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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:

  1. Details of your operating system
  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
  3. The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
  4. Your expected result and the actual result
  5. Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)

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7801 results found

  1. Using 'Paste in place' - it doesn't work as expected

    If I create 20 blank art boards the same size and then create artwork on one, containing a background rectangle and a logo rectangle in one corner and then I use the paste in place command by using cmd+C on the selected items on art board 1 (the background and logo rectangles) and then use cmd+SHFT+V on each of those other art boards to accurately paste the items on each board it often either doesn't place, places incorrectly, can work out which art board is selected etc I have tried clicking on each of the art boards 'to activate' in…

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  2. Stroke/Fill Selection From Library

    1. Windows 10 Pro 10.0.17763 Build 17763
    2. I change the stroke color in appearance menu from library (created in Adobe Colours), which at first works, if I the for the same element or a different element in my graphic try to change the fill from the library, it will still change the stroke. Happens vise versa as well with fill first. Sometimes it resets if I do some other operation in between and I can suddenly change the other colour fill/stroke, but its irratic. But always depends on first action.
    3. Change fill from library (or stroke)
    4. Illustrator changes stroke (or fill…
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  3. Choosing Fit On Screen option from the dropdown in the status bar pans to next mouse click position

    When I click fit on screen in the screen size (I don't know the actual name of the option thing) option it fits to the screen THEN will move to where the mouse is clicked next, just like the zoom tool. This is decreasing efficiency of the app for me.

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  4. Slow/Lagging Preview

    The preview of the canvas is incredibly laggy/stuttery when moving shapes around the canvas. Makes illustrator almost unusable on my PC, always have to use my MacBook.

    Windows 10
    i7 6700K
    MSI RTX 2070
    16GB RAM

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  5. cant type @. when us the AltGr + 1-0 nothing hapend. I work on windows 10

    cant us the AltGr + the number 1-0 it dosent respond have tried to change the keyboard, re instsall Ai this is on a windows 10 . have Ai on a windows 7 ther it works perfect.

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  6. Adobe Illustrator CC showing "Enjoying this app? (Buy Now) even though I am subscribed.

    Adobe Illustrator CC showing "Enjoying this app? (Buy Now) in the opening screen even though I am subscribed.

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  7. Multiply Glitch

    Multiply effect in transparency is not working properly, it's appearing partially colored and pixelated, or object would disappear when zooming in/out.

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  8. Nudging with arrow keys problem when in Picas

    OS X 14.5 Ill 2019 CC 23.0.3/23.0.4:
    This seems to be only happening when the Units are set to Picas:
    Using the arrow keys in the control panel to move an object "below" 0 does not function correctly. E.g.: If an object is at "0p0", hitting the down key moves it to "0p1" instead of "-0p1", then bounces back and forth to "0p0".
    This occurs for any value between "0p0" and "-1p0". If the starting point is less than "-1p0" then the down keys behaves properly, but if you nudge back UP to past "-1p0", then the value pops to…

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  9. Acumin Font ampersands not printing or appearing in PDFs correctly.

    Ampersands in Adobe's Acumin font are not printing correctly. Sections are being "cut out". When you outline the font, it doesn't appear to be making a compound shape

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  10. IMPORTING png file = blank

    I tried to import a png file into illustrator and nothing happens, it shows as an asset but nothing is on the board. Other png files import normaly, just this specific one for some reason, I even tried to reformat it with photoshop and create a new file and no success.

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  11. Character scroll bar

    The character scroll bar stopped working. If I click to change the font there is no scroll bar, nor is there a size option. I am on Windows 10 (64 bit Home) using the latest Illustrator (23.0.0 64 bit). I uninstalled and reinstalled and still have this problem I am using two screens, and have found that if i move the character window to the other screen and reset it, I can get the scroll bar back temporarily so this seems to have to do with dual screen setup

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  12. BUG: Workspace panels jump from one screen to another when I click on the "stroke" panel

    Details of your operating system and version of Adobe Illustrator
    Mac OS 10.12.6
    AI 23.0.3

    The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
    Apply stroke color

    Workspace panels jump from the screen where they are set to appear to another screen. I use an Apple Cinema Display (aluminum bezel) and an Apple 27" display with my MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015)

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  13. Can't search on network drives within Illustrator on macOS


    I realized that when I'm working with Illustrator and some item is missing I can't use the finder search function within the network drive so I can reallocate it. It doesn't find anything but if I search on the local drive it searchs just fine. Also if I search from the Finder (directly on macOS, not from Illustrator) on the network drive it finds the files just fine so the bug is within Illustrator. It's also happening with InDesign.

    The problem is also happening on my other iMac as well.

    macOS version: 10.14.5
    Illustrator version: 23.0.3

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  14. illustrator automatically converts linked files to glip groups and it breaks the work with variables

    I open the file, create an place Linked File, save the project.
    Open it again, and there is Clip Group instead of an Linked File
    It breaks the work with variables

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  15. Objects in a clipping mask do not respect "Object Selection By Path Only".

    Reproduction steps:

    1. Draw a filled shape.
    2. Use Draw Inside to draw another filled shape inside it.
    3. In the 'Selection And Anchor Display' pane of the prefs, ensure that 'Object Selection By Path Only' is checked.
    4. Click and drag with the Selection or Direct Selection tools in a part of the first object that does not contain the second object. Note that nothing gets selected unless you drag over the first object's path.
    5. Click and drag with one of those tools in a part of the first object that does contain the second object. Do not cross any of the paths…
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  16. Problem with raster effects printing

    We have had to outlaw the use of raster effects here because of the distortion they cause when an AI file is saved as a PDF.

    Our workflow for printing is the save our work from Illustrator as a PDF file which is then placed in an InDesign document. Any raster effects used in the graphic end up adding lines the edge of the effect as well as shifting the colors touched by the effect.

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  17. Uniform (centered) Scale // Bounding Box // Wacom Driver Issues

    Uniform (centered) scale issues while using the bounding box together with "shift+option" keys (Mac OS) for scaling, seem to occure while having older Wacom Drivers installed. It does not happen when working with a Mouse or using the Touch Pad for Example on a Wacom Intuos Touch. Pen input only reproduces this issue with older drivers.

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  18. Eye dropper not applying proper color/hex from Adobe Color Themes panel

    I'm using the latest Illustrator v23.03. When selecting colors from the Adobe Color Themes panel, it does not copy the correct color hex to the selected item in my document. In the attached file, which I've scaled up for easier viewing, the square tiles represent the proper color within the Adobe Color Themes panel, with each overlaying the incorrect color Illustrator is copying over when selected. As you can see, there is a major discrepancy. This does not happen with all themes...some copy over perfectly, but many (in my case) do not. I've tried adjusting color profiles to see if…

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  19. Recolor not working on items within a clipping mask

    Items inside of clipping masks do not get recolored like they used to using the Recolor tool. You have to directly select them now and manually recolor.

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  20. Magnetism on bezier points

    Today, there is no magnetism on bezier points and it is very annoying when you're drawing. Magnetism only works with anchor points (and not bezier points). Here is a GIF showing the problem.

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