Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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- Why is this valuable to you?
4537 results found
Copy multiple artboards between files.
Copy, merge and save artboards between files. For example select multiple artboards, copy to other file, or save as .artboard file... Option to paste or merge this file/clipboard to other open document. Makes it easier to maintain libraries, icons, style elements etc in one file to work with or to share.
242 votesHi Everyone,
This functionality now is available in our latest release build – 24.1.1 for Win and 24.1 for Mac which is available worldwide now.
You may read about this functionality here:
What’s new in 24.1:
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback.
Select > Same > Font (Size/ Style/ Typeface / Size& Style / Size and Typeface)
Extend the select menu items to include options for selecting type variations.
207 votesNow available in the latest release, version 26 (2022) and higher. Please let the team know in the comments if you have any problems with that.
Allow Aligning Stroke to Inside and Outside of Text
Currently strokes can only be aligned to the center of the edge of text (see red stroke in attached example), it would be very helpful to be able to set strokes to inside and especially outside (bottom/green example) of text while still being able to edit it. This is especially useful when you want to make text standout on a busy background. Thank you!
199 votes -
Vector Halftones Effect (within AI and without third-party plugins)
I would like AI to integrate a feature that can convert raster images and/or vector elements (gradients, sketches, shapes, anything..) into a perfectly shaped round dots Halftones Effect.
As a matter of fact, it is already possibile to get something similar by applying the raster halftones Effect to the element and then Live Tracing it. But the result is something uneven made of irregular circles or shape. So it is not a precise function to take into consideration.
The effect should be achieved without any third-party plugins or anything which is not already included in the full AI software release…
196 votesAi allows to use Halftone effects via Effect -> Pixelate -> Color halftone.
What specific cases are not solvable through the use of this?
Calligraphic Brush, Blob Brush appearance anomalies at small brush sizes (1 pt and above)
Illustrator 22.1, though this is extant in all versions I'm familiar with (since at least CS5).
When drawing with a calligraphic brush (and thus also with the blob brush) at small sizes, certain tight curves result in anomalous shapes extending out from the expected area covered by the brush. The screenshot attached is around 15mm across. AI file also attached. Expected result is that the brushed area corresponds to the shape of the calligraphic brush along the whole length of the path.
192 votesRemaining issues are addressed in Beta build, Please try and add a comment.
Save As PDF and PDF Export
Illustrator is long overdue for PDF export. Without PDF export saving a PDF from Illustrator is an arduous, multi-step process that must be repeated every time. There is also a dangerous trap in the process that can make the user’s file uneditable. Compare this to InDesign, which has PDF export and all changes are sticky.
1. File > Save a copy,
2. Change format to PDF,
3. Remove “ copy” from filename,
4. Change directory,
5. Click Save,
6. Enter PDF options,
7. Click Save.InDesign
1. File > Export,
2. Click Export.Because all options in InDesign are…
184 votesThe solution is pushed into Global Availability build 28.6.
PDF is now available as type in File > Export > Export As dialog.
However, File > Adobe PDF Presets menu, similar to one InDesign has, to allow even quicker export, is absent still.
If you want to have it, please upvote this new request here:
Bulleted and Numbered lists (like InDesign)
This would be a quick easy way to format a paragraph where each paragraph return becomes a bullet or numbered/lettered list item.
Numbers in numbered lists would be updated automatically when you add or remove paragraphs in the list. Bullets would also flow accordingly when edited.
InDesign has both a "Bulleted List button" and "Numbered List button" in the Control Panel and if these features were added to Illustrator they would be very popular.
184 votesI am happy to share that we have shipped the Bullets and Numbering in 26.4 update for Illustrator. It’s a phased rollout so you may not see 26.4 update yet but it would rollout globally in a day or two.
You can read about this and other new features here ( ).
Zoom with scroll wheel / Pan with middle click
A lot of softwares have same useful navigation-shortcuts, which illustrator doesn't have;
Zoom = scroll wheel
pan = middle clickIt is confusing, if you want to switch illustrator with other softwares (like autocad or even Photoshop).
It would be useful, If changing default setting is possible.
181 votesHi Everyone,
We have added a preference to enable ‘Zoom with Mouse Wheel’. Go to Preferences→ General→ Enable ‘Zoom with Mouse Wheel’.
Also, now you can pan the doucment using the middle click of the mouse.
Both of these functionality are available since January 2021 release (version 25.1) onwards.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback
Import all pages at once from PDF file (that doesn't have illustrator embeded)
I'm working at prepress for 20 years.. and verrrry often i need to open PDF files to correct some mistakes on many pages.. (like add bleed, or move all elements away from edges...
it would be cool if illustrator would allow to open all pages at once for multipage PDF files..
Ok, i know that i can edit page by page... or i can open one page, than save as with different name AI file, than open all other pages and copy content to that first saved AI document... but thats not cool for 8 page brochure..
thank you
178 votesWe have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience. -
Bleed View - a view mode that shows just the artwork
Add a view mode that shows only artwork on the artboards, like in InDesign. Where I don't see the bleed and the artwork on it.
173 votesWe have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience. -
Color Picker live preview!
When i choose color with color picker there is no live preview. I have to click OK to view selected color and if I don't like it, have to do all this again. Do it as it is in Photoshop.
162 votesLive preview of color is now live in Illustrator 27.1.1, for Color Picker dialog, Color panel, Properties and Control panel, and Appearance panel.
It works in GPU mode only.
Autofind Missing Links like in Indesign
When I'm relinking a missing image in Indesign, it automatically finds other missing links in the same folder that a relinked to. It would be life changing if Illustrator did the same. Currently you have to manually relink each missing link which can become very tedious.
161 votesAs stated in this request’s status update, the team had to temporarily revoke the 'Search for missing links in this folder' feature to make a way for the missing 'Apply to All' option when relinking, starting with version 29.2.
These two can’t coexist at the moment, and the team intends to come up with a better solution to allow both.
Automatically make gradients by just selecting two or more colors
Create a default gradient of two or more colors just by selecting them on the artwork or on the swatches panel without having to copy and paste the color codes separately.
155 votesThe latest Beta build now allows us to create a gradient from selected swatches, using two ways:
- Select swatches you need (use Cmd/Ctrl to select several) and drag-n-drop them onto the gradient strip in Gradient panel.
- Select swatches you need and choose the new 'Gradient from Swatches Selection' command from the Swatches panel’s flyout menu.
In both cases new gradient stops will be spread uniformly, using the current order of swatches in the panel (not the order of selection).
If you have artwork selected in the document while doing this, the gradient will be automatically applied to it.
Please try the feature and comment back.
Let me turn off the obnoxious alternate glyphs popups
Because experienced users hate popups popping up all over their work!
155 votesWe have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience. -
Fully support the SVG standard
Illustrator can not read every SVG file. Some it doesn't read at all, some are imported only halfway or just completely messed up. There are issues with <use>, especially when used in herarchies. e.g. this file: There are issues with groups and masks and there are issues when units are missing e.g. from stroke widths. Also: SVG can have several attributes which Illustrator will delete when opening. Fully supporting the standard will enable people to have a workflow based on SVG files.
154 votesJust a general status update. We are currently and will continuously improve SVG import support in Adobe Illustrator. We are currently working on solving the issues mentioned in this report. Please feel free to open new bug reports here on uservoice if you are experiencing additional/untracked issues.
Increase Bleed Limit!
1 inch bleed limit may seem extreme for offset (usually 1/8") or packaging (1/4"), but people use Illustrator for all kinds of projects! Textile vendors want much more. The limit makes proofing annoying because we need to get approvals without bleed.
153 votes -
Option to show rulers by default
I would like an option to set the rulers to show by default. I know it's only one shortcut away, but I have to do it about a million times a day. (OK, maybe only 500K)
149 votesHi Everyone,
This has been completed, and has available since June 2020 release (version 24.2)
Please go to Illustrator preferences > General > and select “Show/Hide Rulers” (refer attached screenshot). After checking this, if you hit ‘Show Rulers (Ctrl/Cmd + R)’, then the rulers will appear in every document (new and old), even after relaunching Illustrator.
Please update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback.
Feature Tours and Tips pop up windows keep showing up even after selecting "Skip Tours"
Turn them off. So annoying and get in the way or work.
147 votes -
Prevent illustrator from selecting an object by clicking on its shadow
Currently Illustrator will select an object if you click on its shadow. It's quite annoying wanting to select an object affected by another object's shadow, and ending up selecting the object casting the shadow instead.
147 votes -
Allow adding Patterns and Gradient swatches to Color Groups
Expanding on the existing request for gradient swatch support in color groups... We need groups that support all swatch types. I understand the purpose of Color Groups but the intuitive way to use these folders is as a generic "Swatch Group", without limitation to swatch type in order that we can organize assets appropriately within a project.
My suggestion is either to allow gradient and pattern swatches to be added to a Color Groups or add a new super group type that can contain any swatch type and color groups as well.
Groups would be organized in rows: color, gradients,…
145 votesThe 29.1 general release now allows to add gradient and pattern swatches into color groups.
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