Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7756 results found
Replacing image does not match position of original
When replacing an image, the placement of the new image is in a (seemingly) random position on the canvas rather than in the same position as the original image.
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Open dialog box Dimmed items that open
When opening files, and navigating with the Open window to a new folder. There are times items that clearly will open but are dimmed. Even folders have been shown dimmed today. Same with last version of Beta.
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Wacom tablet pen problem
The buttons on the Wacom tablet pen has been set to scroll up/down, but it doesn't work in illustrator. When pressing the button, a hand sign appears and vanishes instantly. The buttons work fine in other adobe and non-adobe apps. I have tried reinstalling the Wacom drivers and also disabled and enabled the wacom device on preferences but nothing seems to work.
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Illustrator Ver:25.2.3psd画像を配置して回転(90°)させると勝手にバウンティングボックスが画像サイズ以上になります。
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Macmini ベータ版 ガイドラインのバグ
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1 voteご報告いただいた現象は再現できず、追加情報もございませんので、こちらは一旦、対応終了とさせていただきます。
Illustrator チーム
The escape button does not close the Save As dialog box
mbp m1 latest os.
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New user tutorial feedback
TLDR: This is feedback on the Illustrator tutorials and what the experience was like for a new user. I think a better experience for me would have be to only do one tutorial at a time.
Hi there! I am a new user going through the tutorials after just downloading the Illustrator application for the first time. From the initial tutorials page on the web here (, in the first video, we're suggested to download the example projects files to follow along to. When I downloaded the files and opened up the Illustrator app for the first time,…
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プロセッサ:Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400 CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz
実装RAM:16.0 GB (15.8 GB 使用可能)
システムの種類:64 ビット オペレーティング システム、x64 ベース プロセッサ
Windowsの仕様:Windows 10 Home
他の使用者のPCにインストールされているillustratorには、「cm」等があるのですが、私個人のPCにインストールしているものでは、添付資料の通り「cm」等がありません。これはバグなのでしょうか。1 vote製品フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。 こちらの現象ですが、再現を確認できませんでした。 最新版(ver.26.0.2)でも再現するようでしたら、マシン環境によるものと思いますので、カスタマーサポートにお問い合わせください。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Illustrator チーム -
Textwerkzeug / Big Sur / Illustrator 2021
Bei aktivem Textwerkzeug funktioniert das Zoomwerkzeug nicht. Beispiel:
Sie schreiben Text und möchten das Dokument verkleinern/vergrößern. Sie gehen auf das Lupenwerkzeug und es funktioniert nicht. Erst wenn Sie auf ein Pfeilwerkzeug wechseln funktioniert die Lupe wieder.
Das war bisher immer direkt aus dem Text möglich und es wäre schön, wenn das noch geregelt wird.1 vote -
shadowing of spot-overprinting-die-line in 4 color work after saving as PDF from Illustrator
Customers Illustrator 2021, 4 color work has a spot color die overprinting. When saving PDF with all layers the die-line cast what looks like a burn area of die.
Acrobat unseeing die 2021-05-27 at 2.05.55 PM.png 1045 KB -
Acrobat showing die 2021-05-27 at 2.05.41 PM.png 1200 KB -
Illustrator file-2021-05-27 at 2.04.26 PM.png 911 KB -
Acrobat unseeing die 2021-05-27 at 2.05.55 PM.png 1045 KB -
Acrobat showing die 2021-05-27 at 2.05.41 PM.png 1200 KB -
Illustrator file-2021-05-27 at 2.04.26 PM.png 911 KB
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Grayscale Swatches interpreted as CMYK
In an RGB color mode, a created Grayscale Swatch does not survive. When copying and pasting an object colored with such a swatch results in a warning. I think this is because the swatch is seen as a CMYK-swatch ny the clipboard and not recognized as created in an RGB situation.
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PreRelease version: Assertion failure
Assertion failure while launching Illustrator.
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1 vote
Illustrator crashes, hitting enter when importing a file
When choosing a file to import and you hit the enter button on the keyboard the whole app crashes ... impossible to do anything it just freezes and makes my whole Mac mini M1 freeze!!!!!
And if you have an other adobe app open this one will freeze too!
Please fix this, it's huge problem
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Bug with text with DXF exported from Illustrator
With the new update 25.2.3 I have problems exporting DXF files from Illustrator.
Each time I do it the texts change of size to a very, very small one.
I export graphics to use them in Automatized Cut Machines but the texts do not appear in the right size. I had to keep and old version of illustrator 25.0 in order to be able to still use those machines.
What can I do?
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Layers gone
When I opened the Illustrator file in latest version, all my layers were gone and a bunch of clipping paths created. Also the selection tool has a weird symbol like a cross-hatch and no longer selects objects.
Illustrator has broken my file.1 vote -
scan n cut link plugin
no funciona la función de scanncut en illustrator 2021, no aparece en la ventana archivo
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After Big Sur upgrade
I am having a lot of issues with Illustrator 2021 after Big Sur upgrade.
Directional tool continues to change on it's own, and duplicates.
Pencil tool gets stuck on straight line and won't allow me to change it.
Object/Transform/Reflect causes a duplicate, and won't transform until I delete the copy.
Cannot click off to deselect an object. I have to go to menu to deselect all.
Keeps automatically checking Perspective Grid, snap to grid. I don't do it, but I have to go and uncheck it all the time.
When program crashes it doesn't recover anything, even though I have…1 vote
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