Rasterizing a clipped image/group of objects results in extra white space in the resulting image.
If I rasterize a clipped image, the result is the same size as the clipped image but with extra whitespace surrounding the clipping boundaries. Expected result, IMO, should be that the resulting image is only as large as the clipping object.

This is expected to be fixed in Beta 28.6 build 62.
meizin chiba commented
Windows11 Illustrator バージョン28.5での不具合です。
その結果、「クリッピングマスク」で隠してあるオブジェクトの範囲までラスタライズされてしまう。※ 結果ラスタライズ画像が大きくなってしまう
monokano commented
macOS Ventura 13.6.6
Illustrator 2024(28.5.0)When applying the "Object > Rasterize" menu, up until v28.4.1, only the clipped area remained rasterized. However, in v28.5, the area outside the clipped range is also rasterized, appearing white or transparent. Is this a bug or a specification change?
メニュー「オブジェクト > ラスタライズ」を適用すると、v28.4.1までは、クリッピングされた範囲だけラスタライズされて残りました。しかし、v28.5ではクリッピングされた範囲外も白くまたは透明にラスタライズされて残るようになりました。これはバグでしょうか? 仕様変更でしょうか? -
assause commented
・Windows 11/macOS 14.5
・Illustrator 28.5クリッピングパス処理した画像を下記手順でラスタライズした場合、マスク部分の外側に対し、クリッピングマスク前の元画像サイズの白いビットマップとしてラスタライズ処理されます。
今回の手順では下記を実施しています。(28_5*.pngが一部画像)1. 印刷プロファイル(CMYK)のA4サイズで新規ファイルを作成
2. 適宜が画像を配置する(確認したのはJPEGとPNG)
3. 適宜オブジェクトを作成
4. 配置画像に対して作成したオブジェクトでクリッピングマスク
5. 処理した画像に対し、オブジェクトメニューのラスタライズを選ぶ
6. カラーモード:CMYK、解像度:高解像度 (300ppi)、背景:ホワイト(または透明)、オプション:適宜設定
7. 実行完了すると該当結果になる28.4.1と27.9.4では同一の操作をしても、クリッピングマスク範囲でラスタライズ処理されます。
自動翻訳 (Auto translate) :
・Windows 11/macOS 14.5
・Illustrator 28.5If you rasterize an image that has undergone clipping path processing using the steps below, the area outside the masked area will be rasterized as a white bitmap of the original image size before the clipping mask.
In this step, we will do the following: (28_5*.png is part of the image)1. Create a new file in A4 size with print profile (CMYK)
2. Arrange the images as appropriate (I tested JPEG and PNG)
3. Create mask object
4. Clipping mask with object created for placed image
5. Select rasterize from the object menu for the processed image.
6. Color mode: CMYK, resolution: high resolution (300ppi), background: white (or transparent), options: set as appropriate
7. When the execution is completed, the corresponding result will be displayedIn 28.4.1 and 27.9.4, even if the same operation is performed, rasterization will be performed within the clipping mask range.
Therefore, it is currently considered to be a problem specific to 28.5. -
Ton commented
Works fine in 28.6 92
Elias Cabrera commented
This issue is back in version 28.5, very useful feature to have, please bring it back! :)
Ton commented
Looks like this problem is back in 28.5
https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator-discussions/raster-image-not-cropping-to-clipping-mask/m-p/14618378#M407552 -
Katey J Ward commented
When I crop an image in Illustrator, the image turns out to have a white line across it after I apply the crop feature
Jotham commented
It sounds like you want a crop tool added for raster and vector objects. What you are suggesting would not technically be a clipping mask anymore as the elements that are being clipped would be deleted which is not the purpose of a clipping mask.
For a workaround if this is a vector object you can use pathfinder - trim to essentially crop the object and then rasterize. If it's a raster image you will need to crop it in photoshop although there are plugins by astute that do what you are asking.
Jeremy commented
When selecting an image within a clipping mask with the direct selection tool (white pointer), and rasterizing the selection, the entire clipped group gets rasterized.