Can't save files in Catalina
With the new OS Catalina, Illustrator no longer can save, save as or export any file. This is a critical issue. Not sure how it would be missed in testing. is it a known issue and being worked on?

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 24.0.0
For the issue where you are encountering “An unknown error has occurred” while saving the document then please go to the following link to track the status of this issue:
Warm Regards,
Illustrator Team
Anonymous commented
how are you charging such outrageous prices while major bugs like this take over 2 years to fix, shame on you
Anonymous commented
After updating to macOS Catalina, I can't open or save files on Illustrator. It loads forever and I'm forced to force quit, nothing gets saved so I loose all the work I did.
HELP. I need Illustrator to work.
Anonymous commented
This is absolutely unacceptable that you are not able to save new Adobe lllustrator files, What is even the point of using the program then. I am still having this issue, are there any solutions that actually work?
Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson commented
This is still an issue in Adobe Illustrator 24.1.3. No save window opens on Save, Save As, Save Copy, or Export.
Anonymous commented
To the issue at the top of this page. I still can not save and I have Catalina and the latest Adobe Illustrator 24.1.2. Please advise..
Anonymous commented
just updated to catalina and could not open or launch my adobe illustrator
Tyler Williams commented
I too am seeing the issue with not being able to save--as well as potentially related issues, such as not being able to see menu windows expand (tools are not visible to choose from when clicking on buttons). The later issue is occurring for me in AI CC 2019 and AI CC 2020.
I gather that this was addressed with a patch in November 2019. Any suggestions as to how to proceed?
I am using the latest versions of both Catalina and CC AI.
Anonymous commented
Wow it's been MONTHS and the issue is still NOT solved. Getting an unknown error when trying to save – my work depends on this! And 2019 crashes when I try to save. I can't get a copy of 2018!!! Really running out of options now! This is really really bad.
Jessie MA commented
updated and still having this issue
Jenn S commented
updated and still having this issue.
Anonymous commented
Need the same fix for 2019 version 23.1.1. Save and export do nothing...?
Aaron commented
Have latest Illustrator- same issue. The only way for me to save a file is to close the file and wait for the "Do you want to save.." prompt and click "Save"
Huge bug. Please fix. -
Anonymous commented
I have updated Illustrator, restarted illustrator, restarted my computer and I still can't save/save as/save as a copy. Are there any additional solves?
Anonymous commented
Marcus Byron commented
Still issues even with v Illustrator CC 24.00 Very slow/gets stuck saving. Slow to show available files for placements/opening (and icons often dimmed even if they are an available/openable file)
Anonymous commented
I can save in AI but cannot save in any type of PDF out if Illustrator in Catalina. Using Acrobat for now. Hope this is fixed soon..
Anonymous commented
AI files are saving but so slowly... To a NAS is very laggy but even to a local TB2 disk array takes about 8 seconds or more.
Gabby commented
Have updated Ai, and is still very buggy. Saved document and it could not open when I re-opened Ai. Tools in the left menu get stuck.
stan commented
I'm using AI CC 24.00 and am unable to save my illustrator files as a .ai. is this no longer supported? Does it need to be a .eps?
Andy Whitelock commented
Downloaded the PreRelease version which has no effect. I'm copying artwork from another Illustrator file and rasterizing it becuase its so complex then saving as PDF with small file size so my client can see it and I get either nothing or just the grey text of the raster. Very odd and seriously affecting my business to the point I cannot give my client their brand guidelines on deadline. I've never experienced such a huge bug as this in any Adobe products. Please fix quickly