AI never lets go of a file, even after it's been saved and the tab has been closed.
This means that a second edit of any file will be impossible to save, because the file is still "open" -- even though it's AI that has it open.
I just repaired about 15 files, and they are all closed by AI, but they are all still R/O due to being open in "another process." They only get released when the AI session is closed.
This is probably what's causing all the TMP files, which has cost me a full day of very difficult editing of complex scientific charts.
Please address this ASAP! The required procedure for working around this bug is time consuming and inherently confusing, since each new edit has to be saved under a new name, and I'm working with a set of 52 files!
Allen commented
Same here, 24.2, win10/64.
HUGE problem with 24.2 - Appears to save, but just creates a TMP file and DOES NOT SAVE. This starts happening randomly after working on several files.
I just discovered that 7 hours of high productivity on 52 files went unsaved. I now have 52 TMP files.
This needs immediate attention!