New document (File > New) window / dialog is blank / black / gray / empty
I am not able to create a new document, the dialog is blank
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We are not hearing this anymore in recent times, marking this one as Resolved.
If you are still facing this issue, please add a comment.
That’s not a real fix though. Although the legacy dialog works just fine, it does not magically makes the modern one work :( Glad at least you are able to crate docs now.
DeLargy's Print commented
@Egor This appears to have fixed the problem after using the legacy version the past two days.
As a workaround, try to open Preferences and check 'Use Legacy "File New" interface' — does it help to avoid the problem. Please reply.
DeLargy's Print commented
When I try to create a new document, the panel will not let me input any artboard sizes, quantities, etc. It becomes frozen and I cannot close the panel or make any changes to it, so I have to manually close Illustrator since I can't work on anything while that panel is open. I've tried waiting and nothing changes. It doesn't happen every time but it is getting increasingly common.
Check all the methods Ai has to create new documents and see if any of them work.
1. File > New
2. File > New, but with 'Use legacy "File New" interface' option enabled in Preferences > General
3. Creating a new document from an .ait template file (you can save any document as such a template, and then double-click it to create a new document based on it).
If you get any error message — please share a screenshot. -
my document is missing
The Orbital Agency commented
Yeah, NOT fixed (2022)
Command + Shift + H or Ctrl + Shift + H
EJ commented
Go to preferences > General > tick the box "Use legacy "File New" interface
This should work
Eli Carlos Guerreiro commented
Resolveu assim pra mim. Vá em editar/preferências/geral e marque a caixa de opção: - Use a interface anterior "Arquivo Novo".
Victoria Gasanova commented
Christine Eardley Thank you so much! U literally saved me.
Dave Teu commented
This problem exists in so many versions of illustrator/photoshop and was never fixed. Only solution was only to manually check " use legacy file new interface".
What's the reason? This is not a new bug, it has been there for years.
Carlos Decourt Neto commented
Estou com a versão 25.3.1 (64bit) e não estou conseguindo criar um novo documento. Mesma situação ocorre com o Photoshop. Até dia 20 de julho (aproximadamente) estava normal.
Kelemen Juhász commented
Go to Preferences > General > Check 'Use legacy "File New" interface'. And all is well again. Hope this helps.
Kelemen Juhász commented
Anonymous commented
I can open old documents but whenever I try to go to file-new it won't open
Cheryl commented
Well, just ran into this bug in March 2021 on 25.2, so obviously it is NOT fixed...
skirtland commented
i've run into this bug as well and i am on 25.2
Jade commented
When I create a new document, I can't see the window with all the parameters (name, size, etc...) So I just can't create a new document! All I can do is open an old document, save a copy and erase everything to work in this document... I restarted my computer, installed the new version 25.2, nothing.
Christine Eardley commented
It is a work around but go to edit/preferences/general and check the box of (legacy" create new" format)
Yosri commented
trying to create a newfile just shows me a grey screen.