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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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1143 results found

  1. Save as Ai with PDF compatible loss Overprint

    MacOS 10.14.2
    Ai 21.1.0
    Acrobat Pro DC 2019.010.20098
    PS 2017.1.1

    After save Ai file as *.ai with PDF compatible and then open this Ai with Acrobat, we can't see overprint.
    If we open this Ai with Photoshop, we also can't see the overprint.

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  2. Illustrator CC 2019 won't embed fonts in PDFs

    I'm trying to save my Illustrator file as a pdf but it's not saving (embedding) the fonts along with the pdf when I do so. However, if I open that same file in Illustrator CC 2018 or 2017 I can save out a pdf with the fonts embedded just fine.

    Note: this happens whether or not I get the message "The preset specifies that some of the fonts are not embedded. This application always embeds fonts." in the Summary section of the Save Adobe PDF dialog box.

    I'm using Illustrator CC 2019 on a Mac Pro running MacOS 10.13.6.

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  3. SVG import misses a lot of ID's

    In 2017 Illustrator import of SVG was ok, all the G tag ID's where converter to names of the the group. PERFECT! But now it is going wrong it is converted for some id's ok but most are converted to <Group> instead of the ID what is going wrong here!

    Please solve this ASAP

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  4. If a pdf is opened in illustrator, edited and saved; it asks to update the file as there are modifications. Now it goes in loop.

    If a pdf is opened in illustrator, edited and saved; it asks to update the file as there are modifications. Now it goes in loop.

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  5. (macOS) file dialog drag/drop not working as expected

    When dragging/dropping folders into the save dialog it often doesn't open the dropped folder in the dialog. This leads to slowdowns working with the save dialog.

    Also, using the dark mode on macOS the save dialog is the wrong color compared to the rest of the OS.

    Steps to reproduce:

    • Open a file save dialog
    • Drag/drop a finder folder into dialog
    • Note that nothing happened.
    • Drap/drop same folder into dialog (again).
    • Note that it maybe worked, maybe it didn't.
    • Repeat as necessary until it works.
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  6. SVG export : XML code anomaly

    Hi there,

    (my specs don't matter for this issue)

    I'm using Ai to make .svg files I'll animate live (making it react to midi and sound) using PureData and Processing.
    So I have vectorized a picture of stained glasses and it gives me 3655 different path I have to export twice : once in only one .svg file for all paths [globalsvg] and once in one .svg file per path [pathssvg].

    I'll then use Processing to analyse height, width, viewbox and d-commands in [globalsvg] to finally recreate the entire pattern by placing [pathssvg] on another plan…

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  7. Units preference not retained on asset panel export

    Details of your operating system and version of Adobe Illustrator
    Current version of CC on a Microsoft Surface windows 10 pro

    The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues:
    It's in both the asset export panel and the export artboard panel. My global preferences are set to inches as well as the originating document.

    I'm often creating elements then exporting various bits as assets. So the asset export panel is handy for this. I could just copy and past into a new document and "save as pdf". It's just a smoother flow for my brain to use the…

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  8. Linked image used in opacity mask not compressing

    I believe this is a new issue with a recent update. I've never had this issue before.

    The attached pdf file should be renamed to an ai file. For some reason I am not allowed to attach an ai file. That doesn't make sense to me as this is a bug report platform for ai.

    If I create a document that has a linked image used in an opacity mask, illustrator is not compressing the image when I save it. I'm seeing a file end up being, for example, around 8MB when it should be around 600KB. I am downsampling…

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  9. Artboard Not Visible when in a Tab

    Mac Pro 2015 with OSX Mojave

    When opening a PDF the file naturally attaches itself to a new tab on the illustrator workspace but the entire artboard is missing. Only when you pull the tab free to make an individual window are you then able to see the illustration contents.

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  10. Differences in safed SVG

    There are several differences in the produced SVG depending on the way a user takes for export or safe.
    A little example:
    I need for technical reasons the properties Width and Height for the artboard size. When i export from AI to SVG using 'export' this property is added if the checkbox for export the artboard size. Now, open the produced SVG again and simply pick safe, and the properties are gone.
    There are many more differences.

    Would you please change the SVG generator to make more common results?

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  11. Content in the Search Adobe Help (top right) box will be randomly pasted into the filename when entering a typing in the Save As dialog box

    Content that is in the Search Adobe Help (top right) box will be randomly pasted into the filename when entering a typing in the Save As dialog box.

    Note that it only happens between 5% and 10% of the time. T

    he only steps I can do to reproduce occasionally are to move the curser left or right or type a letter with the Save As dialog box open after typing something into the Search Adobe Help box.

    For those of you wondering why there is data in the Search Adobe Help box, I paste into and then copy from…

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  12. Exporting multiple artboards in Illustrator CC does not accept layer masks

    I work for a big company where we create illustrator files with multiple artboards in them (kinda like a sequence) and then export them as PNG for our website.
    Its a type of a users manual. We have to crop our artwork with masks, so that one artwork doesnt overlap the other. To do this, we use clipping masks. While my coworkers make the mask over the artwork, which groups all the layers together, I greate a new layer, make it a clipping mask and then drag the artwork into that clipping layer, so I can keep my layers, since…

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  13. Dropbox Smart Sync Enhancement (bug still here)

    If you use Dropbox Smart Sync, when you browse files in Dropbox folders to find an open/save location, Adobe softwares (AI, PS, Acrobat...) download automatically all the files in folders you are browsing !

    It's said in the Adobe blog that Adobe dev team made an improvement in the march 2018 release (
    But we still have the issue on several macbooks at work. It's really boring.

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  14. Can't file save as (illustrator files, pdf, eps etc), also can't open ai files

    I can't save my files as any file types, I can export to png and jpeg, but when I try to save a file it just shows the spinning ball forever and does not save! It is not my laptop, as everything thing else is working as normal (including other Adobe programs which save files quickly)
    If I also try and open an existing file it does the same thing!
    I have tried re installing Illustrator which hasn't helped.

    My laptop is a Macbook pro mid 2012 (Mojave 10.14.1) with a new ssd installed. Adobe Illustrator is the lateset version…

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  15. Unable to collect multiple assets for export

    I am unable to collect multiple assets for export in Illustrator. I select several different layers and when I click collect for export as multiple assets they get compiled into a single asset. This is EXTREMELY inconvenient as I need to export 400 icons and I don't want to have to click into each one, exit isolation mode, collect as single asset 400 times.

    I am making a series of screenshots so you can see exactly what I'm doing

    I see the example in the help pages and this is exactly what I need, but exactly…

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  16. Too many bugs. Laggy!

    Too much bugs.. Can't open two files at the same time. Stuck at the Recent files screen. Regret getting this version installed.. Nobody check this in adobe before it goes live for download? We are not testers, we pay to use it in our companies for our clients. Do not release new versions full of bugs pls! I beg you ADOBE!

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    Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator

  17. SVG scalingunit


    Is there an option to export a svg file in mm ?
    it looks like from Illustrator the svg file is exported in "px" , so when imported in a CAD package the scale is not good.
    And I can't find the good ratio to retrieve the right dimensions.

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  18. Illustrator 23 PDF-export: everything in caps after update 23.0.1

    Dear Adobe,

    I updated some time ago to Illustrator 23.0.1 in Windows 10. And I run into a problem that drives me crazy. I work for a company, and our corporate font is the "Rotis" series (truetype). We use that for everything of course. The problem: When I export a file from Illustrator to PDF, the PDF is completely build up in capitals and the spacing is totaly incorrect. Below you can find the example. When I exchange the font to Arial e.g., the problem is not there. Also in all previous versions of Illustrator, the problem has never been…

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  19. edge lossy and distorted after exporting AI file as PSD

    When I export file as a PSD, no matter, what size I export as, 150psi or 400psi, or CMYK or RGB….
    There is allways loss on the edges, and if my design is stripes for instance, each stripe as loss, and also appears slightly distorted with colour variation down one edge. See screenshot

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  20. All new & existing .PDF registering file type as only .AI

    System: MacOS High Sierra

    All documents regardless if they're saved as and appearing as .PDF have now all changed so under 'file type' it classes them as Adobe Illustrator Documents meaning you can only view these in AI rather than a basic PDF view.

    This also affects the ability to view PDF after creation as it doesn't pop up like previously.

    This wasn't the case previously it has just changed for me today.


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