"Apply to All" checkbox or "Replace All" button are missing in the dialog for missing links
Since new version 27.8, when I reopen an AI file with missing images, I no longer have the "Apply to all" checkbox, the new version allows "Skip all" but no longer "Replace all"

Please continue this discussion over new thread here:
"Apply to All" checkbox or "Replace All" button are missing AGAIN
If you want to look at the original report, previously merged with other threads, the one the original poster now considers as Resolved (now closed), use this link:
"Apply to all" Option not functioning on Missing linked image error dialog box
Yep, I am going to close this and make several merges to tidy up the space (yes, entries can me merged, and they were merged and will be merged, since users have created several more duplicates on the topic).
The original first author of this topic is indeed Benoit (and their never commented) — chronologically. However, all the users get notifications, unless they chose not to in UV settings. Alas, it can’t be configured to message only about some entries.
Imagine how many emails I get, being subscribed to 3500 entries :) It’s good inboxes can be configured and sorting robots exist!
Anyway — sorry for inconvenience, everybody, both for the mess and the feature itself.
I will post some new links and change the status quite soon.
Please don’t respond to this comment. -
Anonymous commented
@egor christyakov, can you please advise Adobe to change settings to CLOSE threads that were resolved previously OR add a function to remove from notification when newbies that don't understand how to create new threads for newly discovered issues instead of commenting on a backdated issue that has already been resolved before... don't blow up our email accounts with their idiocracies. I guess it's just way too hard to create a new post. Regardless of me deleting all my posts and changing my thread name to anonymous I'm getting 15 emails a day from this absurdity.
ajabon grinsmith commented
That is pitiful. BTW, Benoit is the author of this thread. It does not appear to be anonymous.
Is this because several similar threads have been merged?
In any case, it seems to me that you are in no condition to assert that you own it.
Would deleting all your own comments stop the emails? -
Ton commented
Anonymous, you say that this was your original post, but that was done by Benoit. Are you Benoit? And the problem of the missing Apply to All checkbox has not been solved.
ajabon grinsmith commented
Hi Egor, and team,
I have illustrated the tricks we have been using to help our operations.
We don't want to restore the original link; we just want to speed up our work with these sneaky tricks.
The old spec was perfect for that.
I hope you understand that there is a good reason for the scream that this is a terrible alteration of the UI. -
monokano commented
Egor wrote "Please comment back" yesterday.
In this context, "comment back" is considered appropriate.--
Egorは昨日「Please comment back」と書いています。
ここでのcomment backは正当なことと考えます。 -
monokano commented
Illustrator 2024 (Beta)(28.6.0 #578)
There are no signs of improvement in the current latest beta version (#578).
Please clearly state the build number of the beta version where improvements have been made.--
改善したベータ版のビルド番号を明記してきださい。 -
Anonymous commented
Here is the new one if everyone wants to go vote on it. https://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/601447-illustrator-desktop-bugs/suggestions/48498587-apply-to-all-checkbox-or-replace-all-button-are
J Kaufman commented
The issue was only fixed TEMPORARILY. With the newest update (and I didn't even know there was an update), the bug is BACK. So, NO SIR, Mr. A C, the issue HAS NOT BEEN RESOLVED. This is a function that I used repeatedly throughout my work day, and now my productivity has gone down because of Adobe's error. Now instead of clicking just one button, I must click that button more than 30 times. Try doing that multiple times a day.
Anonymous commented
yea but they took it away again... because it is not there on the latest version... so no the issue has not been resolved
CSievers commented
I agree with Taryn and the others. I don't want to search for multiple different links. I want to replace all instances of the same link with one new file.
So no, this is not a solution to the problem of the missing 'replace all' button.
Taryn Cassell commented
This only works if you are looking for multiple different missing links in a folder. I am wanting to replace all copies of a file with a new one. For instance I need 10 yard signs on a sheet, and I want to re-link the old artwork to the new artwork, this no longer works with the current version of Illustrator. Bringing the "Apply to All" button back from the last version would fix this
Preprensa 3 Contartese commented
Es necesario que regrese la opción tal cual estaba. "Apply to all". Nada nuevo. No es mejora si no sirve.
Creo que no entienden la utilidad que le damos los usuarios a esa opción. Yo recibo todos los meses un archivo con la misma cantidad de páginas pero con distinta información. "Apply to all" me permitía cambiar, mes a mes, el archivo raiz con un solo click. Ahora, debo hacer el cambio página por página. Es imposible.
Por favor, regresen esa opción tal cual estaba.
Kazem Rahimi commented
If you place many instances of a single file, and want to relink all instances to another file, ''Apply to all'' is a very good solution.
hiroyuki cat commented
"Relink missing files automatically" works fine if the file names are the same, but without the [Apply to all] checkbox, you can't do a bulk replace of multiple alias files.
dtpuser00 commented
What we would like is to restore the "Apply to all" checkbox.
Automatic relinking may be useful in some cases, but we're discussing a completely different issue.
What we are discussing is the case of "replacing" links.
Kazem Rahimi commented
''Apply to all'' the check box is working nicely. It is OK in my workflow.
I Don't agree with showing another dialog box.
In addition the Indesign '' Relink all instance '' feature is very convenient and will be good to be in Illustrator. -
J Kaufman commented
No, this decision is HORRIBLE, and does NOT return the same functionality. I use Illustrator to impose multiple copies of a given file on a page, for printing and trimming. I'm not trying to find a missing link, I'm trying to REPLACE all instances of a given link (let's call it BUSINESSCARD01.AI) with a different file (let's call it BIZCARD_1.AI).
monokano commented
InDesign has a convenient feature called "Relink All Instances".
What the user is requesting here is to have an equivalent functionality in Illustrator.--
ここでユーザーが求めているのは、Illustratorにそれと同等の機能を持たせることです。 -
Ton commented
If you just want to relink missing links to the missing images, the new Search for missing links in the same folder works fine once you found the folder with the links. But if you want to replace them with different images, that doess not work as it did in the past with Replace All.
So, Relink works fine, Replace does not.