Locked background objects unlocking/moving when using lasso selection tool
When I select using the LASSO tool, on screen shows the correct points have been selected, but when I then try to move just these selected points, Illustrator also moves the LOCKED background objects underneath. This error does not happen when I select using other tools. This is clearly a bug!

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 26.1.0 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
David Burkhart commented
The object-level locking issue has popped-up again, showing similar issues, as of Illustrator 27.9. If I lock an object within a group, I can now select and manipulate the entire group along with the supposedly-locked object. I used to be able to only select the entire group when selecting the layer, but not manipulate it. This was a handy shortcut for making a copy of a group without having to unlock a locked object within it. But, now, locking an object within a group is pointless.
JamesProvost commented
Steps to reproduce:
1. Draw an object.
2. Remember generally where its points are.
3. Hide the object (Object > Hide > Selection)
4. Lasso select where 1 or more points were.
5. Delete.
6. Unhide the object (Object > Show All)Result: Object will have points deleted.
Expected result: Object is unaffected.
Ariel Crossan commented
This bug persists in version 26.0.2 - any updates on a fix?
JamesProvost commented
Bug persists in 25.3.1
Known bug, reported bug, Lasso does that :( Search shows duplicates of it. Please find these and vote for them too.
CHRIS NOLL commented
another example why is that layer getting selected?
CHRIS NOLL commented
I am sure this is a bug, but not sure why I am the only one that seems to be experiencing it. I have layers locked and when I select with the lasso, you can see the one sub layer I selected highlighted. Then I copy and paste...and why did it copy and and paste at least 9 other layers? things I never selected. Makes it difficult to work in AI now. Anyone else see this behavior?
64 bit Windows 10 20H2
Intel Core i9-9880H 2.3Ghz 32 GB Ram
Nvidia RTX2080 461.92 8 GB Ram.
Illustrator 25.2.1
Wacom -
Kyle commented
The Lasso tool is also selecting HIDDEN elements and these anchor points will be affected by actions such as deletion and moving.
Anonymous commented
Still nothing? Just discovered this issue too. Lasso selects all nodes, regardless of whether a layer is locked and/or invisible. Changing either of those states will deselect the undesired node selections.
JamesProvost commented
The Lasso Tool selects points on Hidden Artwork.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Draw some artwork, eg. a rectangle. Note where it's drawn.
2. Select the artwork and Hide it (CMD/Ctrl 3).
3. Lasso around where at least one of the artwork's points were.
4. Press Delete to clear
5. Object > Show All
6. Hidden artwork will be cleared, or have points deleted.See attached screengrab.
Version 25.3 Beta on macOS 10.15.7
Alex Be commented
Based on what I'm seeing you can only delete locked anchors if the shape is a live shape or a normal un-grouped path. You cannot delete locked anchors in compound paths or groups. AI 2021. Any progress on fixing this issue?
Anonymous commented
Hello, now, 4 months later, is there any progress on this issue?
Anonymous commented
My scenario: A layer with a path, and a group beneath it. The group is locked and hidden.
Using the lasso to select some points on the singular path then selects the anchor points of the group below that is locked and hidden. The anchor points do not show up, but sometimes I can still see that little curve handle for corners appear.
Using something like Simplify will affect the locked/hidden layer, but still not show that those paths are selected.
I can't de-select them unless I unlock and unhide the layer, then de-select. -
Kevin A. commented
Happening for us as well. We are clinging to Illustrator 2018 because bugs like this are unacceptable.
Anonymous commented
Posted in another thread, but this one is actually closer to the same error.
Lasso Tool will secretly select nodes of any locked object in the seletion. If I look on the layers window at the locked object it still shows it as locked but also selected. Unlocking and relocking the object deselects the nodes.
The object with the secretly selected nodes is the top one in the attached image, the bottom selected one contains the nodes I wanted to select. The error is 100% repeatable i.e. happens every time I try to use lasso and a locked object has nodes in the area.
Anonymous commented
Yes I have this too! I was about to submit a bug report when I found yours.
In my case if you use nudge it does move the secretly selected nodes. If I look on the layers window at the locked object it still shows it as locked but also selected. Unlocking and relocking the object deselects the nodes.
The object with the secretly selected nodes is the top one in the attached image, the bottom selected one contains the nodes I wanted to select. The error is 100% repeatable i.e. happens every time I try to use lasso and a locked object has nodes in the area.
laura commented
Yep still happening for me too... kind of a big bug, seriously affecting my work!
JamesProvost commented
Bug persists in version 25.0.1.
DANIEL commented
10 lock object (CMD+2)
20 select nodes with Lasso tool (Q)
(no nodes on the locked object should be selected)
30 locked object nodes does not appear selected
40 delete - nodes in the locked object are gone
(only works with delete, nudge does not work on locked objects) -
Kiel commented
I noticed this same issue today. This is also happening with hidden layers. When you "select" an area where a layer has been hidden (obviously no bounding box or selection indicator is shown) and press delete, then un-hide the layer, the anchor points where the "selection" was made are now missing.