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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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7796 results found

  1. Transparency / Blending Modes stuck

    I experience regularly that Transparency and Blending modes doe not relfect what the controls / parameters say.

    An example in the screenshots: the Triangles with the green Gradient are Blending Mode Normal / 100% (have been transparent before, but switched back). On white everything seems normal, but as soon as the blue background is switched on, we see that the blending mode is not Normal. The selection is not part of a Group.

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  2. Problem with new version (layer 'non-editable illustration) Illustrator 2021

    I was working with the new version but suddenly appeard a layer named 'non-editable illustration' a the program crashed. Is the second time that happened.
    But the first time the program didn't recover a single thing I was working on.

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  3. cuting master 4

    cuting master 4 a disparus de du programme dans l'onglet fichier

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  4. İmac 5K 2020 and ai cc 2020

    normal mode is also ok, only the slightest work becomes very, very slow when switching to overprint mode. please try ...

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  5. windows crash when renaming files

    This was fixed in the last version but with the most recent update and is now a problem again. When I go to File > Open if I rename a file Illustrator crashes this is also happening in the Save As or Save if I rename a file.

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  6. Calque vide

    Les calques vides ne se cumulent et ne sont pas selectionnable pour le swipe/delete

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  7. Distribuisci Spaziatura non funziona con oggetto chiave

    Su MacOs 10.15.7 (19H2), l'opzione Distribuisci Spaziatura con una SPECIFICA DISTANZA trasforma i mm in punti.
    Se immetto una distanza di 30 mm tra gli oggetti, ad esempio, Illustrator allinea gli oggetti mantenendo una spaziatura di 10,583 mm (30 pt). 10 mm diventano 3,528 mm (10 pt), etc.

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  8. Ghosting while object move not working in GPU mode?

    Singe Illustrator 25 there is no ghosting effect when moving objects. What have you done again Adobe?
    CPU is not working properly with iMac PRO(!) and GPU does not show basic feature?

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. my mouse doesnt work only while i use AI

    Last time I was online my mouse cursor stopped working.
    Today it is still doing the same. It works everywhere else but not in AI.
    Its harder to work without seeing what Im touching.

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  11. Cannot move type!!!!!!

    I cannot move any of the type that i type and i also cannot select the type that i just typed..... I am extremely annoyed with these updates...... Why can i not moved type? Why as soon as i have typed a word, can i not then select that same type???

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  12. Lost Work. Work not in cloud

    I worked on a file for an hour Saturday, 10/24 and it isn’t there today. I’m working in the Beta version of Illustrator for iPad. I’ve never had a document not automatically save to the cloud. I also checked my creative cloud and it wasn’t there either. The beta version of Ai for iPad is not a separate app from the public version. I can only have 1 version on my iPad at a time. I really wish the beta was a separate app so I could have both versions. Now I can’t work in it at all for fear…

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  13. Falsche nummer übername beim Option "Neu färben"

    Wält man mehrere Objekten mit unterschiedlichen Farben im Illustrator und will die ändern mit Option "Neu färben".
    Neu färben > Erweiterte Optionen...
    Danach schalte ich auf "Zuweisen" (rechts von "Bearbeiten"). Damit sehe ich alle benutze Farben als liste. Unten gibst 3 Scrollbalken "H", "S", "B". Zu jede Scrolbalke steht ein Eingabefeld für präzise Zahlen Eingabe.

    Wen man wählt einen von dieser Feld "H", "S", "B".
    Schreibt dort ein neues Zahl
    Danach wechselt Fokus auf ein andere Feld "H", "S", "B". damit Eingabe übernommen wird.
    Jetzt nähme ich ein andere Farbe aus der Liste
    Der Feld wo ich mein Maus Fokus…

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  15. Zoom Tool - Modifier key doesn't work

    v. 25 2020, Mac OS X version.

    Modifier key not working for Zoom tool (magnifying glass). Steps to reproduce:

    1. Select Zoom tool.
    2. Move over dartboard, hold down Option key.
    3. Zoom tool changes to Pan tool.

    Currently, there is no way to zoom out with the Zoom (magnifying glass) tool.

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  16. Impossible de travailler sur mon espace de travail

    Bonjour j'utilise un macbook pro 16'. J'observe une incapacité à travailler sur mon plan de travail depuis sa mise a jour.

    Dès que je veux utiliser le pinceau ou même écrire sur le plan de travail, il disparait et devient une grande page blanche. Urgent.

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  17. Random line weight changing with rectangle shapes

    Since I updated to the latest version of AI (24.3) my operating system will support (Mac Pro [late 2013], Version 10.13.6), I keep running into this issue. After I create a rectangle using the rectangle tool, which I always keep at 1 px weight, sometimes the line weight randomly lowers to a percent like 0.63 px. This has happened when I duplicated the rectangle, or changed it's pixel dimensions in the Transform menu.

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. 2021 - Initial screen

    A4 format does not open on the initial screen. Thankful;
    Alexandre Neves.

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  20. Removed CS6.5 Illustrator and deleted the file I had worked on

    Removed CS6.5 Illustrator and deleted the file I had worked on.
    How dare you kill my work.

    Where can I download the CS6.5 Illustrator, I might cancel my monthly service.

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