View Using GPU Gets Greyed Out Permanently with Outline Mode
Hello, with fresh preferences, 'View using GPU' and scrubby zoom are enabled in Illustrator. if I turn on Outline Mode, Illustrator loses connection with my GPU. The 'View using GPU' option becomes greyed out and never restores. In order to get it back I have to delete my preferences. Here is my system info:
Illustrator 25.1
OS: Windows 10
GPU: 2 x NVIDIA Titan Black
RAM: 64 GB Memory
GPU Driver: Driver 460.89
Display: ASUS PQ321Q 4K

output design commented
macbookpro 16inch 2019
グラフィックス AMD Radeon Pro 5600M 8 GB
Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MBOS big sur 11.2.3
Illustrator 25.2.1を使用
解決策があれば教えてほしいです。 -
Oliver Malms commented
Also tried 25.2.1 (Mac, Catalina) and discovered a new bug: Objects temporarily dissapear (kind of flicker) when dragging with GPU-View. Going back to 24.3. Again.
Reio commented
Just tested v25.2.1 and it seems to be broken still.
Oliver Malms commented
This might be one way to force the bug to happen. But I had this also without raster files beeing involved, so there seem to be some more ways to trigger it...
Chuck commented
I was able to duplicate it. When I imported a client-provided raster file, it killed the GPU feature for all open documents. Deleting the raster file and restarting AI was the only thing that fixed it. Even resaving the raster file as a jpeg and reimporting still killed the GPU feature. Taking a screenshot of the jpeg and importing that fixed it. When opening the offending raster file, I got Camera Raw Filter warning about the ICC color profile. I'll attach the file that gave me problems.
Oliver Malms commented
That’s the problem with subscriptions: You pay for the newest version, but you have to use the old version, until all bugs are fixed... It’s March 2021 and we are forced to use Illustrator 2020, because the actual version is not reliable.... Maybe, when Illustrator 2022 is released, we got a bug free version of Illustrator 2021...
Oliver Malms commented
Since we have updated to Illustrator 2021, on one of our machines (Mac mini 2018) "View unsing GPU" (CMD+E) is greyed out and can’t be activated. GPU IS activated in the Illustrator Preferences! Using Illustrator 2020, this function works as usual.
An other glitch, that we noticed on both of our machines (the 2018 mini and a 2019 iMac): When opening a document in Illustrator 2021, the window turns black for a moment until the document is shown. This does not really cause any problems, it is just strange and does not occure with Illustrator 2020.
Having tested everything for some days It is getting even stranger. On the iMac, where the GPU preview seemed to work, I was editing a document with GPU preview active and when I place a tiff image in my artwork, Illustrator instantly switches to CPU preview and GPU preview gets greyed out.
Adobe, before adding any new features, that nobody needs, PLEASE fix the basic functionality!!!
Anonymous commented
I have one file that's not working so I created a new file which was working fine initially until I copied over the content form the old file. I tried it again and only copied over the text and it worked, then as soon as I copied over the image from the old file it stopped working. So seems to be specific to certain elements I have on my page.
Max Sanchez commented
I can’t do nothing on illustrator it gpu drive issue
Vasilis commented
Here are my screen recordings too.
Thank you! -
Reio commented
Hello! The screen recording is attached to this bug now, since my original bug report was merged.
Please see Screen Recording above.
Reio commented
@Vasilis My immediate problem is that an unfixed issue was merged with a fixed one. :)
Vasilis commented
@Reio I had to roll back to previous version to get my work done. I guess the problem is more generic, since there are more than one ways to replicate the issue. Ai switching to cpu preview is the big picture here. Have you tried to double click on a group? For me that is broken too for example. Maybe there are more.
Reio commented
I see my bug report was merged with this. However the issue I described and recorded is still broken in 25.2. Illustrator 25.2 is still unusable for us because of the issue.
This issue is happening when switching to Outline Mode, while our issue is happening when switching to Artboard Tool.
Vasilis commented
The problem seems to be fixed for the outline mode but when I enter a clip group or when I use the artboard tool I have the same problem. :(
Reio commented
Since v25.0.1 we're experiencing an issue where GPU preview works initially, but turns itself off when one uses the Artboard Tool. Please see the attached video.
We've downgraded to v25.0 now, which works fine.
Affected Illustrator versions:
• v25.0.1
• v25.1
• v25.2Affected machines:
• iMac 5K 2019, 32GB RAM, Radeon Pro 580X 8GB, MacOS 10.15.7.
• Mac Pro Early 2008, 26GB RAM, Radeon RX 580 8GB, MacOS 10.15.7. -
Sylwester Gałysa commented
I have the same issues!
Windows 10 / Geforce GTX 1080Ti -
Eavipsa Roa commented
Yea, i have the same issue
Vasilis commented
Same here!
I used to work fine on Ai. Now its almost impossible.MacBookPro 2016
Osx Mojave
2,7 GHz Intel Core i7
16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3
Radeon Pro 455 2Gb
Intel HD Graphics 530 1536 MB -
Mike Choo commented
Same here - if I switch a document to outline mode GPU preview turns off and gets greyed out.
Closing and re-opening the document will re-enable GPU preview.
I can have multiple files open at the same time and this affects them on a case-by-case basis - e.g. only the files I've used outline view on lose GPU preview.
Win 10
Illustrator Version: 25.1
OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 451.77
GeForce RTX 2060
32GB Ram