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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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7734 results found

  1. "Swap fill and stroke" results

    "Drop fill and stroke" results in faint, miscolored strokes. This problem only began today, 9 February 2025.

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  2. Generative Shape Fill - not present in the interface.

    Generative Shape Fill - a tool that is written about everywhere is not present in the interface.

    Illustrator 29.2.1
    Illustrator (Beta) 29.4.49

    MacBook Pro
    Chip: Apple M1 Max
    Mac OS: Sonoma 14.1.1

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  3. Properties panel is empty even when an item is selected

    When selecting an item, either with the Direct Selection tool or Selection arrow, the Properties panel remains empty and blank. I've attached a screenshot.

    I'm using Illustrator 29.2.1

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  4. Separations preview is wrong for dynamic symbol with spot color

    When a dynamic symbol gets a spot color applied to one of its fills, then the separations preview does not show the correct separation.

    Reported in this forum thread (with demo file)

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  5. New Document settings reset while being entered

    When creating a new document in Illustrator, you can begin tabbing down through the fields and assigning numbers as you go (such as setting up standard business cards by typing 3.5, tab twice, type 2, tab thrice, set 3 artboards, tab once and enter top bleed amount, etcetera).

    The problem is, before I can completely enter my values, the program randomly moves to another field (possibly the first of the Recent Items, or wherever focus is upon bringing up the New Document dialog). This often means my new document winds up being "reset" to the last size created, and I…

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  6. Eyedropper not working when object is within nested groups

    Illustrator V. 29.1
    MacOS Ventura 13.6.2

    I need to be able to direct select objects that are within nested groups and then eyedropper to change how only that object looks. This feature doesn't work correctly and I don't want to have to click + click + click + click + click to get into the isolated object for every single shape I need to do this on every day. See screen recording to better explain. Thank you.

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  7. Only one pattern fill of many gets scaled when Transform Object option is disabled in the Scale dialog

    Take a look at the attached file and watch the GIF.

    I have an object with two pattern fills assigned, and I want to scale them both at once, but to leave the object unscaled.

    But when I call Scale dialog and uncheck 'Transform Object' option — only one of two fills gets scaled — the currently chosen one in the Appearance panel (despite my attempt to pick 'Path' there to somehow make my intention clear).

    Fill/Stroke Selector also displays the affected fill — and I surely understand it can’t have both. But what can we do to make it…

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  8. Arabic text is not searchable in a PDF saved from Illustrator

    Arabic text is not searchable in a PDF saved from Illustrator.
    In Adobe Illustrator v. 29.2.1 (Middle Eastern version) on Mac OS 15.2, I created a document with A4 size page, typed any number of words, lines in Arabic Language.

    I choose to save the file as PDF. Then in Acrobat, when I search for any Arabic word, I get the message "No matches were found".
    The same text placed into Adobe InDesign or Microsoft Word, then Export the page as PDF. Those PDFs are fully searchable.

    I believe that PDFs out of Adobe Illustrator are the only ones with…

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  9. Radial Gradient Exports very large SVG with a many ellipse elements instead of using gradient tag.

    Sometimes when you select colors with pipette for radial gradients and export SVG the single radial gradient become hundreds of layers of ellipses. A single element should only export one element with a fill of a single radial gradient.

    I tried uploading a zip or the SVGs but this ****** form uploader wouldn't let me.

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  10. Don’t display Touch workspace styled handles for Free Transform when Ai doesn’t use it

    If a computer has an access to a touch screen device, Ai offers users to switch the interface into the dedicated Touch Workspace:

    Normally this access won’t affect using Ai in the default mode, except for the way Free Transform tool’s controls.
    These start to look ugly: large contoured circles with small white square padding inside, smudged icons (when viewed at 100 UI scale), giant hint arrows...

    Maybe these work for some better, I can imagine this.
    But why do I see these when not in Touch mode?
    How can I force Ai to use normal ones without removing…

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  11. Export As does not respect Large Canvas scale (Illustrator 29.2.1)

    If you are in a "large canvas" document, when using the "Export As" menu to export PNG(s), the resulting files are 1/10th the dimensions they should be. For example, if I have 100" x 100" artboards and export them at 72dpi, the resulting images should be 7200x7200 pixels, but they are only 720x720 (but still at 72dpi). This happens with "Use Artboards" checked or unchecked, and only seems to affect PNG export and not other file types.

    I'm not sure what version this first appeared in, but I know that previous versions of Illustrator behaved correctly.

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  12. Image Trace 2025 results poorer than 2024's

    I've encountered a significant disparity in output quality between 2025 and 2024 in Image Trace while working with the same file and identical settings.

    Despite replicating the exact setup, the results in the latest version are noticeably inferior.

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  13. Radial gradient not properly centered on some objects.

    Radial gradient should be centered on object's center, not on it's bounding box. It is possible to move the gradeint's start point and to scale the endpoint circle, but there is no way to move the center of the endpoint circle.

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  14. + (plus) as keyboard shortcut not working for adding anchor point tool

    The keyboard shortcut for adding anchor point tool is by default + (plus).
    About 1 month ago it stopped working.
    I have not changed the shortcut settings. Changing the add anchor point tool shortcut to some other key works fine, it's just + (plus) that is not working. I have also tried to make + (plus) as shortcut key for other tools, but that's not working either.
    So the problem seem to be the + (plus) key itself?
    Only problem is, it works just fine in text, as you can see here. It works just as well in Ai when…

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  15. Contextual menu popping up far from cursor

    Canvas right click contextual menus are showing up far from the cursor (see video).
    Changing the window size dramatically changes distance from curser (bigger = further away).

    Tried to fix by:
    - Restarting Illustrator
    - Restarting machine
    - Checked for updates (none)

    - Mac OS X 15.2 (24C101)
    - Illustrator 29.2.1
    - MacBook Pro 15" M1
    - LG Superfine 5K
    - AORUS FI27Q-X 27 1440p

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  16. Live text in transparency mask not outlining or showing in font list

    This is a 2 part issue:

    1. If I select all and outline the type the document doesn't outline anything that is in a transparency mask. This is a major flaw that needs to be resolved as has lead to mistakes being printed with default text.
      Select all and outline needs to either include everything within transparency masks or a new command to outline text within these masks needs to be created as a separate option.

    2. A huge worry is I released work last week where I believed everything in the transparency masks had been correctly outlined by individually going in…

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  17. 画像トレースのグラデーションが適用されないバグ

    バージョン 29.2.1で、[画像トレース]パネルの[グラデーション]をONにしただけではグラデーションが適用されません。

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  18. Illustrator Images Move when opening file

    It's the third time Illustrator has done this. I was busy with a file that has text and images for a banner design. I saved the file, and when I reopened it, all the images had moved up. I thought it would be a one-time thing, but opening a file and having to move images back to where they were on big files is really time-consuming. I have no idea why it does this.

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  19. ファイルを開き直すとカーニングがリセットされる




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  20. Incorrect Blend Mode Appearance When Opening Illustrator 2024 File in Illustrator 2025

    I’ve encountered a potential bug in Illustrator. When I open a file created in Illustrator 2024 (version 28.7.4) in Illustrator 2025 (version 29.2.1), the appearance applied to the text does not display correctly.

    For example, in the attached file, the text at the bottom changes to a completely different design when opened in Illustrator 2025, which is causing a significant problem.

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