AI 2020 V.24 Unknown Error while saving in AI "when a PDF joboption file is present in the adobe PDF preferences folder"
Just updated to V.24.
There is a critical bug while saving on an external hard drive or a network storage. The saving process ends with a generic error and the file just DISAPPEAR from the server.
I'm on MacOS 10.14.6

Thanks for reporting the issue .
We have fixed the bug which was orignally reported but it seems some users are still facing the issue.
We are not able to reproduce this issue in house now ,Kindly provide following info to nail down this issue:
1)Kindly provide some video , Test file(Via File→Package) & some steps with which you are facing issue and share with us at .
2)Please try the below mentioned workaround and let us know if that helps:
If you do not use custom Adobe PDF presets/joboptions or not heard of it then follow the below steps
1. Navigate to user presets folder
Win: appdata\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings
2. Rename the folder to “Settings old” and create a new empty folder “Settings” in the same place
3. Launch Illustrator and check if you can save the document
If you use custom Adobe PDF presets then follow below steps
1. Go to Edit > Adobe PDF Presets
2. Check PDF compatibility of PDF presets that are not default
3. Make a note of presets that use PDF compatibility version 1.3
4. Quit Illustrator
5. Navigate to user presets folder
Win: appdata\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings
6. Move the presets identified in step 3 out of this folder
7. Launch Illustrator and check if you can save the document
3)Please share your preset folder in a Zip File
Win: appdata\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings
4)Please try the below mentioned workaround and let us know if that helps:
i)Launch Illustrator
ii)Open preference by pressing “Cmd+K”
iii)Go to “File Handling & Clipboard”
iv)Uncheck "Optimize file Open and Save Time on Slow Network (Beta) "
v)Click ok
vi)Try to save file and let us know if that helps
If it is still reproducible
i)Open preference by pressing “Cmd+K”
ii)Go to “File Handling & Clipboard”
uncheck “Save in background”
iii)Click ok
iv)Try to save file and let us know if that helps
Kindly share the above with us at in a Zip file. Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.
Thanks and Regards
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team
Murat commented
Just updated Illustrator 24.0.2 and using MacOS 10.14.6.
When i try to save a copy to an existing pdf file, nothing happens at that pdf file. It remains same.
What should I do?
D commented
I've just reproduced the save issue for a friend who was not able to save their files (totally distraught by this - people have real commercial deadlines that they can't meet with this bug - this is an URGENT issue that needs to be addressed).
The two crash reports that I can see are for CEPHTMLEngine and AIRobin
The workaround (with some loss of info) that seems to work is.
1. Have the file open in Illustrator 2020
2. Save a copy as SVG
3. Install Illustrator 2019. (... menu in Creative Cloud alongside Illustrator is the way to install a previous version)
4. Import the SVG, ignore the out of memory error - that seems to be a bug too
5. Save as Illustrator CC format
6. Continue to work in Illustrator 2019Process: AIRobin [7598]
Path: /Applications/Adobe Illustrator 2020/Adobe
Identifier: com.adobe.AIRobin
Version: 24.0.1 (24.0.1)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]
User ID: 501Date/Time: 2020-01-14 17:44:44.348 +1100
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.15.2 (19C57)
Report Version: 12
Bridge OS Version: 4.2 (17P2551)
Anonymous UUID: 03EC2242-B2F5-Sleep/Wake UUID: E4B54161-911C-4E03-AD1E-F0BFFE592C11
Time Awake Since Boot: 36000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 35000 secondsSystem Integrity Protection: enabled
Crashed Thread: 63 SchedulerThread
Exception Codes: EXC_I386_GPFLT
Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFYTermination Signal: Segmentation fault: 11
Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xb
Terminating Process: exc handler [7598]Process: CEPHtmlEngine [7996]
Path: /Applications/Adobe Illustrator 2020/Adobe
Identifier: com.adobe.cep.CEPHtmlEngine
Version: (1)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]
User ID: 501Date/Time: 2020-01-14 17:45:23.551 +1100
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.15.2 (19C57)
Report Version: 12
Bridge OS Version: 4.2 (17P2551)
Anonymous UUID: 03EC2242-B2F5-Sleep/Wake UUID: E4B54161-911C-4E03-AD1E-F0BFFE592C11
Time Awake Since Boot: 36000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 35000 secondsSystem Integrity Protection: enabled
Crashed Thread: 0 CrBrowserMain Dispatch queue:
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFYApplication Specific Information:
abort() called
CEPHtmlEngine(7996,0x11a0cbdc0) malloc: Incorrect checksum for freed object 0x7ff1e0f32008: probably modified after being freed.
Corrupt value: 0xf00007ff00000000 -
Wolfgang Housseaux commented
We had the same issue. We followed instructions from Andrea and the problem dissapeared. macOS Mojave.
FAKE NEWS! Problem not fixed!
J commented
I'm having the same issue, I've read somewhere that it's due to Adobe PDF Presets - do you have any custom presets set up? It's irritating that 2020 seems to have this bug, 2019 was fine with custom PDF presets
J commented
I repeatedly get the error message "Illustrator is unable to save this document [FILE NAME] due to some unexpected errors."
I have to save the file in a different location, then delete the old file, and move the new file to the old location. I have to do this nearly every time I save, and I've tried multiple different files.
I did some research, and apparently this is due to Adobe PDF Presets. I have a custom preset set up (to match my local Printer's artwork requirements) that I have successfully been using for 2 years, through various CC updates, but since updated to 2020 this preset is possibly causing these issues.
Having to delete PDF presets/not being able to use them would be very inconvenient for my work, that said this bug is also very inconvenient.
Please fix it! Adobe customers shouldn’t have to abandon their PDF presets when they worked so well in previous CC versions.
As far as I’m aware this problem only occurs in Adobe Illustrator 2020, Indesign (which has the same PDF preset) is unaffected.
Sammy Boshears commented
So, all of this happened last Friday and it was consistent throughout the day. I have reinstalled illustrator multiple times and restarted my computer multiple times. I log onto my computer this morning and see that there is an update for 24.0.1 for Illustrator (which really confused me because I had just reinstalled and updated it before I left work Friday). I installed it and so far I haven't been able to duplicate the problem. If it happens again I'll try your solution!
I don't know what's going on with Adobe lately but having inconsistent bugs is frustrating and honestly gives me a sense of uneasiness working with their apps. Especially prolonged periods on my server. I've never felt nervous of losing work on an Adobe app before.
Andrea commented
I actually tried something and it seemed to have fixed the problem. I haven't been able to duplicate the issue i was having, so, so far, so good.
What i did was go into Illustrator/Preferences/File Handling & Clipboard
I unchecked Automatically Save Recovery Data Every:
and unchecked Turn off Data Recovery for complex documentsClicked okay.
Shut Illustrator down and restarted.Then I went back in and turned them back on. (Meaning I checked the boxes back on)
Error message never came back.
Andrea commented
I actually tried something and it seemed to have fixed the problem. I haven't been able to duplicate the issue i was having, so, so far, so good.
What i did was go into Illustrator/Preferences/File Handling & Clipboard
I unchecked Automatically Save Recovery Data Every:
and unchecked Turn off Data Recovery for complex documentsClicked okay.
Shut Illustrator down and restarted.Then I went back in and turned them back on. (Meaning I checked the boxes back on)
Error message never came back.
Andrea commented
I am having the same issues after i installed Illustrator 2020 and upgraded my OS to Mojave. I tried some suggested fixes, but none of them seem to work. Waiting for Adobe to resolve this issue.
Gaz commented
24.0.2 still has this bug.
And still no further comment from Adobe? Appalling.
Sammy Boshears commented
This issue is NOT fixed.
Sammy Boshears commented
I've seen a few forms similar to my problem but there are a few differences so I'm opening a new ticket.
I'm on Illustrator 2020 (24.0.1) and on OS Mojave (10.14.6). *I cannot update to Catalina because a lot of my company's software doesn't support Catalina.*
When saving .ai files I get an error saying that it cannot save due to some unexpected error. I can save under a different file name but then when I try to save that file the error happens again.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Illustrator 2020, and I have reset my preferences and presets because I have seen a solution where this bug had to do with a PDF Flattener Preset (I don't know if that is still the case). When I apply the "solutions" I am able to save only one .ai file normally. But when I try to open and save another .ai file I get the error again.
It appears that I have no issues saving it locally (to my desktop), but the issue happens when I'm saving it onto a server. I work in a company where having access and being able to work directly from our servers is crucial for our work. Being limited to only working on my local drive is not efficient when trying to make turn-arounds.
Maybe others are having the same issue?
*Previous versions of Illustrator have no issues. This error doesn't occur. So the problem has to be with Illustrator 2020.*
Anonymous commented
Anish do you have any update on this issue? It's still happening
Wim commented
No fix in 24.0.2 I still have that problem
Anonymous commented
24.0.2 is out. Could you check if this update fix this problem?
Dayle commented
Oh, now it's intermittent V24.0.1
Dayle commented
Come on Adobe. WTF. I just spent two weeks rebuilding my system after all CC apps quit working after the 2020 upgrade. On this fresh install I can't save the first file I'm working on. PDF or otherwise.
anthony lecuyer commented
Voilà l'aperçu pour illustrer mon commentaire précédent.
anthony lecuyer commented
Pour ma part j'ai désactivé l'enregistrement en arrière plan et l'enregistrement optimisé des fichiers sur les réseaux lents (bêta) depuis je n'ai plus de problème..
Naomi commented
This is still happening! Can't save the file after the first save; just disappears and gives the error. Have to save it to desktop, then save it again to the server—weird thing is the created/modified time is always 3 minutes behind; very strange. Hoping Adobe offers a fix for this soon!