Jagged artefacts on edges of objects with gradient fills or transparency
Revisiting a Logo Artwork that I did last year (created using V.24x), the artwork has now changed ... there are jagged lines around the edges of shapes that were filled with transparency gradients. (see pic 1) This is not due to any extra nodes; the underlying geometry is the same (see pic 2).
If I use 'Flatten Transparency' it solves the jagged lines, but adds extra 'blocks' in the corners (see pic 3). This is not something that used to happen.
This is not multiple objects stacked, so can't Ungroup and it isn't a compound path so I can't Release.
Using Illustrator V.25.2.3
On Mac OS 11.4
Screenshot 2022-05-24 at 08.23.47.png 1358 KB -
スクリーンショット 2022-01-18 11.21.37.png 502 KB -
Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-16 um 11.09.06.png 160 KB -
Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-16 um 11.07.59.png 534 KB -
Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-16 um 11.07.17.png 407 KB -
Pic 3 2021-05-30 at 13.01.55.png 95 KB -
Pic 2 2021-05-30 at 12.55.07.png 117 KB -
Pic 1 2021-05-30 at 12.54.30.png 163 KB -
Screenshot 2021-04-30 at 10.44.26 AM.png 911 KB -
Test source.ai 223 KB -
detail.png 191 KB -
Screenshot 2021-01-13 at 16.09.27.png 71 KB -
Logo Curvo Frente Maquina.ai_ @ 33,33% (CMYK_GPU Preview) 2020-07-14 02-41-45.mp4 8272 KB -
Capturar_1.JPG 42 KB -
Screen_Shot_2018-04-24_at_2.06.07_PM.png 92 KB

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 26.3.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Janet Haw commented
Please see image attache. I am viewing a path at 30% opacity and it looks like the below.
Illustrator CS 26.2.1
MacBook Pro Monterey 12.1 -
Paul Harris commented
Thanks for taking the time to respond so comprehensively, Egor.
Rather than further detract from the OP, I'll start a new thread in a more appropriate channel. -
Good questions, Philip and Paul. I am really glad you asked them.
Despite having an Admin badge, I am a user, just like you. I have my own job, real tasks to design, limited time and the desire to make Ai a better tool, because I spend up to 10 hours in it every day, for a majority of my life.
We are biased. There are many combinations of OSs, drivers, GPUs, builds, plugins, settings... and Illustrator is a complex program. Tests and QA staff do catch bugs, but some slip through. The truth is developers don’t know about bugs caught by users until they are reported. Yes, most of the time they don't get reproduced for them.
I am not an Adobe staff member, although I can contact Adobe staff — so everyone else can do. Email, Twitter, LinkedIn, Slack, you choose.
I am just what the badge says — an administrator here, at UserVoice.My tone can seem harsh, that’s true.
Aren’t you angry because this shit isn’t fixed yet? I am.
This particular bug — I don’t have it. I am on Windows. But I just see how different people report the same issue using different words and phrasing. I know the pain.
I sew these reports together into a larger one, I try to bring attention from the team, I request help from everybody else — because I want to help and expect the same from everybody else. When it’s fixed — then it’s enough, for me.NFTs suck — yep, this is my private POV. Protect your work, as Paul says.
If you are bound by NDA — sure, don’t upload anything.
But the bug is generic enough to build a simple test file in small time or strip the important parts from the real project and share it. That’s what some users here did — thanks — and yes, the problem really turned out to be Mac-specific.
Will it help to solve this? I don’t know. I hope so.There are ways to share a project privately, by using sharewithai@adobe.com email, and I forgot to include it in the status update.
And thank you so much for being open about this. This ship has holes all over it, and we don’t talk about this nearly as much as we should.
Paul Harris commented
I think you're right about not uploading .AI files publicly, Philip.
And I'm quite frankly surprised that Admin staff are indicating this is a valid approach, especially as Adobe are a key player in the CAI initiative.
Photoshop has Beta of 'Content Credentials', don't think Illustrator has yet?!
So much work is being stolen for NFTs, my advice is don't give anyone - even Admin staff - access to your source .AI file. Protect your work! -
Philip commented
If Adobe reaches out or otherwise provides a place to upload my file directly to them, I can do so. I can't upload my file publicly. I provided screenshots and a description for that reason. Happy to see Adobe taking notice of glitches.
Paul Harris commented
I think you've missed the point, I gave extensive details of the fault, including screenshots and hardware/build info.
This was May 2021.
I couldn't upload the .AI file because it was a live file, covered by NDA and I take my client work very seriously in that regard.
I refer to my earlier point; this bug is clearly manifest on a range of systems reported below, I find it hard to believe that Adobe can't replicate this fault with their own resources, with the data provided below (and respecting both the user's - and clients - data protection rights). And on the subject of time management you refer to, I would suggest that subscribers to this software have more productive uses for their time (e.g. creating work to earn enough to pay for it in the first place) than being seconded to IT support roles which they may be unqualified for (and certainly not recompensed for). -
Paul Harris commented
Responding to Admin (Egor) Your tone seems to indicate that users diligently reporting this fault are not doing enough to rectify. Are you saying that you can't replicate this error in-house? Or are you so under-resourced that you genuinely need paying customers to do tech support for you? In what other industry would the vendor be able to pull this magic trick on the customer.
Ton commented
Here is my example. Zoom in to see the artefacts. Screendumps with and without GPU on the second artboard.
Александр Павленко commented
In the last updates the problem has worsened and I see it more often than before.
MBP 13 2018, Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655, Monterey 12.2, Illustrator 26.0.3
roma krivenko commented
Applied default gradient to a font.
MBP M1, Monterey 12.2, Illustrator 26.0.3
Jimmy commented
This is happening to me as well - gradient or solids.
My Setup:
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015)
4 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory 16 GB
AMD Radeon R9 M395 2GBResolution: 5120 x 2880
Mac OS 12.1Illustrator 26.0.3
Would be nice to see more focus on bugs, performance issues and optimization instead of new features. These performance issues really limit how someone can utilize Illustrator.
K Eriko commented
Ten_A さん
ありがとうございました。 -
Ten_A commented
GPUプレビューは速度優先で処理するために演算結果が荒い状態になる場合も多々見られます。表示品質を上げていただければ良いんでしょうけど処理速度とトレードオフでしょうからある程度は目をつぶるしか無いのかもしれませんね。 -
K Eriko commented
MacOS 15.10.7
Someone75 commented
Disable GPU preview? One cannot work anymore in Illustrator and turned off GPU preview! I cannot believe this bug (like some strange others, too ...).
And again no reaction from Adobe.
Anonymous commented
Has this been fixed yet? Still experiencing this issue 10 months later.
Radu Grejdeanu commented
In this video, you can see some broken lines
Radu, which one? You forgot to attach an image or at least give a description. What is broken exactly?
Radu Grejdeanu commented
Illustrator v26.0
MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018)
2.9 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i9
32 GB 2400 MHz DDR4
Radeon Pro 560X 4 GBI have this bug 3 versions already :(
This is a GPU rendering issue, Ralitsa. Try to disable GPU rendering for now.