Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7780 results found
BUG: Save As EPS using Artboards changes layer visibility
I have an AI file with two artboards which I. exported into two separate EPS files, however the layer visibility was changed randomly and did not match the current layout. Note, preview "tiff" image in Finder was correct.
Upon opening the file, I had to go through and turn on / off the appropriate layers to bring it back to the current state. Unlocking all layers and attempting to do this again did not change the results.
Must have been introduced in the most recent update as this has previously worked as expected.
Ver 25.2.3 - Mac OS 11.4
2 votes -
Blue Help window covers controls
This blue help box (empty) covers controls and i cannot get rid of it.
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Extremely slow to drag items, zoom in and out shows glitches
Mac OS Catalina, ver. 10.15.7
MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports), 2,3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, 32 GB 3733 MHz LPDDR4X, Intel Iris Plus Graphics 1536 MBIllustrator: 25.2.3
Illustrator is very slow at times and shows the rainbow wheel when I'm trying to move objects (even simple ones) around the artboard.
Also when zooming in and out the artwork becomes glitched (shows some fragments duplicated or parts of the artwork disappear). Restarting the program temporarily fixes the issue.2 votes -
Variable Fonts style order on Character pallete
When a variable font has an instance (that is not the first master) set as the default, it shows on top of the list and not in its right place. It should not move to the top of the list.
Please see images.2 votes -
2 votes
1. お使いのオペレーティングシステムおよび Adobe Illustrator (デスクトップ版) のバージョン
2. 問題が発生したときに実行していた手順や操作
3. 想定していた結果
4. 実際の結果
5. [必要に応じて] Illustrator ファイルまたはビデオをアップロードしてください。お手数をおかけしますが、よろしくお願いいたします。
Illustrator チーム
Screen goes white as soon as I draw something
As soon as I open an Illustrator document and draw or touch an object, the screen goes white. I switch between gpu and cpu rendering, nothing changes.
M1 MBP, newest os and illustrator version, not the beta or pre version, rosetta 2 mode.
2 votesThe team is aware of a similar looking issue, where this is due to Anchor Point Size preference set to Max value. Please check if changing it from Max to any other value resolves this and comment back.
The investigation continues to get the root cause of this preference corruption.
All Illustrator workspaces and control area disappears
All Illustrator tools panel, workspaces, saved workspace windows and control area disappears at startup. A complete reinstall of the program does not fix bug.
2 votes -
Toolbars missing / Workspace missing
I logged in today and my workspace is selected, but none of the tools are visible. I have to reopen them and arrange them all over again. But then it doesn't allow me to resave a workspace. If this isn't a bug, I'm going to need to know why this is happening.
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"Proof Setup" and "Proof Colors" Greyed Out
The "Proof Setup" and "Proof Colors" options in the View drop down menu have been greyed out and no matter how many times I restart my computer or the application, nothing changes. My version of Illustrator is fully up to date, v. 25.2.3
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Can't escape from Isolation mode
I have isolated a Transparency Mask (a gradient), but Ai doesn't show a way to get back to the top hierarchy. Escape key also doesn't work.
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Compound Path Visibility Crash
Hey y’all. When I have a hidden compound path in a layer and I try to make the path visible again, the app the freezes. This is a bit frustrating and not my art that I created is at a halt due to this bug.
2 votes -
Noticing a strange path glitch
I have noticed a strange glitch that is appearing on paths. Here is a screen shot. You can see the two shape (dark and light aqua colors) and the path is highlighted in red. Near the path and in-between the shapes is a strange jagged line. I had this appear in one other document too. There is nothing there when I go to try and grab it or delete it.
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Option/alt+click on anchor doesn't work. It used to make anchor points to curve OR corner. It even says "Pen: Make Corner" at the bottom of the window in the "current tool" field, but actually it just creates NEW PATH.
And the Anchor point tool icon changes to "Pen tool - start path" icon on hover.So you've actually managed to broke the most essential feature of Illustrator - which is to draw and modify vectors. Awesome job!
It would be actually rather funny if it wasn't COSTING ME MONEY THE WHOLE TIME FOR F*CKS SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Shape tool bug
I have opened Illustrator today and a troubleshooting message appears where the shape tool is not working. Illustrator has since opened, and the shape tool is no longer there on the toolbar.
Please can you assist and fix ASAP?
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Inconsistent color
With the new CC update, I can't calibrate colour across apps using Color Settings in Bridge. This started happening often on the previous release, but I was able to fix it by resetting this in Bridge. Now, it doesn't work. See attached – same Pantone colour (50% of Pantone Bridge 7500) in InDesign and Illustrator. The InDesign is accurate; Illustrator is not. Nothing I do seems to help. I may revert to older Bridge and Photoshop until you sort this out.
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Save for WEB makes main window unaccessible
Open Save for WEB => change the Image Size => hit Enter. Sometimes the next window popups invisible and I have no access to it. Thus it is impossible to close the Save dialog and get back to the artwork. Anywhere I click I only hear the ding sound (meaning like I have to confirm or cancel something first).
Save for Web window is inaccessible with mouse too: I cant resize it or interact with any of its UI elements. I can move it tho.But I can jump elements with the Tab button. With Tab, if I hit Enter…
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Type on path tool, cannot flip to inside the path
Illustrator Beta 25.3 265@236190
MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2019) macOS Big Sur v. 11.2.3, 32mg memory, 2.3GHz 8-core Intel Core i9, Radeon Pro 560X 4 GB Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB
Created a circle, attempting to use type on path tool, works find to place type outside circle, cannot drag the type inside the circle to be at the bottom. Shows there when I click and drag but when I release it places the text on the outside of the circle in a different location.
2 votes -
Illustrator paste in front not pasting on current art board
Paste in front keeps pasting objects back on the original art board, not on the one I have in focus, or a selected object on. Seems to error randomly, but when it does not work, it blows my productivity.
2 votes -
Export as SVG does not properly respect letter-spacing style on text
When saving as SVG, the exporter temperamentally interprets letter-spacing as either 0 (no style exported) or "1". E.g. within Illustrator I might set letter-spacing to 185, this would be exported as just "1" without a unit. Furthermore, if I open the file again, Illustrator interprets this as "90", and if I save again, the exporter exports without any letter-spacing.
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Mac OS Save As file name highlight bug
Productivity killing bug in Illustrator 25.2.3, but not Photoshop 22.3.1!:
Mac OS (Catalina, currently) Save As dialog box highlights the entire file name, including the extension, which has been a bug the past several versions. For over a decade, Save As would not include the extension in the highlight, so one could tap the arrow key once to the end of the file name to change it, to increment a version number for example. This bug has been a huge stumbling block in my productivity.
Also, in Illustrator, the sometimes Save As does not highlight the file name at all…
2 votesHi All ,
Thanks for reporting the issue . The issue has been fixed in 12.1 Monetary OS .
Regards,Ankit Goyal
Illustrator team
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