Illustrator CC 2019 is very slow and laggy
I'm using a Mac OS 10.13 Intel Core i7 16 GB. Ever since I updated to the CC 2019, illustrator became laggy and slow. The other adobe apps worked fine after the update. I saw here that I should try turning the dictation off but that didn't help.
Everything in illustrator is slow now. And if I use the blend tool a lot in one document the eyedropper option in the gradient window becomes unavailable. Everything even if it's as simple as moving from one art board to the next or zooming in/out is lagging

Hi All,
Thanks for reporting this issue. We understand your problem, but need some more information to get to the root cause of the problem areas. We’d require information about the specific workflows, tools, features with which you’re noticing performance degradation in Illustrator.
Here are some performance-related issues that are already reported in Illustrator User Voice. If you too are facing a similar issue, kindly add your vote on the relevant threads. If your issue is not listed here, please feel free to open up a new thread. We’re marking this thread as closed for now.
1.Overprint Preview / CPU Previews in 5k→
2.Performance issues in basic operations Zoom / Pan
3.Performance issues in Specific features
Shape Builder→
Thanks for your patience and support!
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team
RJM commented
Turning off dictation didn't work at all for me. My solution to my problem was to close the laptop lid, MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2019, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports).
If you're using a laptop, I found that simply closing the lid when using Illustrator will allow the cursor to move like the rest of Adobe Apps or how you normally go about your tasks. If you have a laptop and the lid is not fully closed, as soon as your cursor moves on to an Illustrator file (no matter the size, or if it's outlined) it justs lags and moves like a slug. I'm working on 2 monitors and was using the laptop as a 3rd, but can no longer do that if I need to toggle back and forth from PS to AI. This bug needs to be addressed. Because I can't plug in a 3rd monitor to this laptop (only 2 of 3 monitors are recognized by the MBP).
Best of luck
Otakar commented
Turning off miniatures in the layer panel helps in some cases.
First of all, I really don't understand why are miniatures on by default.
And second, why is this setting related to document and not to Illustrator generally.This thread should be renamed to "Illustrator CC 20xx is very slow and laggy."
LDCreative commented
Hey Everyone - I am running AMD 3950x with RTX 3090, and I was having the same issue, I hope this helps you guys and works. I did a clean installation with the Studio Driver through Geforce and it helped a LOT. I will be testing it out for the next few weeks.
DCH commented
Same issues! Running ai 25.1 on Mac OS 10.14.6. with 16 gb ram Would emptying cache or trashing preferences help? Also having a problem with placed images disappearing at different magnification views. Noticing some lag time in inDesign as well.
Roberts commented
TRY: TaskManager / Details / illustrator.exe > RMB > ProcesorAffinity > set to max 8 (set 0-7, switch off the rest)
verhaeren commented
Im on a PC computer with 64go of ram core i9 extreme and rtx 3090 gpu and i can't do anything inside illustrator.
Jimmy commented
Currently version 25.0.1 still suffers from the same poor performance and the new Beta build is no better, what is Adobe's current plan? Any update from Rama? Has the team actually determined the primary cause of this issue or are they still trying to reproduce it on there end?
Chuck commented
I think I fixed my laggy Illustrator issue- After purchasing a 2019 Mac Pro (8 core, base GPU, 48GB Ram), I noticed the new Mac Pro ran Illy slower than my trash can 2013 Mac. After spending the day pondering returning it, I messed with my monitor settings. Turning on HDMI 2.0 is the Display preferences fixed it. Not sure why. (I have to buy a mini-display to Thunderbolt 3 adapter)
Illustrator no longer has the delayed movement and scrolling problems. It's lighting quick. -
J Rizzo commented
Same lag issues. General performance to draw anything at all. Not sure if it is CC libraries freezing in Illustrator or something else. This is not even counting the severe delay in an image export functionality.
Josh Way commented
Yup same... Also, I love how a random Quality Manager is forced to add the obligatory giant company BS remarks about how this is an issue stated "in this thread" as if it hasn't been an issue for YEARS over many complaints and threads! Then telling production users to try using some beta version. We're not all operating in school here on an assignment for a grade, not that that isn't important either. We are business people trying to get REAL paid work done for paying clients on deadlines using the only fully compatible software on the market. Oh, wait... I see what you did there, Adobe... checkmate to all of us. Well played! Frustrating to say the least.
Sean commented
Turn on GPU Performance in AI preferences. That has helped a bit but it is still slow compared to my other Adobe CC apps.
I am using AI 25.0.1
Anonymous commented
I'm also experiencing serious lag. I'm using a MBP 16" and with a really simple logo file, just picking up and moving a shape means it's freezing and getting stuck along the way. Is there a fix in the works for this? It's seriously slowing down my workflow.
Nathan commented
Even Illustrator 2021 is like this. Panning, zooming, drawing, it doesn't matter. It's an embarrassment. The *worst* performance I've ever seen in any modern app.
Carlos commented
Hi, reading other mac users I feel exactly the same frustration. I have the latest i9 with 72GB ram but even with an empty page every operation is very slow.
Illustrator team... Come ooon!
Renato commented
We are having a crash competition between Illustrator and Premiere Pro and guess what, the illustrator team is winning!
BTW you should update the original bug title to "Illustrator CC 2021 is very slow and laggy.
Mark Nicoll commented
• Adobe Illustrator is the primary reason for my CC subscription.
• The only feature missing from Affinity Designer, which stops me cancelling my CC subscription, is scripting support.
• As soon as Affinity Designer opens up support for automation, I foresee customers in my position leaving Adobe CC in droves.Seems like a burning platform to me.
Jimmy commented
I'm losing track, but aren't we closer to 3 years into this known issue without a resolution. We continue to pay for Adobe CC and new versions of Illustrator do not address this, and one of the most basic, oldest apps in the suite continues to run at unacceptable speeds. Are we expected to continue to pay full-price for this product for 5 years and not get any fix on specific hardware experiencing this issue? Or are there any solutions that can be delivered in the new Metal build in the near future? Illustrator was traditionally a lighter/faster program compared to Photoshop and it is just plain old slow now.
Has Adobe at least determined what the primary issue is yet? If it is high-res displays? Specific GPUs or CPUs? If I'm going to plan future hardware purchases I don't want to get stuck with this issue.
As for software purchases, when people ask what software to use, I'm more tempted to suggest Affinity Designer for less than $60 USD for the same basic drawing tools - and you don't need to renew a subscription for yearly performance downgrades. I'm being a bit facetious, but that is literally what we have been doing on CC. I wish we had something to look forward to like incorporating Photoshop's blending options with rasterized graphics in Illustrator or some new innovative effects and tools to be creative with or complete previous actions quicker.
Like the width tool added years ago or the more recent free form gradient that have tried to help progress the app somewhat.
Unfortunately, right now I have to stop and think about which options I should disable or what workaround I should use to perform the next basic action quicker.
Anonymous commented
This program isn't able to handle large amounts of vectors. Come on, this is supposed to be industry-leading software. I've been working on a map for five days, and most of the time I spend is watching a beach ball spin on my screen.
Anonymous commented
adobe does not stubbornly solve this problem ... the illustrator is problematic on imac 5K screens, any solution you give does not work ... the packaging industry has to work in overprint mode ... How can CS6 illustrator be faster than cc 2020 when overprint mode is on ??? If you don't have 5K imac, I'll send it for testing. I am writing again, imac 5K computer also has illustrator optimization problem.
[Deleted User] commented
I've had the same Issue until I realized I've had an (nearly) invisible applied on a load of layers. Make sure to check them all with the - Appearance window. You might be surprised of what you'll find.
Hope it helps!