Stroke size goes nuts under 1pt sizes
When drawing a regular line with pen tool and changing the size of the stroke to less than 1pt, it automatically switches to sizes higher than 1pt.
For example, if I want my stroke to be 0.5 pt, and if I select it in a dropdown menu, it will automatically turn into 5pt stroke and that will also be applied on the line. Same thing when entering the value manually with the keyboard - entering 0.5 will automatically convert into 5 and change the stroke to be thicker instead of making it thinner. This only started happening in the newest update of Illustrator - Fall 2017

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Chandra commented
Illustrator 2021- When I change the stroke value from 1 to 7 or 10 it would not scaling up as it might be, giving a mealtime headache, any suggestions are appreciated.
Ton commented
@aima-ali, zoom out.
You are zoomed in to 5149,79% -
saima ali commented
plz help me with the stroke value in illustrator . even with the stroke value 1 , it is giving this much of width.
Tanaria commented
May 1st 2020
Tanaria commented
Please fix... I use .001 stroke for designing laser cutting projects... it's looks wonky in cs6... very frustrating. Thank you!
Ton commented
This is a different problem:
Iam facing a dimension issue for example if I draw a rectangle of 75 x 50mm Iam seeing a tolerance of .353mm in both width and height
It is better to ask this in the Illustrator forum:
(where they will tell you to turn off Use Preview Bounds in the Preferences > General). -
Anonymous commented
HI Sir
Iam facing a dimension issue for example if I draw a rectangle of 75 x 50mm Iam seeing a tolerance of .353mm in both width and height and iam observing them and correcting it and making sure while sending the file for print process these doesn't show, after sending the file the printer is receiving a tolerance of some figures , may I please know what seetings I should change to come out of these problem. -
Anonymous commented
Hi I am using Illustrator CC 22.1. Now, whenever I have a stroke around an object and try to reduce the stroke size to 1 point or below, the opacity of the color lightens, but it still shows 100% opacity on all the settings. For example, I have a 2-point black line around a text box. When I change the point size to .5, .75 or even 1 point the thickness of the line does not change, instead the color goes to grey. What's up with that?
Anonymous commented
This bug is still happening as of January 19th 2018
Andrei commented
I get the same thing. If I select 0.25pt the result looks like 25pt
0.5 looks like 5
0.75 looks like 75If I manually type in 0.5 the result looks like 5.
If I manually type in 0,5 the result displays correctly.Hope this helps.
Dejan commented
bug it is still there in AI 22.0.1
PROPERTIES PANEL > STROKE SELECTED > , or . (in my case - dots are not recognised as decimal separator in width)
It is correct in STROKE panel and in TOP bar "properties"
Ziaullah commented
Thanks for reporting the issue.
I am able to reproduce the issue at our side.Internal Bug ID to track the issue is AI-4209932.Thanks,
Mohd Ziaullah
Illustrator Engineering Team -
Hitesh Sharma commented
Could you please share the Locale info,
your OS Language and region info and installed Illustrator Localized info (Language). -
Andrei commented
Same here. Problem is that in the program code for the sizes is registered as 0.25; 0.5; 0.75 when the actual value should be 0,25; 0,5; 0,75. So comma, not dot. Until the next update we have to do it manually it seems.
Jesco commented
I have the same problem. When i change a stroke to size below 1mm from the drop down (like 0.25 mm) it creates a path of 25 mm. Video from the commentor above shows it correctly!
Emrah ACAR commented
0,25, 0,5 and 0,75 pt stroke can't apply for essential pannels.
But appearance is apply.
Detaily video is here : -
Fijke commented
For me the OS language is English with the netherlands as region. Adobe language is English (north america).
thomas commented
Same here. Found out that when you use "," instead of "." it works. The predefined sizes in the pulldown menu still use "."
Hitesh Sharma commented
Could you please share the Locale info,
your OS Language and region info and installed Illustrator Localized info (Language). -
Fijke commented
I found the same bug. In the link you'll see a screencap of the issue. i think its a simple . or , issue.