Unable to select, move, or rotate already rotated Guides at high zoom levels
when the zoom-level is 14800% and higher I'm unable to select or move the guides

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 23.0.6 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
@Troyson.Stainy.Self, do you still have this problem with the latest versions of Illustrator?
I try to reproduce it and it works just fine for me, rotated at any angle, at any zoom level. -
Anonymous commented
I hope I chose the right category.
Illustrator will not allow me to move smart guides that have any angle to them when Im zoomed in to 300% or more. This is extremely "I about to break my keyboard" frustrating. This seems to be an on going issue that is "patched" but re-emerges with every other update! -
asdf commented
Still a problem as of July, 2019. To think we went to the moon 50 years ago. 🤦🏽♂️
Mr KC commented
this is still a problem in Illustrator CC 23.0.3
Anonymous commented
I ran into a similar problem. I draw an isometry, so it is important for me that all the guides fit exactly to each other. But when I scale more than 400%, the guides that are tilted (for example, by 60%) do not move. Your support will confirm that I do not have any locks. I updated and
lustrator This is a software error. The horizontal and vertical guides move, and some guides move with an inclination of 13%, for example. Please correct it. -
Benjamin Kim commented
I suggest trying to make a more complex item then a simple shape. I am working on a 30+ page assembly drawing. I cannot select guides when zooming in to components. I have made a new file and loaded in the component and have no luck in moving guides when zoomed in. Believe at 800% mark i cannot select guide. Believe it might be a performance/software issue. If you want I can provide the component in AI file for testing.
Ben -
Stéphanie Noverraz commented
OK. Seems like my guides were locked (in the menu, not in the layers).
I wonder why this happened, as I never lock my guides (except in the layers). -
Stéphanie Noverraz commented
Illustrator CC 2018, Windows 10
For me it's the same at any zoom-level. I can't select or move guides at all. I can only create them.
Anonymous commented
After rotating a guide with any angle thats not a 90 degree one. Illistrator will not allow me to either rotate it again or move the angle guide. This feature does not work when zoomed in at at least 902% or higher. However, when I zoom out to at least 901% or small, it works normally again. This makes work a lot more time consuming constantly zooming in and zooming back out again.
ritika patel(Illustrator team) commented
Thanks for reporting the bug.
I am unable to reproduce the bug on my end.
It would be helpful if you share your machine details and the exact steps you followed with us.Regards,
Adobe team -
Christopher T. Calhoun commented
Can not select a rotated guide when zoomed-in beyond some specific magnitude
Anonymous commented
... after updating to 2018