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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  1. Details of your operating system
  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
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  5. Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)

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7794 results found

  1. Stroke weight defaults to 10pts on oversized custom Artboard

    If I create a new document one of the standard sizes, say Letter...then draw and object and apply a stroke...the stroke size defaults to 1pt as it should. However, if I define a new custom oversized artboard, say 500 inches square, then draw and object...when I apply the stroke, the size defaults to 10pts.

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  2. Problem deleting Spot Color

    When I attempt to delete Pantone swatch for the swatch that's being used in my design, it should give us the warning to replace color just like InDesign. Instead, it just converts the color to CMYK without you even knowing which is a problem when you're trying to make sure you're only working with limited spot colors in the document. I remember getting warnings before like InDesign does... is this something new in the application? Could you please fix this issue?

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  3. Minor issue - Old date on splash screen (2019 instead of 2020)

    I launched version 24.2.3 and noticed that it says © 1987-2019 instead of © 1987-2020 on the splash screen. Other up-to-date Adobe apps says 2020.

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  4. Measurements of objects

    OS X 10.15.6, Illustrator 24.2.3

    I guess it is a new feature so that it works like in Indesign. That is at least annoying, at worst horribly dangerous for users who work with exact measurements:
    You draw a path and make it 100 mm x 100 mm. By adding an outline of 5 mm the new measurements are 105 mm x 105 mm. I know that is the way to work with in an optical way, but if you want to have the path itself 100 mm x 100 mm, then that really sucks.
    Suggestion would be a checkbox (or…

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  5. Cursor in palette fields is almost not visible

    The cursor in any field where you can insert values is so light that you can almost not see it.
    The contrast in the fields should be increased so that the cursor is visible again.

    OS X 10.15.6, Illustrator 24.2.3

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  6. Cursor in palettes doesn't highlight the content

    OS X 10.15.6, Illustrator 24.2.3

    • If you are in a field in the transform palette (e.g. the x-field where you can define the x-position of an object) and then use the tab key to hop to the next field [y-value] then usually the content of that field is highlighted so that you can simply override the existing value. Now the cursor jumps to the end of the field value and instead of overriting it adds the new value that you type. Very annoying as every other field is not doing that.

    OS X 10.15.6, Illustrator 24.2.3

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  7. update 24.2.3 so glitchy - pasting and moving deletes blur and brushes

    On iMac Mojave 10.14.6 the Ilustrator Update 24.2.3 is very glitchy. When pasting and moving artwork it deletes Gaussian blur and brushes from pasted artwork so then I have to redo all the work again by selecting and clicking on the appearance. ( see pics 1 and 2) Also when reflecting an object it defaults to an angle and not flipped as normal. Please fix, thanks.

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  8. Change Illustrator paste offset distance to closer to cursor inside of viewing area

    Illustrator often pastes objects randomly outside of my viewing area, and I have to zoom out and scroll over to get it. I want to change the offset distance so it pastes inside my view area, not outside of it. OR, make it paste near where the cursor is, not way off somewhere.

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  9. Transparent PNG exporting fine but gives black background when importing

    I used Illustrator 24.1.1 to export transparent PNG images. I can use these images in other programs and as web images but when I want to use them in Illustrator again it opens with a black background. I've tried to copy and paste the images, I've tried to place it and even to open it and then drag it to my workspace. Nothing works. I'm using Windows 10.

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  10. new update (24.2.3) brings back Thai language problem when creating outline

    new update (24.2.3) brings back Thai language problem when creating outline

    Thai font deleted or missing when create outline.
    Most of the time it happens to few or last fonts of the line.

    NOTE: weird thing is when newly launch the app and open CC2020 file first, Create Outline works fine. But once I open another file which is legacy file eg. CS6, this issue suddenly happens. After that if I continue working on CC2020 file, this issue also happens on CC2020 file.
    The problem will reset once I quit the app and relaunch. And happen again if I open…

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  11. Lines form while moving canvas

    Every time I move the canvas down using the hand tool or scrolling up, these weird horizontal lines of color like 1 pixel high drop like some delay previewing or something. It's not easy to explain.

    I don't experience this in any other Adobe program.

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  12. Error while exporting to DWG format

    I am using Adobe Illustrator CC 2017
    Operation cannot be performed due to unknown error. [PARM]
    I get this error every time i trying to export my Ilustrator file in Dwg format.

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  13. Paths not dividing / uniting correctly (jittery paths)

    It seems that with more complex paths, using the unite and divide Pathfinder tools create jittery shapes (when you zoom in very very close, you can see that the merging / division isn't perfect and that shapes have been disfigured). Same with paths / shapes where smooth corner have been used: use of Pathfinder tool is going to disfigure them. (posted to the support on Twitter)

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    If this does happen for you, please open your Pathfinder panel’s options and change the Precision value it has. Lowering the values improves results, especially on very long curved segments, but also increases the overall time a complex pathfinder operation takes.

    Please comment below if this advice helps — the team can use this feedback to reconsider the default value.

  14. "New..." Window won't pop up after recent update

    When you click 'new...' to start a new file... nothing happens. The window should pop up.

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  15. 2 votes
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  16. Version 24.2.1 Crashes at Launch

    I am working on a MacBook and updated to version 24.2.1. It functioned for several days and now crashes at launch. I uninstalled the application and re-installed it, but get the same result. I keep version 23.1.1 on my computer, and it works, but of course I can not open any version 24.2.1 files.

    Mac OS Mojave, 10.14.6 (18G3020), MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017), 3.1 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3

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  17. (macOS) File Format menu in save dialog becomes unresponsive after making a new folder

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Perform a Save As... command
    2. Navigate to somewhere in the file system using the save dialog
    3. Make a new folder in the destination
    4. The Format menu becomes unresponsive

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  18. Area type jumping around when moved

    When area type is grouped with a rectangle and moved by dragging the area type jumps away from the rectangle

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  19. When importing PSD files with layers into AI, if you 'outline', masks get deleted and transparency made 100%

    When importing PSD files containing smart objects into AI, the masks get deleted and opacity reverts to 100% when you create outlines (and it is really dangerous cos I only export to AI as a last step before i print, so this can be easy to miss!!!!).

    You can rasterize smart objects before exporting them as a work around, but that's not a great solution really, and means you are best creating a copy of the layer if you don't want to lose fidelity.

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  20. magic wand nonfunctional

    The magic wand tool has never worked. It does nothing. No matter what option is enabled or what I click on, it is non functional.

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