place 1 bit TIFF and rotate at Illustrator 22.0.1
When place 1 bit TIFF and rotate image, CC2018(22.0.1)'s view is wrong.
fig.1 work view both CC2017 and CC2018.
fig.2 print dialog at CC2017.
fig.3 print dialog at CC2018.
fig.4 overprint preview at CC2018.
fig.5 pixel preview at CC2018.
5_pixcel_preview_2018.png 6 KB -
4_overprint_preview_2018.png 7 KB -
3_print_dialog_2018.png 54 KB -
2_print_dialog_2017.png 54 KB -
1_work_view_both_2017_and_2018.png 8 KB -
Screenshot_2017-11-29_16.15.25.png 296 KB -
Screenshot_2017-11-29_16.14.12.png 265 KB -
Screenshot_2017-11-29_16.13.17.png 270 KB -
Screenshot_2017-10-26_13.36.44.png 169 KB -
Screen_Shot_2017-10-23_at_10.28.54_AM.png 294 KB

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Jill commented
I'm following this, hoping for a fix.
We've run into this problem with files that have lots of rotated bitmaps.
Mark R commented
Please fix this asap! This problem has been going on for way too long.
Jerry Lewis commented
Our design department recently encountered this (or a very similar problem) when using bitmaps to provide distress textures graphics for apparel. While the graphics looked fine on the art board, when exported to jpg or pdf, the bitmap images wouldn't export correctly, almost as if part of the image was hidden by a clipping mask. We solved this issue by making sure that our bitmap distress textures were not rotated. Obviously, this may not work for everyone as not all areas of a bitmap texture are equally desirable.
Anonymous commented
the image previews or exports incorrectly when it is rotated (except at 180°).
Hines commented
Yah, good luck on a fix. Adobe won't acknowledge nor fix anything unless it's a BIG problem for them.
They don't care, just go back to 2017 and you'll be fine. Don't hold your breath. -
Mark Reátegui commented
So frustrating! I need to be able to export images quickly to go back and forth with clients, because of the nature of the projects I work on I use a lot of bitmap tifs. This is really messing up my workflow.
Anonymous commented
Before AI2017, there was no problem, the picture was 8 bit TIF;GPU display and CPU display make mistakes; CPU is more serious than GPU error.
Jotham commented
Possible workaround for you guys that need to output jpgs or whatever for proofing. Convert the files to grayscale as the bug only effects 1 bit files. If you need the 1 bit file to be used as a knockout or overlay you can use "make mask" in the transparency palette. Anything that is black will be knocked out, while anything that is white will show.
If you need the 1 bit image to be a red (for example) instead of black you would make a red box the size of the image and place it below the image, then with both the object and image selected you would click "make mask" in the transparency pallete. This will give you the same look as applying a red swatch color to a 1 bit bitmap. You may need to invert the grayscale image (edit-edit colors-invert colors) depending upon how you want the artwork to look. Just remember black gets knocked out while white is visible. Here is an image from the original poster showing how I took the 1 bit image and converted it to grayscale and was able to get the same look without the bug.
Chris Sharesky commented
This still is not resolved. Placed bitmap images in Illustrator, then rotated, does not render properly, or output properly. This is a big deal, and has been an issue for some time now. The only solution is to go back to 2017 Illustrator, as this anomaly does not happen in that version..
AbelArts commented
Actually, I was linking 1-bit Tiff files, and I converted them to BMP files. Now they are working fine.
Maksim commented
I noticed that simply relinking does not work, but placing the same image in the file renders it correctly. Still sucks. I already reverted to Photoshop 2017. Now I will have to revert Illustrator too.
AbelArts commented
I'm having same issue with embedded or linked BMP files. I just got a new iMac and the new AICC and cannot believe how screwed up the Export to Web images look. Some BMP files export half missing. The issues of designing with a Retina display are Infuriating... my business is dead in the water.
Anonymous commented
Having the same problem, need to send proofs to customers and when I save for web I get this same problem. GPU performance on or off, doesn't matter.
Philip Hepler commented
Come on Illustrator team... any update? Still having the same issue. Linked or embedded, still have the same issue.
Taylor commented
Also having similar problem in new Illustrator CC. The GPU seems to help the preview on bitmap tiffs but when exporting jpgs they are always distorted or missing pixels.
Jan Patera commented
I just sent another example to the share-with email address .
CS5 omachi commented
I upload to
This file contain print dialog preview, overprint preview, and
repeat zoom in and zoom out overprint preview. -
Sarah Khan (Illustrator team) commented
Can you please share sample file with us on: share with ai (at) adobe (dot) com. Remove spaces and replace at with "@" and dot with "."
Anonymous commented
Same things happening to me. Any resolution?
Megan commented
I use .ait files to create visual proofs for cast plaques. I use various templates to show customers what their finish product will look like. I had no issues saving these AI files as PNGs for Web in the 2017 CC release. When I upgraded to Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 however, any bitmap links, embedded or not, would display correctly in Illustrator, but would not export correctly when saved as a PNG for Web (see attachments). I discovered that the only links that failed to display/print properly were BITMAP files. I've had to go in and update all the links to GRAYSCALE format files for them to work. This is rather tedious as we have several of these BITMAP files that are used regularly.
I've reverted back to 2017 until this is resolved...