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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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7721 results found

  1. Align Function is not working as intended

    When aligning or distributing multiple elements, they are not aligning as they should be, there is a bug and these functions are not working normally since the last update.

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  2. probleme d'affichage en mode transparence

    Sur illustrator 2021/ OS Catalina 10.15.7

    J'ai un problème d'affichage, j'ai tracé des cercles Noir 100 %, en mode transparence 50 % (normal). Il ya un liseret noir qui reste apparent.
    Pouvez-vous m'expliquez pourquoi ?

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  3. تظهر لي رسالة خطا

    لقد ظهرلي رسالة الخطا هذه التي في الصورة

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  4. l'outil pipette à disparu

    L'outil pipette a disparu de ma barre d'outils et de la liste d'outils malgré une réinitialisation de l'interface. Même le raccourci clavier (I) ne fonctionne pas. Mon collègue se retrouve avec le même problème.

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  5. If computer or illustrator crashes, when reopening recovered files all linked images are missing.

    If illustrator crashes or computer crashes when reopening illustrator, the linked files are all missing. A dialogue box says something like "Can't find missing file "." . . " as it would normally do if a linked file was moved out of the original folder. However, rather than the original filename showing between the "speech marks" all you get is a full stop/period "." and all linked files are missing. If you save the file that file then it will always have the items missing and there is now indication of what the file is in the linked files panel…

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  6. Illustrator ignores the names of directory aliases in the Library button of the Graphic Styles palette.

    Man this is a super fiddly bug and it is gonna slide right down the bottom of the priority pile given that most of your resources are currently tied up in "rewrite this whole codebase from scratch for iOS" but hey. It's a tiny little one and maybe it's an easy one to slip into someone's queue for when they need a break from that.

    Anyway. So I'm on OSX, and I still prefer to manage my style/brush/symbol/etc libraries by using the computer's filesystem instead of trying to figure out the Libraries palette.

    And I just discovered that if you…

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  7. Changing size when creating a new doc

    There is a small bug that has been introduced into Adobe illustrator a few versions ago that hasn't been corrected. I simply want to make you aware of it so that the development team can take a look. When creating a new file and entering in the dimensions, the dimension values can't be 'selected and deleted'. They don't highlight so you can't select and delete them like you can any other value box in illustrator. You have to click into them, then hit the backspace. It's minor but annoying that they don't work the same way as everything else.

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  8. Tool palettes on 2nd screen don't always act on the current file

    I keep my main screen clear by putting option palettes on my second screen, which mostly works perfectly. However, if I have another document open on that second screen, some commands get applied that second-screen document instead of the one I'm currently working on the main screen.

    To recreate this: On a 2-screen setup open a document on each screen, working in a document on screen 1 while the Layers Palette is on screen 2 out of the way.

    Click the eye symbol to hide a layer and it affects the live document on screen 1, as you'd expect.


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  9. Preparing for Save takes longer than actually saving

    I have noticed that now illustrator does a "preparing to save" function with a dialogue box and progress bar before saving in the background. The issue I am experiencing with this is that the "preparing to save" step takes significantly longer than I ever remember a simple save taking. As such my routine save reflex is causing a significant disruption to my workflow. The time this "preparing to save" dialogue takes is far too long and incredibly inconvenient. I have also uploaded the file I am working on so you can see if it is remarkably large or complicated, I…

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  10. Fonts got messed up

    Hi when yo uupdated illustrator, you messed up fonts in files. I now have to channge and update all my fonts so my files all work again...

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  11. Bug avec les pathfinders - Illustrator 2021

    Un contour mystérieux apparapit quand je met une transparence à une forme créée par pathfinder... les pointes de ma forme débordent du path, et il y a un contour irrégulier à l'intérieur de tout le path... pourtant, aucun contour n'est appliqué... j'ai tenté de créer ma forme de différentes façons... divide, minus front, une forme à la fois, expand, «unite» de toutes les formes avant de crever le rectangle, Shape builder tool, nouveau document, restart! Toujours le même problème! J'utilise Illustrator 2021 (v. 25.2), sur Mojave 10.14.6.

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  12. EXTREME slow down of Illustrator. Very slow and laggy.

    I don't really know what "idea" I have other than I am just making graphs (huge UI pain but another issue entirely) from an excel sheet with nothing else open on a decent design PC and their is 5 seconds of lag for keyboard inputs and overall its a very painful experience that is getting in the way of my business.

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  13. 1 vote

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  15. Illustrator gets hung up when attempting to search in the help box

    Bug Fix - Clicked in help box and as soon as I started to type something I got the rotating color circle of death. I was lucky enough to escape out of it this time.

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  16. カラー設定が勝手に変更される

    カラー設定が勝手に変更されます。オリジナルに設定したカラープロファイルを常に使用しているのですが、こちらが何もしていないのに「Adobe Illustration 5.5をエミュレート」に勝手に変更されます。以前のヴァージョンではこのようなことはなかったので、改善していただきたいです。

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    こちらのカラー設定の不具合は、Photoshop を最新バージョン「ver.22.3.1」にアップデートすることで修正されます。
    お手数ですが、Photoshop を「ver.22.3.1」にアップデートをお願いします。
    それでも問題が解決しない場合は、Bridge の設定をリセットしてください。


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  17. Constant with the spinning beachball, long delays

    Why is selecting from the drop down menu activating the beach ball? Changing fonts takes forever. Active fonts opened with Adobe Fonts is not loading. Adobe website says fonts are active, Illustrator restarted and fonts still don't appear.

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  18. Ich kann kein leeres neues Dokument mehr anlegen.

    Seit der neuen Version, ist es wohl nicht mehr möglich ein simples neues Dokument anzulegen. Ich habe es auf jeden Fall so schnell nicht gefunden und finde diese Verkomplizierung unverständlich. Stattdessen meldet sich hier Adobe Stock mit diversen Vorlagen. Wieso dieser Weg. Im Vordergrund müsste doch erst einmal die eigene Kreativität stehen, bevor man sich vielleicht von irgendwem inspirieren lässt.

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  19. Illustrator 25 very low with ICC profiles other than appleRGB and sRGB

    Illustrator 25 and Indesign 16 are very very slow with other ICC profiles than AppleRGB and sRGB. For example, if you switch to a profile you created yourself with Eizo colour navigator, Illustrator becomes so slow that you can no longer use it reasonably. Switching to sRGB or AppleRGB is not an option because of the lack of colour binding.
    The problem also existed in Lightroom 10.1. and was fixed by the Lightroom developers in 10.2. Maybe the Illustrator teams should get together with the Lightroom teams to fix the problem.
    Here is a video showing the problem:

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    GPU ドライバーが最新の状態で、システム互換性レポートダイアログが表示されるという問題が、最新リリースバージョン「Illustrator 2021 (ver.25.2.3)」で修正されましたので、製品アップデート後に挙動のご確認をお試しください。


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