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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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7796 results found

  1. Arial Bold comes out very condensed

    when i use Arial bold in default settings, it looks skinny. I will have to to stretch the width to 250% to make it look normal. See image please...

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  2. Preference dialogue box

    Hi, When I try to open the Preference dialogue box I get something strange - see attachment, please. Both through the shortcut cmd K and from the Illustrator/Preferences menu

    Illustrator V 27.0.1

    System Information
    Operating system: macOS-12.6.1-arm64-arm-64bit 64 Bits
    Graphics card: Apple M1 Max Apple 4.1 Metal - 76.3

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  3. copypaste

    Ich arbeite mit verschiedenen Vektorprogrammen, wobei mir AI als Start und Finalbearbeitungsprogramm dient. Normalerweise öffne ich Dateien in AI und transferiere sie dann per CopyPaste in andere Vektorprogramme, hier z.B. Freehand. Dabei kopiere ich Vektorgrafiken.

    Seit ein paar Tagen funktioniert dies nicht mehr. In der Zielsoftware erscheint statt der Vektorgrafik eine Pixelgrafik. Was muss ich in den Einstellungen ändern, damit ich die Vektoren transferieren kann? Oder muss ich eine ältere Version von AI installieren?

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  4. Can't recolour a shape or object

    I can't seem to recolour shapes or objects in the latest version of Illustrator. Normally, I would be able to insert a hex code, press enter and it'll be done.

    However, now, I have to insert the hex code and click on one of the other boxes for the colour to load before pressing enter. In this case, sometimes the wrong colour appears and I'd have to adjust the RGB/CMYK/HSB numbers to get the right colour. This happened when I was trying to insert a thistle colour and ended up with beige.

    Even worse, I sometimes enter the hex code…

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  5. Linked Text Boxes DEFORM

    When spreading text over more than one text box, the first one is fine, but any consecutive one deforms so the copy is stretched.

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  6. Effekt Transformieren

    Ich erstelle gerade Seamless Pattern. Eigentlich sollte der Effekt eine Kachelung ohne Fugen erstellen. Tut er aber nicht. Es entsteht jedes mal eine Fuge zwischen den einzelnen Kacheln. Und diese Fuge sollte nicht da sein

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  7. Glyphs in a type on a path are placed wrong, rotate and shift

    Type on a path seems to be glitching. There may be some setting I'm overlooking, but it's certainly never been an issue before my last update. Characters are rotating and randomly spacing along a smooth, curved path, as if there were sharp turns in the path.

    Also, if I'm using type-along-a-path and then scale the objects with the text still live, the text will often glitch and then even if I undo the scale, it remains glitched.

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  8. リンク画像が開かない


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  9. リンクを再設定する度にダイアログがズレていく


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  10. Offset Path Effect unexpectedly losing details

    Issue with the Effect, Path > Offset Path... As a professional printer, we need to counter the spread of ink and recently had a job where the client pointed out that the dots of the letter 'i' were missing in their text... Normally I'd offset by -0.025mm as this is counters the ink, but due to the font style, I set at -0.01mm and expanded... In our investigations, we have found that -0.012mm would have been fine, but below starts producing very unexpected results... I did wonder if it was down to the complexity of all the text, but it…

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  11. Font weights have disappeared from existing document in 27.0

    I opened an existing document, which used Quicksand in various weights. Now, with it opened via Illustrator 2023, all the weights have become one weight, ie light. There is nothing wrong with the Font, I am also using it in Indesign all the time, and it's working fine there. Please see screengrab, showing the PDF on the left (what it should look like) and Illustrator file on the right. The alert box only came up when I clicked on a text box, ie it wasn't there when i opened the document initially. Please help, this is a multi page document…

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  12. images with opacity masks not appearing in GPU preview with Trim View on

    Some images with opacity masks not appearing in GPU preview with Trim View on. They appear all the time in CPU preview, but disappear again when switch back to GPU preview. See screen shots: first is GPU preview in Trim View., second is GPU preview normal.

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  13. 3D effect in Illustrator 2023 doesn’t work

    After updating to 2023, the 3D effect no longer works on macOS 12.6.1. This is also the case with Photoshop. I then get the message that an error has occurred.
    I don't have that problem on my laptop with the latest version of macOS.

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  14. Change case feature not working.

    I am trying to change from uppercase to lowercase. Using 26.5.1 (64-bit) version. I wish I had not upgraded as it crashes every few minutes. Steps: highlight text; Type-->Change case-->lowercase. (In the attached video the Type drop down does not appear in the recording; follow the mouse.

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    Toni, for some reason you have All Caps option enabled in the Character panel for this particular text selection (or rather the whole type on path object).

    Once disabled, Ai stops to force the capitalization for it, and the result of Change Case commands start to be visible.

    I agree though it can be tough to discover.

    If anyone else happen to have this exact problem — please add your votes, so the team can get data on reviewing this in the future.

  15. Export window won't appear on screen, except for a few options, but they don't work

    When selecting Export, the box won't show, but some options do. These options showing won't work by clicking on them or via keyboard.
    Sometimes the Export box appear if I change between Desktops or screens.
    Illustrator 27.0 (2023)
    Mac OSX 12.6

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  16. text tool is slanted by default and cannot be fixed

    (Using MACOS Ventura 13.0 on Macbook Air with M1 Chip.) This issue is both on PS and AI 2023.. When I use the text tool, the text appears slanted and cannot be set to the correct angle. Does anyone have thoughts on this? This was also happening on PS/AI 2022. See screen recording for visual.

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  17. Colors in newly created files get neon-like saturated

    I have created some new files while being connected to a projector (NEC).
    When opening the same files later without being connected to the projector, the colors are extremely saturated.

    File saved without an embedded color profile as I always do.

    The screenshot doesn't capture it well

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  18. Graph type tool crashes when selected.

    iMac Pro, Monterey, Illustrator 27.0.
    With a graph selected I click on the graph type in the contextual mouse menu (right click). Illustrator crashes.
    Same crashes on my MacBookPro latest Intel version running Ventura with Illustrator 27.0.
    BTW: give us a working graph tool, not this dinosaur from 1995.
    BTW2: Make Illustrator multi core.

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  19. AI打開缺字體文件卡死界面問題,只能任務管理器強制關閉。

    有bug的AI版本,ai2022 ai2023都有问题。ai2021没这个问题。
    1. 缺字体的pdf文件,只要右键打开方式用ai2022 2023打开,进到界面弹出缺字体提示,大概率整个AI卡死。
    2. 先打开ai2022 2023界面,缺字体的pdf文件选择右键打开方式选择ai2022 2023,弹出缺字体提示,超高概率整个AI卡死。

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  20. Alt+Drag Duplicate is not working correctly

    When you use ALT and Drag to duplicate Objects, the duplicating is canceled if you release the ALT-key before you release the Mouse Button.

    Also, if you release the Alt, but don't move the mouse, the original one will be still visible, but it will disappear after you release the mouse button (or move the mouse). So, the Illustrator leads you to assume that the Object will be duplicated, but it actually wont. See the attached GIF.

    In every other App that has the same functionality that I have used the duplicating will continue even if I release the Alt…

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