Artboard Borders / Guides / Grid Disappear when Scrolling/Panning
When I scroll or pan with the scrollbars or the hand tool the black border of the artboards disappear. This is super annoying as I keep my canvas white, so when I'm moving around the canvas, I can't see where the artboards are until I release the hand tool.

We have started working on fixing this one.
motommy commented
開発チームが対応に入っています。 -
motommy commented
尚、画面の拡大縮小時に関しては問題は解決しておらず、スクロール時のみ解決しております。(元からの仕様かもしれません) -
motommy commented
1.illustrator 2024(28.4.1) Mac OS 12.6.3
5.添付の動画の通り(スクロール時の例) -
Stephen Davies commented
Great - will try the Beta and see how it goes.
Stephen, some changes for the better were made and you can test it in the Beta, but not fully, hence the status is not updated.
Stephen Davies commented
Any news on whether this has been fixed yet?
Emanuele commented
Updated Illustrator this morning at 28.5 and the difference is: when i drag with hand tool, the artboards remain visible, not the guidelis. When zoom-in/out disapper artboards and guidelines too.
Anonymous commented
Still disappear when use hand tool in new version.
Agree on all of these.
Why it matters to me specifically.
1. Boundaries for me are the part of composition. When we pan to shift our viewport, we orient on these boundaries, to pick a proper portion of the artwork. Without boundaries visible, we can’t properly orient. It’s like when you try to sit on a sofa, but in an instant you stop seeing its edges... or a cat sitting on it. No-one wishes to sit on a cat.
2. Grids or guides. We choose to display or hide these on our own. When Ai decides this on its own, we feel less in control. When somethings blinks on its own — it’s probably broken, like a faulty lamp. People don’t like using broken tools.
3. We don’t treat 'panning' and 'zooming' as states. We just navigate the canvas, observing the document. When we see popping, it ruins the illusion of integrity. The same problem as with popping in videogames.
4. It worked before, but now it doesn’t. It’s easier to notice a flaw (instantly visible) than a benefit this recent pan/zoom improvement (which caused this trade-off) brings — that’s how people work evolutionary. Pretending it does not work like this is like spitting against the wind :) -
ajabon grinsmith commented
Our work is not limited to the creation of artwork.
When used in the creation of advertisements for pages and flyers, many of them have defined layout dimensions. In such cases, we often create a guide first. Objects are not yet available.
In this case, we rely on the artboard boundaries and guides for scrolling & animated zooming. If I can't see anything, I am at a loss.〈にほんご〉
このとき、スクロール&アニメーションズームを、アートボード境界とガイドを頼りに行うこととなります。何も見えないと私は戸惑ってしまいます。 -
tonacai commented
The sudden disappearance or appearance of something inside your field of vision is a psychological barrier to achieving your goal. It is simple.
For example, if you are driving a car and the McDonald's on the right side, which was unconsciously in your field of vision, suddenly disappears, you may be confused, "Wasn't there a McDonald's there earlier?!" Even if your destination is not McDonald's.
hamko1114 commented
I have screen recorded, as your team may not understand the annoyance we are feeling. Please take a look at the attached video.
* Switching Hand Tool by space key is used frequently, probably more often than you might imagine.
* When artboards and guides are shown and hidden repeatedly, they seem to blink.
* The more artboards and guides a document has, the more annoying it is.We’re adjusting 0.1mm or 1px for a beautiful design, but this makes it hard to concentrate.Illustrator is an important tool for creativity. We all want to concentrate on creating.
Please don’t let this go on and I hope it will be resolved as soon as possible.
monokano commented
When using Illustrator, we are focused on visual creative work. In this state of concentration, scrolling and panning happen unconsciously. In other words, we are not aware that we are currently scrolling or panning. This is a very important point.
In this state, sudden disappearance or appearance of guides causes unintended significant visual changes. This hinders concentration on visual creative work. We do not want to be disturbed while we are focused.
tonacai commented
We, the user should have the right to choose whether to turn it off or display it.
monokano commented
This phenomenon can be quite bothersome when working with Illustrator. It's a significant downside in terms of user experience.
この現象はIllustratorを操作する際にかなりうっとうしく感じます。ユーザーエクスペリエンスとして大きな欠点です。 -
hamko1114 commented
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2019) + macOS Monterey(12.7.4)
+ Illustrator2024 (28~)-----------
I am having the same problem.
The frame repeatedly appears and disappears as I scroll, so it seems like blinking, which is very annoying and I can't concentrate on my design.Also, on my machine, turning off GPU preview slows down the display, so it is not a solution.
Related User Voice↓ hope this is resolved ASAP, even if this is the current spec.
また、私のマシンではGPU プレビューをオフにすると表示が遅くなるので解決策になりません。これが現在の仕様だとしても早急に解決されることを願っています。
Related posts to X (Twitter)
X (Twitter)での関連ポスト -
Cameron, this is a known limitation, caused by a recently added method of boosting the speed of zooming and panning while in GPU Preview mode. Artboards edges, along with grids and guides, are considered as 'annotations' by the engine, and have to be temporarily disabled while contents of the document gets streamed while panning and zooming.
This is important for me, and I hope it is for others. It should definitely upvoted more to persuade the team to improve it further. The team is aware, but more votes always count.
Thanks for sharing!
Cody commented
When using the hand tool (holding spacebar while clicking and dragging), scrolling, or using zoom. the artboard edges disappear. It seems like it is only a problem if the background color is similar to the color of the artboard (i.e. white). Frustrating to not be able to see corners when I'm zooming to check that my objects are aligned with the artboard edge.
Adobe Illustrator (Beta) 28.1
macOS Ventura 13.5.2