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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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7722 results found

  1. 行間値が表示されない

    環境: M1 Mac mini OS 12.1 / Illustrator 26.0.2



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    Illustrator 製品版フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。


    ご使用のマシンが「macOS 12.1」ということですが、現時点では Illustrator はサポート対象外となっておりますので、ご了承ください。



    Illustrator チーム

  2. Unembeding image to .PSD change resolution

    I noticed recently that on my new MacBookPro 16 - M1 Max on macOS 12.1 Monterey, with AI 26.0.2 when I unembed an image to .PSD format, the extracted image is resampled and the résolution is changed. Only PSD format does that. Choosing TIF is working as expected.

    This is not happening on my old MacBook running the same AI version but on macOS Catalina.

    So I don’t know where the bug is: On Monterey or in the M1Max Chip.

    Bug ID - AI-4256151

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  3. Copying and pasting figures from GraphPad Prism into AI no longer works.

    Windows 10, Current 2022 AI, GraphPad Prism ver 9.2 current version. With previous versions of both software could easily cut and paste Figures from Prism into illustrator. now I get "operation cannot complete because of an unknown error" followed by a partial pasting of the figure.

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  4. animated zoom malfunctions after placing images in illustrator

    When I place files from photoshop into illustrator, the animated zoom malfunctions. It's still turned on in the preferences, but it just doesn't work. This has been a problem for several months. It doesn't have to be a .psd file, it seems to be any format (admittedly, I haven't tried every possibility). Running os 11.6 & & Illustrator 26.0–however, this started showing up in previous versions.

    Yet another of hundreds of bugs that now plague this once great program. I'm tired of constantly using workarounds (that impede and drastically slow my workflow) to utilize illustrator. Not like it'll ever get…

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  5. Adobe PDF プリセットの編集を行うと落ちる

    Adobe PDF プリセットの編集を行うと必ずillustratorが落ち、修正が保存されません。

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    Under Review  ·  PCM Maro responded

    Illustrator 製品版フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。

    ご報告内容の現象は、macOS と Windows 両方で再現しました。



    Illustrator チーム

  6. Text increase size turns to white block

    When I am placing a text box, once editing the text, and I try to increase it's Size atall, the fill colour Keeps turning to white on it's own so any text then appears as a weird white block — once I delete the text, part of the box glitches and stays on screen. l am also having issues in being able to use the brush tool, with it just appearing as a symbol. This makes the program unusable. It is a school account

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  7. Text is Invisible - All Fonts, All Colors, Sizes, View Modes, Etc.

    Windows 10, 12GB RAM, Nvidia 850M, i7-4710HQ (Laptop) - But I have also had this issue on a beefy desktop

    Illustrator Version 26.0.2

    Recent attempts to use illustrator on my desktop and laptop have yielded an app that cannot render text in any form. I have tried every solution offered thus far -- resetting preferences, checking text fill and stroke, ensuring opacity is Normal, etc. and nothing fixes this bug. I have restarted the computer and reinstalled the program. For my work this is a program-breaking bug.

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  8. 文字組みアキ量設定の読み込みで名称に「コピー」が付与される

    Illustrator Ver.26.0.2の、文字組みアキ量設定の読み込みに関する不具合です。

    1. 任意名称で文字組みアキ量設定を作成する
    2. 書き出しを使ってmjkファイルを書き出す
    3. 2のファイルを別のファイルで読み込みする

    この結果として、元の名称のまま読み込まれるのではなく、「●● コピー」(●●は元名称)と、必ず「コピー」が付きます。

    Windows 11および、macOS 12.1環境いずれでも発生する問題となっています。

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    Under Review  ·  PCM Maro responded

    Illustrator 製品版フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。

    ご報告いただきました現象を ver.26.0.2 で確認できました。




    Illustrator チーム

  9. Calligraphic brush adds small circles (blobbing) at the end of drawn lines

    Hi, I am having problems with calligraphic brush when I draw with my tablet (XP-Pen Deco 03)
    I am on Windows 10 and latest version of Illustrator

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  10. Rotate polygon with 3 sides (triangle)

    (A) If I create a polygon with only 3 sides (triangle), then it has a centre that corresponds to a circle around the triangle.
    (B) If I rotate the triangle by 90° with the Rotate tool, the centre of the circumcircle is used. That is correct.

    (C) If I rotate the same triangle by 90° with the menu command "Object > Transform > Rotate", then suddenly the centre of the bounding box is used as the centre of rotation. This is wrong in my eyes. Also, this new centre point remains.

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  11. Export for Screens not updating Artboard titles

    I've been copy/pasting my artboards and renaming them to save time.

    I've noticed though that Export for Screens doesn't always update the artboard name, despite the artboard name being changed.

    I've seen this bug a few times now.

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  12. Data merge doesnt allow data field names that start with a number

    Variables panel > Data merge doesnt allow data field names that start with a number and the help site doesnt say this is an issue.

    Please update the website to explain data field names can't start with a number.

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  13. 書き出しがtmpで止まる


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    Need More Info  ·  PCM Maro responded

    Illustrator 製品フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。


    1. お使いのオペレーティングシステムおよび Adobe Illustrator (デスクトップ版) のバージョン
    2, 問題が発生したときに実行していた手順
    3. [再現検証用] Illustrator ファイルまたはムービー



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  15. Activate Fonts fails silently

    Activate Fonts fails silently. No reason given to the user. The bug is the silent fail, not that it fails at all as there could be many reasons.

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  16. Relink no longer works in most recent Illustrator

    When I update links outside Illustrator, Illustrator no longer shows the links with the recycle icon. The relink button in the links panel is greyed out. The only way is to manually relink the files rather than the nice refresh there used to be! This is very time consuming!

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  17. Coding tips

    Could you please encode a version of Illustrator that would work once and not crash your computer every other hour!!! This same thing has now happened in 3 different versions of Illustrator in a row and I always have to use the old version before your coders learn to do something right!

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  18. Moving rotation anchor sticks to cursor - Pen tablet

    Windows 10 64bit.

    For literally years now, when you use a wacom pen, hold alt to move to the position of an object's rotation anchor, it sticks the anchor to the cursor and there's no way of detaching it unless you minimise and reopen the software.

    This has been a problem for more versions than I can count. (We're talking in excess of five years, probably more?) It's happened on different machines and different pen tablets so it's a software problem. Oh how I'd love it to be actually fixed one day!

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  19. Transform Each panel calculating center point differently than rotate tool for arrowheads AI 26.0.1

    Lines with arrowheads are rotated off center when using Transform Each as opposed to rotating each separately using the rotate tool. The first screenshot shows the initial position. The next shows the position after using Transform Each. The next two show individual transforms of the objects in question.

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  20. There is a Bug with this Bug Report.

    Trying to submit a bug within this bug report produces an error. However after refreshing the page you will see that it did actually submit the post. So the error message screen is not accurate.

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