Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
710 results found
有bug的AI版本,ai2022 ai2023都有问题。ai2021没这个问题。
1. 缺字体的pdf文件,只要右键打开方式用ai2022 2023打开,进到界面弹出缺字体提示,大概率整个AI卡死。
2. 先打开ai2022 2023界面,缺字体的pdf文件选择右键打开方式选择ai2022 2023,弹出缺字体提示,超高概率整个AI卡死。1 vote -
Hindi character paste in incorrectly
When I copy Hindi text from another source (such as Outlook) and paste it into a text box in illustrator, the characters appeared in the wrong order
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fonts not displaying online
The specified typefaces rarely display online when sharing for review. They are being replaced by something else. This makes sharing a file online for review a waste of time. Even if I use an activated Adobe font, this font will unlikely be displayed in the browser. Even using a web friendly font doesn't help
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26.5 Can not change text box's language in the Character Panel
When I highlight text or select a textbox I can not change the language in the dropdown menu located in the character panel. When I am editing, all my textboxes and either English: USA or Ukrainian and I can not change them. My default is English: USA but for some reason half of my text is labeled Ukrainian and the Auto Spellchecker is saying every English word is misspelled.
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Localization bug with variable font panel
As shown, this is a variable font with 3 axes, the second axis is named "Italic", but it is incorrectly displayed as a localized text. I'm sure there is no localized name for this axis in the font file.
The font file can be downloaded from here:
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Font compatibility issues between different iOS and Illustrator versions
My one system is on Mojave (10.14.6) running 25.4.8 illustrator. The other system is on Monterey (12.3.1) running 26.5 illustrator. And I have downloaded and installed Petrona font from Google fonts on both the systems.
Now when I try to open the file (that was created on Mojave) on Monterey I'm prompted for missing fonts! This compatibility issue is making it very difficult for me to work across my devices.
1 voteAs it turned out, the font was installed as a static weights collection on one system, and as a variable one on the other. Illustrator didn’t provide enough clarification on this.
However, please vote and comment if you have the same problem.
Bulleted text became outlined without performing "Create Outlines" action
I found my text with added new bullet function became outlined text and cannot be edited anymore through type after closing and reopening the AI file.
I have to retype the text, thus I am guessing that the bullet function may have triggered this because the rest of my text without bullet in that same file is still editable. Please help rectify. Attached two images of the outcome.
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error import data illustrator
Illustrator has a bug when importing letters or names that have accents or unconventional symbols in a batch import the letters never load. I send a cvs file. Load it with batch option and search MEJÍA name.
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Divis/Minus-Zeichen und Leerzeichen am Zeilenanfang ergibt falschen Wortabstand
macOS Monterey 12.5.1 / Adobe Illustrator v26.5
Beginnt eine Textzeile mit einem Divis/Minus/Bindestrich und einem folgenden Leerzeichen/Wortabstand, so beträgt der Abstand zum nächsten darauf folgenden Zeichen nicht wie üblich ein Viertelgeviert, sondern ein Geviert. Die darauf folgenden Wortabstände in der gleichen Textzeile verhalten sich normal. Beginnt man jedoch mit der Eingabe-/Return-Taste eine neue Zeile, so erscheint automatisch auch an diesem Zeilenanfang ein Divis mit anschließendem Geviert-Wortabstand. Dieses „Geister-Divis“ lässt sich nicht separat anwählen.
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Missing font from Adobe laptop to Desktop
I created a design on my adobe Ipad. When I open file on Desktop Adobe says I am missing font and does not give option to activate. Font is DIMCondensed-Bold.
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Using Type Character Panel generates error message 100% of the time
Whenever I use the Type panel in Adobe Illustrator 2022 (Beta) 26.6.564, the bug window in the attachment opens up. This happens when trying to select a font or change any font characteristics. It occurs on two different computers running Windows 11 22H2. One is an AMD Ryzen 7 5800X with 32GB DRAM-DDR4 and the other is a Xeon processor with 64GB DRAM-DDR3.
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Bullets and Numbering indentation changes
Numbering moves away from the text when I make the text larger. It does not happen always. I have tested it a few times and found this issue.
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버마어에서 합자가 분리되는 현상이 발생합니다.
버마어에서 합자가 분리되는 현상이 발생합니다. 일러스트 CC 2018에서는 텍스트 박스 크기를 변경하여도 합자가 분리되지 않습니다. 이후 버전에서만 발생되는 문제입니다.
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Cannot outline stroke with any set Commands, including original Control+Shift+O, regardless of resets of the program, computer, reinstall.
Cannot outline stroke with any set Commands, including original Control+Shift+O, regardless of resets of the program, computer, reinstall.
I have reset preferences, changed the command, reset my computer, reinstalled programs, tried the bounding box & expand appearance solutions, and scowling.
So now, I have to scroll past "fonts" everytime I want to outline a stroke in the menu which spazzes the whole system out while it tries to pull up fonts. Real annoying, really throwing off my groove.
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Text from Old Version Of Illustrator Not Visible in 2022 version
I am currently running AI 2022 on a Windows 10 machine. I had a file that I created on AI 2019 that I wanted to open and edit. When I open the file, none of the text appears and I cannot click or edit it. This also occurs when I try to open PDFs of the 2019 AI files in AI 2022. I even tried editing the PDFs in Acrobat, but that just crashed acrobat.
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1 vote
井出はるか 様
- お使いのオペレーティングシステム(マシンスペック)および Adobe ・Illustrator (デスクトップ版) のバージョン
- 問題が発生したときに実行していた手順:
・フォント名など - 追加の情報がございましたら追記をお願いいたします。
Symbol items not converted to outlines
Currently, symbols containing text and placed on an artboard, are not converted to outlines when executing this step.
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Thai Tahoma font in Illustrator bug
Thai font do not render correctly in AI 26.3.1 on Mac OS 12.4 (Refer to screenshots)
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Cannot turn off Middle Eastern feature. I am not in Middle East anymore. Type direction starts from R>L, and the numbers are in Arabic
I activated my Creative Cloud membership when I was in Dubai, UAE, and now I am in Germany. My Photoshop and Illustrator are automatically in a Middle Eastern setting. I do not speak any Arabic language so I don't need this feature. I managed to fix Photoshop, but in Illustrator, it is impossible! Even after changing my laptop region, creative cloud account's location, setting English as the default language, and re-installing the software, nothing has happened. It is becoming a nuisance, the texts start from R>L and the numbers are always in Arabic. How can I turn off this feature?
1 vote
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