Zoom with Alt+wheel is way too sensitive in new v27.3 to the point of being unusable
This has just started with the new update to v27.3 using the Alt and the scroll wheel now causes intermittent massive jumps in zoom. Updated all my Logitech software. Running latest everything so reverting to 27.2 as this makes Illustrator unusable. How on earth did this get through any sort of testing?

The fix for this issue has been rolled out with Illustrator 27.3.1 release available through Creative Cloud Desktop.
Please update to 27.3.1 version to ensure you do not run into this issue.
Chris, I believe you meant me, not Lincoln, right?
I agree with the tone and the lack of stability Ai has. I also know that if we don’t right and demonstrate and share out problems, the team won’t have any clue about us having problems at all.
Also — not sure why should I have a Mac (which is reported to have this problem) instead of a Windows machine (which odes not have one)... but sometimes it goes the other way. -
Chris Hartman commented
So Lincoln, does this mean it doesn't exist? As described by many, this is an un-billable problem. Nobody pays me to sit and research / type these forums to find answers to a challenge such as zooming in to their artwork.
Is it possible to stop updating Illustrator every 3-4 weeks and focus on 1 perfect release a year? Oh, and perhaps you should also have a Mac desktop, since a few of use them.
I hope this doesn't sound coarse, it's not intended to. But w/ my monthly subscription plan(and everyone else's) I assume someone is there to recognize REAL PROBLEMS -
Lincoln, can’t replicate — but I am on Windows.
Chris Hartman commented
This is HUGE problem and has no consistency. I use the zoom tool w/ option, command(Mac), and works fine 4 to 10 times and then zooms entire screen and does not respond to anything... even Quitting.
Lincoln Wolf commented
This problem has returned. Illustrator 27.8.1, Mac Ventura 13.5
Luca Fragomeni commented
Problem solved! thx
Julio Zeni commented
While the fix is not released on a stable version, a (kinda) usable workaround is to enable "Zoom with scroll wheel" in the preferences. This way scroll and alt+scroll will be switched (alt+scroll will scroll the viewport), but zooming works fine.
Syed Al Kamar commented
I am gonna switch to other softwares and will tell my 200 colleagues to switch to other softwares.
We are done with your continuous bugs in illustrator and XD -
Raja Prasadam commented
Zoom with Alt+wheel is unusable and unable to work fast pls fix it asap.
Vinicius Fonseca commented
Quando vou dar zoom usando o alt + scroll do mouse o illustrator da um zoom absurdo de 64000% nas pranchetas e isso faz com que seja quase impossivel de usar o aplicativo
Bertus Verbeek Jr. commented
When do you expect?
Luca Fragomeni commented
it's very hard to work with this issue
@laurent, @stuart, this problem WAS caught and reported in the testing, in the Beta, by me, two months ago. A half of it was fixed (along with other resolved problems), but this half — was not :(
Imagine my anger right now. -
Anonymous commented
Même problème que les commentaires précédents. Comment cette mise à jour a t'elle pu passer les phases de tests? A moins que vous n'en aillez pas fait.
Roy commented
Can confirm I am seeing the same zoom scroll bug. Not present in previous version.
Veranika Lemeshava commented
After today's update (v27.3) it does not zoom in/out properly using short cuts (Alt+scroll). It used to zoom in/out gradually one "step" at a time, now it's whether super close or super far. The pace of zooming in/out is off.
Kyle Mackay commented
Since updating to the latest version of Illustrator (22/02/23), the zoom command has become overly sensitive when using the trackpad. Move the fingers so slightly and it zooms really fast in/out. I've gone back to version 27.2 and the zoom is back to the way it should be so I'll be sticking with this version for a little while until the zoom bug has been picked up. The issue has been forwarded on and is being looked into.
Laptop: MacBook Pro
Operating system: macOS Monterey
Bugged Illustrator version: 27.3 -
Randolf Mayerbuch commented
Yes, the problem seems to exist since 27.3. For me too. See support community thread:
Lindemberg Travassos commented
Quando uso o zoom utilizando Alt+Scroll do mouse, o zoom é ativado com muito exagero deixando tudo muito pequeno ou muito grande.
Stuart Chesters commented
Likewise. Workspace, keyboard shortcuts, preferences all need restoring despite Adobe saying they'd remain. I usually don't upgrade versions for a good while as the new one is always buggy in some way lately. That'll teach me. At least a month in the wild before considering it now.