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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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945 results found

  1. Control and Toolbar

    Control and toolbars disappear every time I start Illustrator CC and I am on 23.0.2 version. Please advise. Thank you.

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  2. "Left-click the tool to view a list of all the tools in the tool group." Does not work.

    "Left-click the tool to view a list of all the tools in the tool group."

    Very simple, right? We've all been able to do it forever.

    Well, I don't want to be overly unpleasant about this, but, having finally upgraded from Adobe CS5 to Adobe CC, I find that this most basic of actions is unperformable on my computer. It worked in CS5.

    It's the newest version of Mojave, 10.14.3, and the newest version of Illustrator, on account of me having just installed it.

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  3. Extra large font in drop down lists - can't fix

    I can't modify the size of the font in Illustrator's drop-down lists. When I click on a top menu item (File/Edit/Object/Type, etc) the font displayed in the drop-down list is extra large, and I can't change it in Settings. Even when I select "Reset Essentials Classic", nothing happens. How can I fix this? Thanks!

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  4. Japanese version: Sidebar properties get clipped

    The values get clipped out and it's difficult to insert values....

    I think this is possibly because of poor localisation for Japanese UI as the Japanese text is larger and thus causes the clipping....

    This has happened on many occasions but as a sample I included an image of the settings of corner roundness of an object.

    I'm not sure if this happens on any other language UI's as I've only been using the Japanese version.

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  5. my mouse pointer appears huge in the InDesign interface

    my mouse pointer appears huge in the InDesign interface
    when i use my illustrator the mouse size look fine
    i use a primary and secondary screens
    Primary -3840\2160
    Secondary- 2560\1440

    need help!

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  6. LogTransport2 locks app after failed requests to

    I have a corporate web filter that always tries to authenticate port 80 or 443 traffic. Illustrator is reaching out to and because there is no traditional web interface to handle this request, if the library can't communicate without issue the entire user interface locks and becomes unusable. Any ideas how to fix this issue? Thanks!

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  7. Panels are Grouped, e.g., Properties can't be detached from Layers

    I want to set up a new workspace to have separate windows. Illustrator is forcing them to be attached, and it takes up a lot of screen space, blocking my view of my artwork.

    I am using Windows 10 v1803

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    it is unclear from the post what the issue is. You can drag out property panel using click drag on the header.
    Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.

  8. Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier

    Fréquemment, à l'ouverture d'un fichier j'ai le message "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier".
    Il faut alors quitter puis relancer Illustrator. L'ouverture du fichier devient alors possible.

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  9. Keyboard does not work - only in Illsutrator 21.1

    Keyboard does not work - only in Illsutrator 21.1

    It was fine then it stopped

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    Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.

  10. Tool Windows Collapsed on Start

    Tool windows collapsed on start — make tool windows not collapsed on start. This has happened to me before, I don't remember what fixed it. This doesn't happen if the start screen for MacBook children is used.

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    Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.

  12. Continuous drag over locks or visibility in layer palette regularly fails when using Wacom

    • I have experienced this problem on both macOS and Windows when using a Wacom tablet.
    • Toggle visibility of multiple layers by click-dragging over the eye icons.
    • Toggle the visibility of another layer by clicking on the eye icon.
    • Occasionally the last click will be interpreted as being part of the drag gesture and the visibilty of multiple layers will be affected.
    • Undo doesn't see step 1 and 2 as separate. So undoing gets you back to before step 1.

    You may have to test this for a while as it doesn't happen very often. A few times a day if…

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  13. resize does not respect the homothety

    1) It is impossible to draw a specific object
    If we write 100 x 100 pt in L and H. This draws: 101,172 x 100,657 pt
    It's not accurate and not square !!

    2) Having the box "keep proportions V and H" checked.
    You can not write 200 pt in H and keep the proportion respected.
    Example I type V = 200 pt. He writes me V = 202,172 pt and H = 203,292 pt

    Still not accurate and not square

    It's a disaster, because gradually, while working and constantly changing the sizes of these objects, everything becomes oval and…

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  14. Illustrator ignores ‘Use Preview Bounds’ setting unless multiple objects are selected

    Not much more to say. Single object selected? Bounding box ignores the object's stroke. Multiple objects selected? Bounding box encompasses the stroke.

    MacOS Mojave 10.14.2
    Illustrator 23.0.1

    Attached is a video demonstrating the issue.

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  15. Workspace window falls off the page

    The newest update does not fix the issue I am having with the workspace window falling off the page when I try to drag the bottom right corner to better fit my art/desktop as needed. Does not respond to the position of my mouse, I have to over exaggerate where I want it while I click and drag my mouse.

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    Kimberly, the image you attached to the report is not related to it, and shows a screenshot of the UV page instead.

    So if you are still having this problem, please provide a proper screenshot or maybe a video even, if necessary. Either way, please comment back on this.

  16. Missing workspace when using external monitors

    When I use my external Monitors (Dell, only 3 month old) in combination with my newest generation MacBook Pro Illustrator crashes all the time when the monitors are set into standby-mode. Strange to say this issue only appears when the monitors are in standby-mode for more than 10 Seconds!

    After 10 seconds waking them up illustrator only shows one of my tool-options. No toolbar, oder canvas. At the moment it's really hard for me to work with this issue because i need to restart illustrator all the time to get rid of it.

    in my overview illustrator shows up, but…

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  17. start up screen flashing black and white

    when i open adobe illustrator the screen flashes black and white continuously and the menus close instantly when i click on them. i can open a new document by pressing ctrl n but cannot click on any of the menus.
    this only happens when i am signed in, which i need. i can sign out by quickly clicking the sign out button in the help menu before it closes again, but this is not ideal.
    this only happens in illustrator CC 2015, not photoshop.

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  18. Can not select the group completely by clicking the respective target column button. This happens when the first object inside the group is

    Can not select the group completely by clicking the respective target column button. This happens when the first object inside the group is hidden.

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  19. bars on the screen when moving (arm tool)

    bars on the screen when moving the arm tool

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  20. Creating new document blocked / or the whole illustartor blocked

    1. User is having some item selected on currently opened document,
    2. Press on create a new document (shortcut on from the menu),
    3. Window with new document properties pops up,
    4. When user clicks - return key too fast, creating new document gets blocked
    5. Reason for that is that under create new document window illustrator show "move window" (see srceen).
    6. To proceed with creating new document you have to close the create new document window and move window and again go back to create new...
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    Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator

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