place 1 bit TIFF and rotate at Illustrator 22.0.1
When place 1 bit TIFF and rotate image, CC2018(22.0.1)'s view is wrong.
fig.1 work view both CC2017 and CC2018.
fig.2 print dialog at CC2017.
fig.3 print dialog at CC2018.
fig.4 overprint preview at CC2018.
fig.5 pixel preview at CC2018.
5_pixcel_preview_2018.png 6 KB -
4_overprint_preview_2018.png 7 KB -
3_print_dialog_2018.png 54 KB -
2_print_dialog_2017.png 54 KB -
1_work_view_both_2017_and_2018.png 8 KB -
Screenshot_2017-11-29_16.15.25.png 296 KB -
Screenshot_2017-11-29_16.14.12.png 265 KB -
Screenshot_2017-11-29_16.13.17.png 270 KB -
Screenshot_2017-10-26_13.36.44.png 169 KB -
Screen_Shot_2017-10-23_at_10.28.54_AM.png 294 KB

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Anonymous commented
Looks like this issue is fixed with Illustrator 23. Thanks!
C commented
This is NOT a display issue, I didn't even see anything wrong until I went to export my final PNGs which had crazy distortion and color issues. The rotated TIFF does not display correctly and the same issue happens when the file is rasterized in illustrator. I had to downgrade to version 2017 to create artwork which works fine, disappointing that the latest versions are not able to function as well as older ones. Will gladly send files to prove that it has nothing to do with GPU/CPU
Anonymous commented
This is a MAJOR ISSUE when creating spot color separations. Losing many hours of productivity devising work arounds (since rasterizing in both Illustrator and Photoshop tends to render the same results). In some cases, we are even losing money on scrap when the problem is not spotted before printing.
Paying for hundreds of subscriptions on this end. We need to know that Adobe is FIXING THIS. And we need an ETA!
Vasily Hall commented
Yes, raster images on export get mangled, and using rasterize effect, even on a placed file containing them does not solve the issue either. Switching to GPU has no effect on the raster file export.
Paul Rosenberg commented
Adobe engineers, please give this issue your full attention.
wikoff commented
We work in CMYK/Overprint Preview mode to ensure files are separating correctly. Working in GPU is not telling the true story for people who prepare files for PRINT. Not a solution: just an interesting tidbit. Sorry.
wikoff commented
Seriously. This is a BASIC function: what the eff happened to it? Almost every file I work in uses this. Ping me for examples and I'd be happy to avalanche them at y'all. Sometimes they still print and make PDFs okay. Sometimes they don't. How can we be expected to upgrade when something so basic is a total fail? Even my vendors are having trouble now.
Anonymous commented
Adobe, you need to get on this! It's killing me. This scenario is in most of the work I prepress, so I still have to use an older version to process files. Does not speak well for you that we went backwards on this with the latest version. Please help your loyal users!!!!
Anonymous commented
Come on Adobe. This is BS. FIx this! You're killing me. This is a constant in much of the work I prepress and having to use an outdated version just to process the files and get them to printer is a big hassle. So sad that a new version comes out and we go backwards on this!
Jill commented
This issue is appearing in 2 places on this site. Following it in both locations hoping for resolution.
Kelly commented
My entire team is experiencing this issue. It was not a problem prior to the recent update. Entire chunks of bitmap art go missing in printouts ins addition to issues viewing it while working on a file.
BC commented
This issue is affecting thousands (at least!) of art files and disrupting our ability to deliver to our customers. Please address this issue.
Anonymous commented
The spot color world has relied on 1-bit images for over 20 years. this is a MAJOR problem for our 200+ users. We literally have MILLIONS of files that contain 1-bit images.
Erik commented
I have a similar issue with embedded or linked bitmaps. I found that the issue also appears when trying to rasterize the bitmap. The only I can export my artwork correctly is with the asset export panel. I was using Illustrator ver. 22.0 and then updated to 22.1, but the issue remains.
Anonymous commented
Has this been fixed? I'm having the same problem, even when linking the placed image. Help! this has just ruined 15 previously perfect files.
Kelly Chitwood commented
We are having the same issue. I tried the suggestion by checking the "Link" option. It minimized the issue, but the corruption is still present. We've tried tif and psd formats.
Yabu Shi commented
This is not a display issue alone.
Rasterization and embedding, export and printing (in the case of non-postscript printers) happens.
I have temporarily downed version 2018 to 2017.
I hope for immediate response. -
Logan commented
This is TERRIBLE. I have been using Bitmaps and exporting them from AI for The last 10 years and have never had an issue with loss of information or corrupted issues. BTW it also happens if a Bitmap is rotated and then rasterized. This means bitmaps can not be rotated in AI and all rotating decisions need to be made prior to bringing in a bitmap from Photoshop. How the F@$&*^ can this not be big issue as it affects many professional users that need this functionality to work for screen printing. I hope the ******* ******** at Adobe make this a priority.
Mark R commented
similar, probably related bug, happens if you try to crop a rotated 1 bit bitmap
Kevin Flagler commented
This is happening to me as well. However, if you place the .TIFF and make sure your link box is checked, it seems to correct the issue.