Reverting Text to default State after Live Preview of character properties
I'm on an iMac running High Sierra 10.13.2 and Illustrator CC 22.0.1
Text will randomly hide bounding boxes, apply tracking to text not selected, and refuse to apply adjustment to selected text. Closing the document and re-opening normalize things temporarily, but above behaviors come back.
All CC apps seem laggy and unstable after 2018 updates.

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 23.0.6 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Hi ML,
Thanks for reporting this issue, Illustrator team really appreciate this.
Kindly provide following information and share with us at <> in a Zip file. Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.1)Is there any particular file with which you are facing issue or it is in general?
2)if possible You can share the Test File package via FIle->Package .
3)Kindly share your preferences folder with us
MAC: /Users/<User Name>/Library/Preferences/Adobe Illustrator 23 Settings/<Locale e.g. en_US>/
Win: C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 23 Settings\<Locale e.g. en_US>
4)Kindly provide some video or Test Steps with which you are facing the issue.Regards
Ankit Goyal -
Hi Micah,
Thanks for re-sending mail to us.
I have received your mail , We need few more information to reproduce this issue in house mailing you on same thread.Regards
Ankit Goyal -
Micah Johnston commented
Hi Ankit Goyal,
I resent the email to "" along with what you requested. Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.
ML commented
I love Illustrator, the app is in dire straights if I can't use the type tool correctly. So disappointing.
ML commented
Same issues happening to me, this is major. I can't use the type tool for more than 5-10 minutes before illustrator hides bounding boxes, I create outlines then start editing a ton, I press undo once and im back at live type losing all my inbetween edits. I've been kerning live type and then pressed undo once and everything goes way back to when I first typed the words. Bounding boxes and edges randomly disappear. I can't even use 2019 anymore. I end up wasting so much time! Adobe, this is major. It has been doing this since the first release of 2019, never happened once in 2018 ever.
Hi Mlcah Johnston,
Kindlly resend your screen capture video , i am unable to find your email.
Kindly mention user voice issue title on Subject or give reference to this post.Thanks & Regards
Ankit Goyal -
Micah Johnston commented
I've been experiencing the same thing. I just sent a screen capture video so hopefully that helps.
Hi Stacy,
Thanks for reporting this issue, Illustrator team really appreciate this.
Can you help the Illustrator team to isolate this issue further so that we can nail this down?
If yes, then please let me know the following:
1)Is there any particular file with which you are facing issue or it is in general?
2)Kindly provide some video , Test file or some steps with which you are facing issue share with us at <> in a Zip file. Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.Thanks and Regards
Ankit Goyal -
Aaron R commented
I'm also having this problem and can usually work for 5 minutes before I have to shut down and restart only to have to do it again 5 minutes later.
Has this been addressed?!
Ernest Simpson commented
My setup is: Illustrator 23.0.1 on a brand new iMac macOS 10.14.2
KJ Jackett commented
Since updated I haven't had this issue are all of your CC programs up to date?
Anonymous commented
Another related issue to this is that when this bounding box starts disappearing, when I click on layers in the layers panel I can select multiple layers but just clicking on each one. This IS NOT the normal behavior. Usually, I have to hold down Shift and click on each later to have them all selected at the same time.
Anonymous commented
This problem just started creeping up a few days ago. I have screenshots but not sure how to attach them to comments here. Does anyone know how to attach images here?
Anonymous commented
Me too. Only this worse for me is that my bounding box suddenly will appear on another random object, even on another artboard. Very annoying. I'm on 2014 iMac with Mojave running.
Kristi commented
Same thing happens to me. I have a brand new MacBook Pro and it happens with very small files that I'm just starting on. I think it's an illustrator bug rather than an issue of file size or computer.
KJ Jackett commented
I have this same problem it is very annoying and I'm wondering if it has to do with my 2016 MacBook Pro (2gb graphics card 16 gb of rams quad core) or illustrator. I work heavily in text and this needs to be addressed. At first I though it had to do with large files but I'm currently working with a very small file and few lines of text and the problem just popped up. I can't keep restarting illustrator every 30 min.
Ricardo commented
There is an important problem. Sometimes when you select the size or leading of a text, the bounding box suddenly disappear. There is no other way to repair than restart Illustrator. I can't determine when it happens, maybe when working with large files.