Click-drag fails... snaps back
Click-drag, click-opt (copy) drag, click-shift (constrained) drag fails... snaps back.
Click on object to drag it either with or without option and/or shift and sometimes it will fail and snap back to its original position.
Mac mini M1
MacOS 12.2.1 Monterey
Apple Magic Mouse (no Wacom or other third party drivers)
Same behavior on two identical machines.
Works fine with v26.0.3.
Application frame bug.mp4 1601 KB -
Screen Shot 2022-08-19 at 2.52.30 PM.png 132 KB -
Screen Shot 2022-08-19 at 2.52.40 PM.png 149 KB -
error 35278 KB - 367 KB -
Screen Recording 2022-03-14 at 12.19.04 642 KB -
Illustrator 15227 KB -
Specs.png 53 KB -
video-1593631425.mp4 2579 KB

TTNMG commented
When I try to drag a shape to a different place, it won't move. My cursor moves but the object stays and I get a "beep" as if I'm trying to do something that's not allowed. It's unbelievably frustrating.
Derek commented
Great to hear about the new goal... maybe now this bug can get some attention. It's only been around for about 3 years or so.
Kara Meron commented
Exactly this. It's infuriating. Any fix on the horizon? I'm designing 3 decks of cards and I have tons of artboards going where I'm moving things around - it keeps making a sound and kicking it back. I'm wasting tons of time!
花 commented
iMac(21.5-inti,2017) OS Monterey(12.2.1) / Illustrator 26.12.
バグの修正にご対応いただきありがとうございました。 -
Rob commented
@Ankit, is the official 26.2 build released yet? I see it here but not available to download via CC.
Yuki Yama commented
MacOS11.6.4/Illustrator2022 26.1 で同じ現象が出ています。
26.4.1で同じ症状が出ています。 -
Priya Harracksingh commented
Same here. I can't move any object. Very temperamental and annoying. I can nudge them with my arrow tool no problem. But when you have a billboard size file, forget it. Please fix adobe!!!
慶子高木 commented
キーボードの矢印キーで移動、バウンディングボックスツールに持ち替えての移動は可能です。 -
Marvin Chang commented
The "pre-released" version that Adobe referred to requiring users to download another app called "TestFlight", seems over-complicated and I don't know how it'll affect the current settings.
When will we get the official updated AI version instead of the pre-released version?
Pixeleiderdown commented
Same problem here. It's *really* affecting my workflow.
MacOS 11.6.5 (I can't upgrade to Monterey, am on a MacBookPro mid 2014)
16Gb RAM
Illustrator 26.1 -
Katie Garman commented
I too, am too afraid to try this out.
For those of you looking for a temporary fix-- you can 'downgrade' to an older version of AI... I bumped back down to 26.0.3 and haven't had the issue.
BUT**** I did have an issue with it clearing all my preferences :( ***READ AHEAD:I read somewhere that you are FIRST supposed to click "uninstall" on your current version, because it will prompt you to keep all your preferences/shortcuts/etc saved... ***I messed up and just went strait to the "install" button on the version I needed and it automatically uninstalled the newest-- and no prompt happened, and now I'm having to rebuild my entire workspace layout, re-program shortcuts- and more.
I do currently have about 10 tabs open on researching these forums to figure out how to drag and drop my saved workspace and shortcut files to the new program folder but it has been a mess and apparently other folks have had the worst luck with it.SO, if you do go to downgrade, learn from my mistake. Worst case scenario, take a screen recording and scroll through all your keyboard shortcuts & general preferences; and screenshot your workspace so you have it to reference if you do still end up losing your preferences.
Hope this helps! -
Rob commented
I also received the email from Adobe RE the pre-release Beta. Personally I'm too worried that that could potentially lead to more issues so I'm just resigning myself to dealing with the bugs from 26.1 until they release the official update.
Marvin Chang commented
Hi other designers, Adobe reached out to me and ask me to try the pre-released AI version. I didn't want to mess things up even more at this point. Has anyone tried that pre-released version, and how did it go?
Tom commented
it's definitely replicable, in that when it starts to happen it keeps happening. Something about adding the shift button in too quickly after the click.
Tom commented
Still having the issue as of today on the latest Mac OS and CC Versions
Leung Bobby commented
Same here........
2021 MacBook Pro M1 Max
Monterey 12.3
Illustrator 26.1
Apple Magic Mouse -
Marvin Chang commented
Hi Adobe, please provide an updated Illustrator version that fixes this problem, it's super annoying when it happens.
Rob commented
@adobe—any updates on this?? This is having a significant impact on my work. I know this doesn't pertain to whoever reads this, but if you're going to make us pay rent for the rest of our lives, the least you could do is not break our tools.
Anonymous commented
Same problem. Started after upgrade to Monterey and latest Illustrator 26.1.
2021 iMac M1
Monterey 12.3
Illustrator 26.1
Apple Magic Mouse
Did not happen in previous version of Illustrator (running on Big Sur) -
Bayside Printing commented
Same Problem
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017)
Big Sur 11.6.2
Illustrator 26.1
Apple Magic Mouse
Did not happen in the previous version of Illustrator