Calligraphic Brush, Blob Brush appearance anomalies at small brush sizes (1 pt and above)
Illustrator 22.1, though this is extant in all versions I'm familiar with (since at least CS5).
When drawing with a calligraphic brush (and thus also with the blob brush) at small sizes, certain tight curves result in anomalous shapes extending out from the expected area covered by the brush. The screenshot attached is around 15mm across. AI file also attached. Expected result is that the brushed area corresponds to the shape of the calligraphic brush along the whole length of the path.
Remaining issues are addressed in Beta build, Please try and add a comment.
Brooklynn Spille commented
Please fix this, it is severely hindering my work.
Cristin commented
Such an annoying issue.
Pál Gaál commented
******* bug, they are not interested, they don't give a **** what we are telling
Creative Lillie commented
Sill happening with Illustrator CC 2019 V23
Shian Lawler commented
I only just discovered this issue and I am already infuriated that it has been a persistent issue for so long and nothing has been done about it. Please fix!!!
Pedro Meca commented
This bug is with Illustrator since it's first versions, I really hate it, please fix this!!!
Anonymous commented
Oh my god yes please fix this!! Happens constantly with Blob brush, I spend 20% of my time fixing these nasty areas
E commented
Huge issue, makes the brush tool almost impossible to use for precise artwork
Alejandro Juarez commented
Adobe, please fix this problem!!
Anonymous commented
This happens at all sizes, not just small sizes - that's right! I've contacted with tech support and they know about this problem. They say it will fix it, but I don't believe it. I'm wasting time on their 3-hour remote sessions, but they can't fix my main work tool.
Anthony James commented
Please fix this ADOBE!!!!!
Shake Narcis commented
Nobody will fix it...
Anonymous commented
Fills in curves. just give me the ability to draw with basic brush all i need is the stroke to end with a tip and start with a tip and what crazy thought make the tip based on pressure from pen.
Kreid commented
Please fix, very annoying to deal with any time you try to draw something it just makes the corners fill in or expand. it just seem to start happening randomly and now wont go away no matter what fix i try to do.
Anonymous commented
I'm also having this issue, and it's really annoying!!!
please adobe!! fix this problem as fast as possible!!
I'm facing this problem with PaintBrush, Blob Brush tool in all conditions, it really affects my workflow badly :(
waiting for your positive response and fix!
thanks for your efforts! -
Abi commented
It's taken me two years to figure this out but I have figured out how to get rid of the annoying curve fills. Go to Object > Path > Simplify then set the curve precision to 100% :-)
Anonymous commented
this can be partially solved by: go to the "pen tool" > select "anchor point tool" at the bottom of the drop down list of options and select the/a point where the curve is "filled in" and manipulate the point by using the handles. you may have to remove extra points maintain the shape you desire. hope that helps
Lori commented
I am also having this issue and it is really slowing my workflow. I am having the issue when I use the blob brush.
Terry Smith commented
This is a major problem. Adobe has been neglent in resolving this and other big issues. It seems they think that they are the only ball game in town.
Occasionally Adobe asks how they can improve thier product. I share. Their response, regarding their ****** "Help" tool is to send you to Youtube. Seriously?!
This "Blob Brush" issue has been one that should have been solved a few years ago.
As they say in the NFL, "Come on man!" -
ww commented
PLEASE! This is a major problem with practically every piece that I produce and really slows down my workflow having to go back and fix it.