View Rotation Feature is obstructing regular pinching in or out gesture for zooming, when using the trackpad
When using the pinching in or out gesture on the trackpad, to zoom in or out.
The artboard gets rotated very easily if there is even a slight rotation in the gesture while.
And then part 2 of problem. Its impossible to set it back to 0degrees. It keeps snapping between some low degrees

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 25.4.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
cliffclof commented
There is a bug I have traced back to the alt key + mouse wheel on windows. This just keep scrolling the mouse wheel up and down and holding the alt key press and depress it over and over and the artboard rotates randomly. This happens in Photoshop. I think this it attributed to the "too fast" method of outsource programming. IT'S A BUG HERE
(Edited by admin) -
Rocco Denver commented
it may be necessary to disable the Canvas Rotation Feature temporarily while you zoom in or out on the canvas. You can do this by pressing a hotkey or using a menu command to turn off the rotation feature temporarily, and then turn it back on when you are finished zooming.
Ariel Crossan commented
I've posted a new idea to specifically address the SHIFT + SPACE keyboard shortcut disruption as this thread has been marked "Completed".
Please feel free to vote there if you're also impacted. Thanks!
Pat St. Onge commented
PLEASE put in a restriction to turn off the automatic rotation view in Illustrator. Incredibly annoying to have to stop again & again to reset to 0.
Vinhug commented
Thank you for adding the preference to enable/disable the trackpad feature for rotation, which can be very disconcerting, to say the least.
Based on your feedback, we had added a preference to enable/disable trackpad gestures for rotation. If you update to the latest version, you should see it under : Preferences > General > Trackpad Gesture to Rotate View.
We are also working on tweaking the threshold so that it's less sensitive and doesn't come in the way of zooming. This will come out very soon.
Federico Molnar commented
Please add a lock feature :)
Anonymous commented
Can you disable or turn off this feature? I imagine some may use it, but I've never had the urge/need to rotate my laptop/desktop monitor. I would permanently disable this if possible. At the very least, I would like to be able to turn off and it stay off until I manually turned it back on.
Anonymous commented
God I hate this feature. Why can't I turn it off!!!
Lex commented
Totally agree with this post. Please please Adobe, remove the 'space + shift' key combi to activate this annoying feature.
kajsa commented
This default feature is a crazy interference with the most basic user behaviour in Illustrator. I´ve been working with Illustrator for 20 years and I´ve never come across the need to rotate the canvas like this. ( If I had i would probably look for it in preferences or artboard settings...)
James commented
This is a constant annoyance when using a trackpad as it is far too easy to rotate accidentally. At the same time you cannot rotate the canvas back to 0º with the trackpad after accidentally rotating it.
Jonathan Klein commented
Dear everyone,
If you had trouble finding this new setting in Illustrator 25.4.1, you are not alone. It can be found in Settings > General (default pane) at the bottom of the right-hand column. It's called "Trackpad Gesture to Rotate View", which is checked by default. Uncheck it and life gets measurably better. Thanks Ankit & co.!
Meritt commented
Can you turn this off by default for people please…this is so irritating and people won’t know that they can turn it off. There is a very specific use case for canvas rotation that does not apply to most people. If someone wants this, they will be able to search how to enable it—we shouldn’t all have to search for how to turn it off.
The added option (Trackpad Gesture to Rotate View) does NOT help to solve the unwanted rotation problem for Cintiq-type monitors.
Tyler commented
I'd love to see a rotate feature where holding shift allows for moving objects along the rotation! For example. I'd love to rotate my view 30 degrees and hold shift to move it along the 30 degree axis.
Charleh commented
New update has included a preferences option to turn on/off rotate artboard with trackpad, but it would also still be useful to include a non-preferences option to do this. A shortcut would be useful as I could then quickly turn it on to use briefly then turn it off again
Mark Gould commented
This does resolve the issue with Mac trackpad -however it would be great if there could be a UI lock/unlock icon, without having to go into preferences.
Kristin commented
YES, for the love of all that is holy please remove this or add a lock function. Preferably this would be something you could just add to a custom workspace. There is no need for this functionality to be standard across the board because it's terrible. It was terrible on PS and it's terrible on AI - please stop it.
Renee commented
Definitely not a fan of the new rotation feature. I would love a lock feature since every single time I rotate my canvas it's while I'm trying to move an element across the art board while holding shift to keep it level and space for the grabby hand.