Opacity mask editing mode is broken, changes made are not visible unless Clip / Invert option is selected
I am experiencing a very new issue with Illustrator: when I draw something upon an opacity mask, the effect is not shown in real time.
Never happened something similar before.
I'm trying different settings with CPU preview, and also the relevant flag in the preferences (Draw and modify in real time, under "Performance" tab, hte last line) but does not seem to affect.
This has been happening since the latest update.
1-all-objects.png 433 KB -
2-mask-embedded-image-(wrong).png 298 KB -
3-mask-vector-object-(correct).png 490 KB -
0B-3.png 64 KB -
0B-2.png 70 KB -
0B-1.png 15 KB -
Screenshot 2024-01-03 164221.jpg 247 KB -
Captura de pantalla 2023-12-15 143916.png 19 KB -
Screenshot 2023-12-08 at 12.07.05.png 3919 KB -
Screenshot 2023-12-08 at 12.06.10.png 276 KB -
Screen Shot 2021-01-26 at 2.20.54 PM.png 954 KB -
Screen Shot 2021-01-26 at 2.22.52 PM.png 3475 KB -
Screen Shot 2021-01-26 at 2.21.54 PM.png 979 KB -
2021-01-20_10-35-57.png 101 KB -
Screenshot 2021-01-12 at 12.57.11.png 937 KB -
Screenshot 2021-01-12 at 12.57.02.png 73 KB -
Screenshot 2021-01-12 at 11.33.54.png 97 KB -
Screenshot 2021-01-12 at 12.56.44.png 815 KB

Hi Everyone,
We have fixed this bug in our latest release – v 28.2.0 which is available worldwide now. Thanks for your patience on this.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Reminds of this issues, marked as Resolved now:
Seems like it’s not :( -
I confirm that. With Clip option enabled, an embedded image with an opacity mask applied vanishes on canvas. Same happens with Beta.
Tatsuya Nonaka commented
28.0(Win 11):Not Occurs
28.1(Win 11):OccursReproduction steps
1. Embed linked images
2.Create a suitable square and create a transparent mask
3. OccursOther
A similar phenomenon occurred when opening an ai file created in 28.0 using the above procedure in 28.1. -
Jhon Alan commented
Al hacer la transparencia en un imagen o vector esta desaparece y no se ven los cambios efectuados, sin embargo solo sucede en la mesa de trabajo, ya que al exportar si se ve la transparencia empleada
Thomas Abenoza commented
Interesting... Does it happen with this specific document and image only?
Does it matter if the image is linked or embedded?
Will it behave the same if you use a different color mode?
Any differences if you toggle CPU / GPU modes?
Cans you share this test file here (nit the full document, only the meaningful part of it), please?
Also — which Ai build are you using? -
Interesting... Does it happen with this specific document and image only?
Does it matter if the image is linked or embedded?
Will it behave the same if you use a different color mode?
Any differences if you toggle CPU / GPU modes?
Can you share this test file here (nit the full document, only the meaningful part of it), please?
Also — which Ai build are you using?(Edited by admin) -
Thomas Abenoza commented
The Transparency > Mask > clip option does not allow to display image on artboard. For some reason the invert option works correctly.
Clipped image can be seen on the layers panel and file render correctly when exporting for web. -
Ehab.Amer commented
Hello, I solved the bug!!
Regard the command for the zoom & hand tools.
All that you have to do it's to Quit the browser Safari & Chrome
but with Firefox, there will be no issue.So don't keep Safari or Chrome open while working on illustrator
you can work with FirefoxStrange! the bug is connecting with safari & chrome!
Good luck & thanks
sevianalorensia commented
same here with AI 2021 MBP M1
EA commented
Why What happens to the illustrator?
Still, the same command for the zoom & hand tools does not work. I have to shut down the machine to get the zooming & hand tool shortcuts back. But after a while, it will happen again and again.Even I uninstalled the app with all my settings & preference removed. Then I did restart to my machine to install illustrator 25.2 again. I thought it would be better than an update because the same issue was in the previous version.
After all, that still the same.. this issue is killing me, I have a project running, and every 10 to 15 min's I have to repeat the same thing, shut down, and start over. or work without shortcuts, and that makes me feel just like I'm sweating over a Camel after I was enjoying driving a Ferrari :(Please NOTE: About My machine is:
macOS Big Sur
version 11.2.1
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017)
4.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
32 GB 2133 MHz DDR4
Radeon Pro 575 4 GB
HD 1T SSDPlease action & advise soonest
Алексей Филатов commented
Hey, thanks for the update.
1. Movement is not smooth, with slight shaking when you transform the mask.
2. You can not go inside the group by double-clicking in the opacity mask -
Anonymous commented
Have to toggle between Invert mask and normal, to get it to preview. V25.1
Ricardo commented
Making an opacity mask does not change the image until ticking "clip" in the Transparency window.
If you use gradient inside mask, you have to keep ticking "clip" to see changes. It makes work really tedious.
Ryan commented
24.3 is the latest available as of now, as Paul mentioned.
Paul S. commented
To add to what Amit B is saying, the only available Beta apps for Illustrator in Creative Cloud are 24.3 and 24.2 as of today (Feb 1, 12:00pm EST).
Windows 10.
Creative Cloud -
amit b commented
I joined the prerelease program (thank you for the invitation) but can't find that illustrator beta build in the CC desktop app - only other beta apps. where is it hidden?
Erez commented
1. Opacity mask not working properly. I can't paste object into mask. it just opens a new object. this is frustrating. If it is a simple object then no problem, but when it is not it is a problem (See file attached).
2. Opening DXF or DWG files from Autocad, won't open properly (relating older versions of DXF & DWG), newer version don't open
Anonymous commented
Same issue.
Jay commented
Same issue. Opacity masks are not updating and require a CMD-Y toggle off-on to view results. version 25.1 on OS X with Radeon Pro 5500M acceleration turned on.
Anonymous commented
I'm having the same issue. Any updates??