Colours of Layers defined in documents saved by version 23.1.1 & prior are shifted one colour down the list by Illustrator 24.0
When a document created by or saved via Illustrator 23.1.1 or prior is opened in version 24, some (but not all) the Layers are incorrectly set in the colour immediately below the correct colour in the default Layers colour list.
For example, a Layer that was set in “Brick Red” in a version 23.1.1 or prior document, is automatically changed to be in “Olive” when opened in version 24.0. “Olive” is immediately below “Brick Red” in the default colour list.
This error is consistent across many different Illustrator CC documents - e.g. every document that I tested & that had a layer that should be in “Brick Red” now has that layer in “Olive”, BUT not every Layer colour is affected.
Layers set in the first 3 default colours - “Light Red”, “Light Blue” & “Green” - appear correctly coloured across many documents. Possibly some other Layer colours are unaffected too.
As I’ve replaced Illustrator 23.1.1 with version 24.0, I can’t open any of the affected documents in version 23.1.1 to see if overwriting them with a version 24.0 save permanently damages the correct colouring, or if the colours would revert to being correct if the documents were opened again in version 23.1.1.
This sort of sloppy coding error is infuriating, and is precisely why I’d NEVER normally upgrade to a “dot-zero” release of anything. However I’d been getting issues with Illustrator 23.1.1 crashing when opening documents for the past few days (possibly related to updating the OS to macOS Mojave 10.14.6 - 18G1012 from the previous “version” of 10.14.6) and upgrading to Illustrator 24.0 has (ironically) fixed that issue at least.

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 24.0.1
Now your files created in 23.1.1 or prior will retain layer color when opened in 24.0.1
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Anish Kumar
Destin Black commented
I am having a similar problem. My computer was damaged a few months ago. I just got a new one. I installed the newest version of Illustrator on 12.06.21. Today, I spent a couple of hours working on a file and setting up my Workspace (somehow, some of my Illustrator settings were not backed up). I saved the file to the cloud and to my desktop using the default save settings. Then I closed Illustrator. I reopened it a few minutes later and opened the file.
After reopening the file from my computer, all my carefully organized layers had changed colors. My layers were organized using custom colors. I didn't see any particular pattern to the color changes. After I freaked out for a minute, I opened the document I had saved to the cloud maintained their color system.
In the past, the same thing happened if Illustrator crashed and recovered a file. Recovered files never maintained their color coding. It drove me nuts. The only way I found to fix it was to install Autosavior from Astute Graphics, but often, I just didnt have the memory or processor speed to use it, so sometimes I had crashes any lost my carefully designed layers anyway. I was hoping not to deal with this again now that I have a new computer, but todays events make me nervous,
David Becker commented
Hi Anish
Yes, I was able to find the update via that method. I've applied the update and, yes, it appears to have fixed the bug, although I've only tested one document so far. Time will tell whether the fix is all-encompassing and no-one has any lingering issues!
Thanks for your help.
Hi David,
Can you please click on 3 dots in update tab and click "check for updates"?
Anish -
David Becker commented
When I launched the Adobe Creative Cloud application just now (Thursday 28th November, 8am UK time) there was no Illustrator 24.0.1 shown. Only 24.0, which I already have installed.
It looks like you've jumped the gun. Can you say when version 24.0.1 will actually be released - and by that I don't mean any beta / non-final version - I mean the actual, finished, 24.0.1 update which definitely, categorically sorts this bug?
Anonymous commented
What if we already updated via the beta link that was sent out last week?
Simon Bowland commented
This has not been "done" in 24.0.1 - it's still altering certain layer colours.
David Becker commented
Thanks for attending to this so quickly. Just to be on the safe side, I'll wait until version 24.0.1 is officially released before downloading & testing it.
[Deleted User] commented
I discovered that the assigned layer color is changed for some layers when opening a file in v24 that was created in v23. For example, I had some layers that were magenta changed to teal, and others that were yellow changed to gray. I noticed a post from another user reporting a similar issue but they indicated that the layer change was "one down" the list of (presumably default) layer colors. However, this does not seem to be the same for me, even though the end results is. This is a major problem for me because I rely on the specific layer color as a guide for users of the Ai file.
Ballookey Klugeypop commented
This is a problem because our art department has established guidelines for what layer colors mean. My coworker has installed Illustrator 24, but I haven't (waiting for stuff like this to get resolved!) and now all our color coding is out the window. Not to mention we chose color coding that was pleasing, distinguishable, while not visually too distracting. But when he opens the files, it looks like a hostile mess.
Maria commented
I have a similar problem with layer colors. All Gray layers are Yellow if opened in v24.0. And all Yellow layers are Gray. It affects all my files and templates.
mac Catalina 10.15.1 -
David Becker commented
Using a colleague’s Mac (which still uses version 23.1.1) I’ve now been able to confirm (thankfully) that documents saved on my Mac using version 24.0, but downsaved in CC format (as opposed to the new “2020” format) when then opened in version 23.1.1 retain the correct colours for layers.
I’ve also discovered that it’s possible to reinstall version 23.1.1 & uninstall version 24.0, using the Creative Cloud Application. Clicking on the 3 dots at the bottom right hand corner of the Illustrator box in the “All apps” section of the CC Application, and then selecting “Other versions” enables you to do this.
I’ll be suggesting to my Manager & colleagues that we stick with the prior versions of InDesign, Illustrator & Photoshop (, 23.1.1 & 20.0.6 respectively) for the time being. Not only because of the Illustrator bug, but far more importantly because of the file format changes.
For the first time since the launch of Creative Cloud - at least in the case of Illustrator - the “CC” file format has not been maintained as the most recent file format. Instead there’s a new “2020” format. Attempting to open a file saved in 2020 format in Illustrator 23.1.1 gives the standard “this file is too new…” warning, and all layers are flattened into a single layer.
It’s probably safe to assume that the new InDesign - version 15.0 - also uses a new file format that’s incompatible with prior versions. As for Photoshop, typically the PSD format is backwards compatible, and not tied to the version of the program that it was saved using, in the same way as InDesign & Illustrator.
Anyone considering updating to the latest versions of these programs should be aware that (definitely in the case of Illustrator - and possibly in the case of the others) they’re not the usual updates. They’re major UPGRADES - if for no other reason than for changes in their file formats.
Anonymous commented
I reverted back to 23.1.1. There was nothing worth keeping in v 24.
Anonymous commented
IT's highly irritating. I access hundreds of files and they all have the same layer structure - using colors I selected to not be distracting. Guess what - the new colors are HIGHLY distracting.
Simon Bowland commented
I've had this problem as well, at first I thought I was imagining it! I'm on Windows 10, so it appears to be a cross-platform bug.
Margie Laberdee commented
1: OS High Sierra 10.13.6 / Adobe Illustrator 2020
2: When opening an existing file previously saved in 2019, the layers are reassigned to orange, some gray; they were originally black.
3: The layers should remain the color assigned.
4: The layers are not the color assigned.