Name artboard is not added to the file name when exporting (jpg or png, etc.)
When executing the command "File - Export file as" and exporting, for example, to jpg, the name artboard 3 "preview" is not automatically added to the file name. Everything was fine in the previous version (26.3.1) of Illustrator.

This is fixed in 27.1.0 Prerelease build-GM candidate build 2, available in Creative Cloud Desktop Prerelease section.
As part of the fix, we have added suffix checkbox in ExportAs dialog to toggle on/off the functionality.
Kirk Taylor commented
Please go back to having the artboard name attached the exported file. It really has messed up our work flow. If some lazy slob does not want to name their artboards, make it at least an option in preferences.
james hansen commented
it's not fixed, you've ruined a lot of peoples work flows and adding hours of extra work. stop messing with features that don't have problems. Idiotic.
Aaron Clement commented
Thank you for adding the checkbox! This has been an issue for me for over half a decade. Some times I want to export a single artboard from a file and have it take on the exact same name, sometimes I want to export multiple named artboards. This feature finally gives me the control to do either one without fussing around with renaming files in the file browser!
Dima R. commented
Thank you for fixing this in AI v.27.0!
Susan commented
Amazing that this issue is fixed. So happy to annoucne this to my colleagues.
Regine Villacorta commented
oh noooo, I was happy that the artboard name no longer automatically adds to the saved file. I hope there is an option to turn this off.
Art Works commented
Yes! Thank you! And thanks for the new features! I'm particularly excited about the Intertwine Objects feature. Wow!
George commented
Today I downloaded version 27 and the problem was fixed.
Thank you. -
Jared commented
Thank you for fixing this!
Andy Jones commented
Great - when is this being released in the UK? It's driving me mad since the last update!
I'm on 26.5 -
Iris Hogervorst commented
So when exactly can I use it again in the normal Adobe Illustrator in CC? When will an update be available there?
Alex commented
For those of you who are frustrated with how long this is taking, the AI Beta app does not have this bug. I spent some time with Support last week, and this was the temporary fix they gave me. No issues there, files export with the correct naming.
stef commented
Further to my previous comment, i am now receiving hybrid naming results on export.
All my artboards are named (eg, 1080x1080 / 1080x1080_2 / 1080x1080_3 etc) and i exported all of them.
Some have extra artboard numbers, some do not.
Some consitency would be really handy here adobe. This just makes me look unprofessional when supplying files. And i'm definitely not going through and renaming files after already naming all artboards.
So unimpressed. -
jillian commented
This needs to be fixed, both the INTENDED usage, as well as the bug. To quote from the thread that brought me here "The workaround is to rename the file name while exporting a specific artboard."
This is NOT a valid workaround for anything beyond maybe one artboard. Naming dozens of artboards to keep them organized in my canvas and then needing to export each one INDIVIDUALLY ONE AT A TIME while also needing RETYPE the name of the artboard? To solve.......what was even the problem to begin with? NO. This is rididuclous and needs to be fixed ASAP..
Andrew Wilson commented
I want to expand on a previous comment by user George in Aug 2022, as there is a major bug with this that doesn't seem to be intended:
Naming an artboard and exporting file with "use artboards" checked, does not add the name of the artboard in the end of the filename as it used to do.
But if I have more than one artboards, then it works.
I'd like to add that if I choose a specific number of artboard to export (one of two i.e.), it won't work either. It only seems to work when there are more than one artboards and export all of them at once.
When exporting a single artboard in a multi-board file (Say I want to re-export artboard image 3 of 10), if I select only 3 in the "range" of artboards, it asks "Do you want to replace image-03.jpg?". But it does not replace this file, instead it just follows the single-artboard export process and exports a file that is just "image.jpg".
Now my files look like this: image.jpg (should be image 02), image-01.jpg, image-02.jpg, image-03.jpg, and so on.
stephan commented
exporting one artboard - only Filename when "use artboards" checkend
exporting 2 or more artbords - filename + Artboard name when checked... makes absolutely no sense.if the button is checken you would expect to use the artboards. if not well then not. easy as pie.
also the override dialog is triggerd but the file is not overriden .. so this hints that software development at adobe is a bit buggy at its core... so please, and this stands also for the other programms in your suite - dont f* it up with every update.
Bruce Cridlebaugh commented
Echoing the comments of others. Removing artboard names from filenames was a TERRIBLE idea. We create 10 views of a product – each on a named artboard: front, back, top, etc. We do this for hundreds of products. It used to be simple until this was broken.
Art Works commented
This just made my workflow 10x longer. I create labels for client products, often doing anywhere between 5-100 labels per document and need to export them for client proofing. Having the product types (i.e. the artboard names) on them is critical and removing this feature has now increased my workload significantly. This is sad that we don't have the option to either turn this feature on or off.
Duane Huseby commented
So I can guarantee that this is a bug, not a feature.
If you export an artboard using -01 as a suffix, (i.e. filename-01.png) than export again without the suffix... (filename.png) Illustrator will warn you that the filename (filename-01.png) already exists.
Then it will proceed to save the file without the suffix.
So I think it best we stop pretending this is an intended feature.
Steven Spikoski commented
Really blows my mind that they made such a drastic change without giving us an option to keep it the way it was. It has really hindered my workflow. In the meantime I have taken to naming my layers the way I want the file names to appear and the instead use Export For Screens. This exports the files with the layer name . It's not ideal and I would like to have the other option back, but in the meantime it's the best I could think of.