Cannot create or load documents, the canvas goes black / white / transparent / empty / transparent
Whenever I try to open a new document or a pdf or ai file the screen shows up blank white. It is not because the white part is the art-board since I tried zooming out already and it didn't work. I also tried updating illustrator and that didn't work either nor any other questions I found on here.
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Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Wolf commented
I have the same problem. has anyone found a solution?
Emma commented
I am using the latest version of Illustrator CC on PC.
No matter if I create a new project or open an old one, my entire artboard space remains black. It's not that the artboard is hidden in any way; I am able to select and "use" tools, and all of my layers are listed and supposedly visible. But I cannot actually see my project at all.
Again, the artboard is not hidden. There's absolutely no reason I can come up with as to why I cannot see it.
VIV Singh commented
A work around:
Open the file ( let it look white )
Hit cmd+a, then cmd+c to copy all
open a new file
hit cmd+v to paste -
Cat D commented
I was having the same problem after installing CC on my new machine but the crtl+alt+shift+y trick worked for me, thanks Daniel!
Anonymous commented
Chris Lupton commented
This one drove me nuts.
White screen on any file. Adobe appears to locked up. Kill in task menu.
It was stupidly simple.
When you open any file, it throws a modal message box down in the lower right-hand corner (for me) that says something like "we detected a touch screen - switch mode?" and yes/no buttons. The dialog needed to be resolved before the file opened.I could just barely see the title bar of the message. I grabbed it, moved it to the center, hit OK and boom! File opened.
Daniel Serrano commented
For me, what worked was turning off the "Superimposed visualization" (not sure if thats the correct name on english).
On Windows, the shortcode for turning it on-off is Crtl+Alt+Shift+Y.
Jack commented
Fixed it by editing the preferences and turning off the GPU performance as suggested previously.
Jack commented
Anyone resolve this issue?
Kamilya Nova commented
I just had the same problem. Managed to solve it somehow, that's how I did it:
Go to preferences - experimental feature and then in settings click 'Enable for CMYK documents'.
That's it. Hope it helps -
Anonymous commented
I had the same problem and fixed it by turning off the GPU performance in the preferences.
Anonymous commented
I'm the "double monitor" anonymous below and I have had my problem resolved. My IT guys came around and changed out the HDMI on the non-working monitor for a DP. Now everything works.
Anonymous commented
I am one of the anonymous below...I have a 2 monitors and it appears to only be an issue for the second monitor. I can open and edit normally on my first monitor but it appears frozen when I drag it to the second. Not sure how many monitor's everyone else is using but it's worth a shot if you are using multiple. Photoshop and InDesign work as expected on each monitor so it's extra weird.
Kenzie commented
I am also now messing with it and it works if I don't have the box set to take up my full screen.
Kenzie commented
I am having the same issue. I am finding though if I drag the files into illustrator they are working so far.
Harsh Tiwari commented
There are a couple of things that can be checked.
First, check if 'Fade Region outside Artboard' is checked OFF.
1. Create a new document
2. Go to Artboard Tool Mode (Shift + O)
3. Click on Artboard Options in Control Panel or Properties Panel
4. Click on 'Fade Region outside Artboard' to turn it ONHowever, even if this option is OFF, you can still see the boundaries of artboard
Secondly, in the screenshot , it can be seen that the app bar, GPU is either disabled or not supported (Rocket icon on the top bar) but the document title shows 'GPU Preview'. So, it can be a GPU related issue, try zooming or panning to check if this is a rendering issue.
Additionally, try changing the color of artboard by Document Setup> Simulate Colored Paper and then, zoom and pan to see , what happens in this case.
Hope that this helps
Dusty commented
Same problem. Can't find a way around it yet. Updated to new illustrator CC (instead of CC2017), no joy.
Anonymous commented
Same issue here as well. Anyone have an idea what could be going on?
Anonymous commented
I am having exactly the same problem