Export JPG/PNG (any format) in same folder of AI file (like before)
Hello, since update (CC 2018 22.0.0), when I do file>export> as jpeg, the file location is the last used and not the same as the AI file just open.
This can seems not important for you, but I do this 40x per day and now it's a waste of time. In CC 2017 this was ok.
I have to browse all the folders on local network .. to find my folder and it's boooooring.
There is no setting for this in preferences.
Thank you for your help.
(we are a infographist team and all complains about this.)

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – https://illustrator.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/1844590 if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Juna commented
Silver lining: I found a way to Downgrade my team to 2017 while we wait for this TERRIBLE bug fix. (It's not a feature, Adobe...) . THANKS
Mike commented
Agreed with all below, absolutely worst idea, please revert to the original way of saving files.
oh boy commented
This is one of the most frustrating workflow changes to 'Save as Copy...' to date. Please for the love of all things holy make a change like this with a preference checkbox. This isn't a simple, if slightly annoying, keystroke adjustment.
SH commented
Can anyone from Adobe provide an ETA on this please, this is really an important function.
Ross commented
I agree with Steve, save a copy lands in another folder away from the one the one it originated in.
When you are doing this all day in the graphics industry becomes VERY annoying
Need a fix ASAP! -
Рудель Сабиров commented
yeah, this would be good :)
Anonymous commented
Does anyone in the developers read these comments at all?
Anonymous commented
This is a very important BUG!!! A serious break in press prodution workflow!
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem and it is a big issue in our workflow in my company, shared by all the workers.
Anonymous commented
It's a very annoying feature. We cannot every time go to other location to save it.
Please bring that feature back of exporting file in save location.
Juna commented
WHEN is the estimated fix date for this? I have advised all of my team to not upgrade to 2018 until this is fixed, but for the two team members that updated, their workflow is SERIOUSLY compromised by this.
Terrible. -
Anonymous commented
When I exported an PNG or JPEG with cc2018 Illustrator, the default folder location is always whatever the previous saved file was. Most of us work with dozens of files at one time. Each time I have to manually find the folder for exportation, rather than having Illustrator directly locating the current ai file like CC2017 does.
Steve commented
As with most of the comments here, I am finding this change quite annoying with "save a copy" files going into the last folder used instead of the folder the project is in, forcing me to navigate through a file system every time I switch projects, which is a lot.
At the very least this should be an option to switch on or off in the preferences.
Bradley commented
So I add some white type to my ai file export and email to client. Response: why didn't you do our change. Huh - check jpg no type. Export again no type - bloody thing must be set to overprint. Check type nope all good. WTF am I going nuts. Do again and pay attention this time why adobe why you nearly drove me to drink. A little bit funny and a really dumb idea adobe.
Tim Bernardino commented
"Echoing all the comments here. This is an infuriating decision with major workflow ramifications. Each project has its own folder. If I open a new project to work on, I want to export derivative work in that folder--not the other folder from the completely different project I exported the last time I worked on something! Maddening." - Yeah, what he said exactly.
Anonymous commented
Please change it back its impossible to look for the right folder every time i save my file
and its not only in "export" its in "Save A Copy" and "Save for Web"Seriously i cant believe someone asked for this
Please Fix!
Matt commented
Echoing all the comments here. This is an infuriating decision with major workflow ramifications. Each project has its own folder. If I open a new project to work on, I want to export derivative work in that folder--not the other folder from the completely different project I exported the last time I worked on something! Maddening.
Anonymous commented
Please change this. This is the only difference that Make Adobe unique.
We are already managing so many design file and so many options and if still we have to search same folder its so irritating.
Why would someone want to save to last saved location??
What is the logic behind this option.
Anonymous commented
Please revert the export feature back to same folder location as For Designing we work in so many folders and sub folders
dan commented
How is this not fixed its infuriating