Shift hold (Constrain angle) within gradient use not working
When I shift hold a gradient now it doesn't snap (constrain angle) in Illustrator. I've checked my general settings and constrain angle is set to 0°... have I missed something? Version 23.0

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.2
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
myrlo commented
Same problem, windows 10, ai 23.0.1.
Gradient cannot be made exact horizontal, vertical and at a 45 degree angle. -
Sophia commented
Same problem here. 12-11-2018
Someone75 commented
This is the worst Illustrator update EVER - tons of bugs... Adobe goes crazy...
Someone75 commented
This 2019 is the worst Illustrator update EVER such a **** an conless bugs ...
Anonymous commented
Same problem. Please fix!
Anonymous commented
I'm having the issue as well. Please fix it!
Bart-Jan Dekker commented
Same problem, please fix!
Helga commented
Same here – looking forward to having this issue fixed :-)
Kris Hunt commented
I just noticed this bug today also.
Anonymous commented
I'm having the same problem with simple linear gradients. The tool doesn't constrain with the Shift key, and I can't see where I'm drawing the path.
Anonymous commented
The adobe update is horrible, so many problems in AI and PS, makes me wanna just go back to cs6 and void all this drama every update. please resolve this gradient issue. No sense relearning the entire program every 6 months
Jan Vork commented
Nice, the new smooth previewing Gradient Tool - but it seems to no longer snaps to points and no longer constrains (shift).
this makes accurate position impossible.
Please repair. -
Marcelo commented
Me too! (•̀o•́)ง
Steve Edwards commented
Just found the issue today and it is very annoying. You have to draw roughly what you want then reset the angle in the Gradient panel. Really not ideal and we're convinced it worked fine in CC2018.
rocketboots commented
Im still having this problem with the Gradient Tool.
CC2018 23.0.1 - OSX Mojave
Anonymous commented
I have same problem windows 10. Very annoying
Andrew commented
Hi, good to hear you're looking at this – I downloaded the latest update 23.0.1 and the problem still remains for me... I can't use version 23 until this is fixed. Thanks for your help.
Thomas commented
This needs to be fixed ASAP.
Isaac commented
I'm experiencing the same issue as well. On windows 10.
Marek Domke commented
Same issue here!