Align to Artboard
All version of Illustrator before CC 2018 the Align to.. command would stick to Align to Artboard unless you clicked on another object to define a Key Object.
This upgrade keeps jumping back to align selections.

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
John commented
Please fix "Align To..." bug or new feature. I never use "Align to Selection" and many times it automatically switches to "Align to Selection" on its own. I always use "Align to Artboard" and I like that it automatically changes to "Align to Key Object" when I select a key object and goes back to my preferred Align to preference "Align to Artboard" when I do not select a key object. Because it is not stay on my preferred "Align to Artboard" and, on its own changes to "Align to Selection" it causes a problem, for example since my preferred alignment is "Align to Artboard" and I'm trying to align multiple objects to the center or elsewhere to the artboard and they are already close to the center but not exact they will not align to the center of the artboard correctly when it on its own it changes to aligning to selection. The fact that it is not aligning to my preferred align to artboard may not be noticeable because the objects may already be close to the center but not exact and therefor causes a major problem with production material and time that is waisted because the objects did not align to my preferred "Align to Artboard". For years the align to... worked the same way and now it does not. The simple solution is for the alignment to stay on the users preferred Align To setting unless a key object is selected then revert back to the users Align To preferred setting not automatically change the users preferred Align To setting.
David Nelson commented
This is still not fixed, version 26 .
When 'align to selection' is clicked, the 'align to artboard' option is automatically selected and there is no way to align to selection (v26) -
Giemme commented
Then it would be better to open a new issue!
Wes Rand commented
Agreed, it is *still* a major issue. And maybe Adobe is not looking here since they have marked it "completed".
Kevin A. commented
This problem resurfaced in Illustrator 2021. At time of writing I can reproduce it on the 25.2.1 build. I have not seen a response from an Adobe admin since 2018 -- perhaps we need to re-open this as a new issue?
Monz commented
Unbelievable. Alligning many object and having to chaneg the setting EVERY SINGLE TIME , rather than recmmebering latest. An no, I'm not going to recode my software. I'm a designer, not a software Engineer
Anonymous commented
I had the same problem this morning. I discovered grouped objects will align to the artboard, overriding align to object. That might help some people.
Donatas Pabrėža commented
This is very bad!On the new release 24.3 I saw a new fix "Align To setting remembers the last setting when relaunched".
I tried it out and it turns out that every time I load Ai the Align To resets to default "Align to selection".
This means I have to set it back from default every time I start Ai!
This is unbelievably frustrating!Why can't you just let users set the default values in the Preferences panel for settings like this?
Mark Barron commented
Fast Forward 3 Years, Multiple Version Updates. ADOBE IS STILL BREAKING THIS FUNCTION WITH EVERY MAJOR UPDATE. How can Adobe NOT CHECK THIS FEATURE with every release ! This is beyond incompetent on the part of Adobe Quality Control !!
James Allen commented
This is broken again in the latest release (24.2)
Anonymous commented
cmh commented
This bug is back with the latest Illustrator version 24.2 (2020). All objects default to "Align to Key Object" with corresponding highlight of the Key Object. I always use "Align to Selection" so this is distracting visually and a hindrance to productivity.
K Park commented
I've got Ai CC 23.0.3 and am still having this issue, amongst others. Single clicks are delayed by several seconds each time if they register at all. Deadlines looming and I am not happy about my subscription. Running Mac OS Mojave. 10.14.4. — 3.6 GH Intel i9. 16 GB RAM. Radeon Pro Vega 48 w/8GB.
Catherine C commented
It is not fixed, have just upgraded to 23.01. Still happening.
Anonymous commented
Hi, Could you help please? I can't align the object at CC2019. 23. its not align correctly even I set the "Align to selection". And the Distribute Spacing cannot work too it's not distribute with the top and bottom object i have selected, it distributed to somewhere and the ordering is wrong. So many problem happen after I updated to CC 2019 .23
Anonymous commented
Hi, I am trying to make my artwork that when i place it, it will snap to artboard and taking whole size of my artboard. I tried to use script the will fit my artwork to my artboard but it seems changing the scale of my photo making it smaller.
my purpose is that when i place the photo it will snap to the entire artboard without changing the size of that photo/artwork.
i appreciate any help i get. Thank you. -
Travis Radke commented
This still happens, keeps switching back to 'align to selection' from 'align to artboard'. This costs me a ton of time when making print files which I do on the daily and need to align art centered to the print boundary aka artboard. Fix this ****!
Anonymous commented
AdminNitish Agarwal (Illustrator on Web/iPad Team) (Lead Software Engineer, Adobe Illustrator) commented
This is different from Align to Key Object. It was for Align to Artboard and that bug is fixed. Please start a new thread for 'Align to Key Object'.
Thanks & Regards
Nitish Agarwal
Illustrator Team -
Rob Hutchings commented
Anyone still experiencing issues especially relating to Key objects within groups could you lend your voice to these two posts as this is now marked as complete: