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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
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7721 results found

  1. Cmd + Tab app switching forcibly keeps Illustrator in focus

    When Illustrator (at full-screen mode) is in focus, and when executing the quick-app-switching Mac shortcut (cmd+tab) to the previous app, Illustrator always remains in focus. Even though the OS thinks the new app has focus — it will, for instance, invisibly receive keyboard inputs — Illustrator's UI nevertheless retains complete hold over the display, save for the OS toolbar. Chrome, Finder, even something as simple as Calculator; none of them show up. I've had to downgrade to Illustrator v.25 just to get work done.

    Illustrator v.26.2.1
    macOS 10.15.7
    3.2 GHz 6-core Intel Core i7 Mac Mini (2018)
    64 GB RAM…

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  3. SVG export crashes

    Exporting to SVG causes Illustrator 26.2.1 (64-bit) on Window 10 (21H2 19044.1645) to crash. No export is created.

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  4. Clipping Mask gets rendered wrong

    MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015)
    Just recently install the macOS Monterey
    Using the newest version of Illustrator 2022

    The clipping mask doesn't work after I zoom in or zoom out.
    It shows what is inside the clipping mask with different shapes randomly every time just like the images below. I have to move around the image to get the original shape of the clipping mask.

    It works quite well in Illustrator 2018 actually.
    But the Illustrator 2018 version seems can not be downloaded anymore.

    I think people should be allowed to download the older version which they found most…

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  5. SVG export with Internal CSS and Layer names - not working suddenly in 26.2.1 - export does not contain layer names; omits some layers

    Illustrator 26.2.1 CC on Mac OS (Intel)
    Export used to export layer names with these settings.
    Now it unexpectedly exports shortened group names.
    How can I revert back to old Illustrator version?

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  6. ui scaling

    UI Scaling option is missing in Adobe Illustrator 2022 on Desktop

    Using a Macbook Air 2015 running MACosMonterey Version 12.3.1

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  7. Copying and pasting text turns it to outlines

    Copying and pasting text turns random parts of it to outlines. if you Option-drag the text, it works fine, keeps all the text in tact. this happens even in the same document, other documents.

    Makes working pretty much impossible between documents and just a pain in the same document.

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  8. グラデーションをかけたオブジェクトのSVGファイルのアセット書き出し


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  9. Editing pattern or symbol changes selected layer

    Upon exiting edit mode for symbols or patterns the selected layer will change to the top-most layer. It should remember the selected layer prior to entering edit mode and maintain that.

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  10. Font activation bug persists on Windows 10

    Font activation bug persists on Windows 10. Even after the upgrade, I'm still constantly having to deactivate and reactivate Adobe fonts to get them to display. Eventually the problem fixes itself, but it wastes lots of time every time I open the program

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  11. Stroke Aligned to Outside of Filled Shape and Fill of Shape Not Aligned

    When aligning a stroke to the outside of a fill area, there are areas in which the fill area is incompletely filled, or the fill extends beyond the stroke.

    Mac OS 12.0.1 (21A559)
    Illustrator 26.2.1

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  12. 'Export as' SVG No Longer Includes Width/Height on Embedded Images

    When exporting an AI file with an embedded PNG screenshot (added via File > Place) as an SVG, the <image> tag in the exported SVG file is no longer being created with "width" and "height" attributes.

    This creates an error when trying to use the exported SVG in XMLmind (which states that there is no width attribute on the <image> tag), and I imagine in other contexts as well.

    We're on an enterprise cloud subscription of Illustrator, so at any given time we're working with the most up-to-date version. In a similar file I exported to SVG back in January…

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  13. Enlarging makes preview disappear

    When I zoom in extremely large, the image disappears. This happens with CPU activated and not activated.

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  14. Copying and Constraining using keyboard shortcuts (Opt/Shift) is causing error sound

    This version of Illustrator (26.1) on MacOS Monterey 12.3 is sporadically having problems with taking an object and using keyboard shortcuts to copy/constrain (option/shift). At seemingly random times when trying to copy an object with option held down or option/shift held down and dragging the object with the mouse, I am getting the error noise and then a rejection of what I was trying to do. It happens frequently throughout my workflow, but I'm not sure exactly what is triggering it. Sometimes I get the error noise when simply dragging an object around the artboard, but again seems totally random.

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  15. Illustrator changing color values every time I reopen program v 26.0.2

    I'm on a brand new MacBook Pro and I'm using illustrator from the cloud version 26.0.2 on Mac Monterey v 12.1. Every time I close out a file and reopen it the hex colors are changed. I have never touched the setting on my colors. I've attached an example below. You can see that when I was previously working in the file I listed the hex code, but now when I open it it is different. Please help. This is making my branding impossible and I'm turning in projects incorrectly as a result.

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  16. Illustrator won't let me save

    Whether I open an existing ai file or start a new, when I got to save the document, it opens up the save menu however then it doesn't allow me to click on any section, not even the side menu to desktop, and you can see the save button is greyed out? Please can you provide a solution?

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  17. テキストをアピアランス分割+アウトラインした際、線の太さが変わる

    オペレーティングシステムおよび Adobe Illustrator (デスクトップ版) のバージョン
    macOS Catalina 15.7
    Illustrator  2022(26.0.3)

    1 テキストに対し、アピアランスパネルで「線」を追加。
    2 線に任意の太さと色を設定。
    3 アピアランスパネルで パスの変形→変形→拡大・縮小を任意の数値に設定。
    4 テキストを選択し、オブジェクト→アピアランスを分割
    5 テキストを再度選択し、書式→アウトラインを作成 を実行。



    Illustrator バージョン26.1でも同じ結果になります。


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  18. 別名保存後にJPG書き出しした際、JPGのタイトルが別名保存前の名称になる

    オペレーティングシステムおよび Adobe Illustrator (デスクトップ版) のバージョン
    macOS Catalina 15.7
    Illustrator 26.0.3(2022)

    1 aiデータを開く(ファイル名
    2 別名保存する(ファイル名
    3 JPG書き出しをする(ファイル→書き出し→書き出し形式→ファイル形式:JPG)
    4 保存されたJPGをFinderの「情報を見る」で情報を開く







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    Ilustrator 製品版フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。

    OS でのファイル情報の「詳細情報」は、ファイルのメタデータのタイトルが参照されます

    Illustrator では「ファイル > ファイル情報...」メニューを選択し、ファイルのメタデータを設定変更できます。

    書き出しファイルにも、このメタデータが使用されますので、Illustrator の「ファイル情報」メニューで変更したメタデータのタイトルが、OS のファイル情報の詳細情報に反映されるかご確認ください。


    Illustrator チーム

  19. Holding alt to make the Width tool only change one side of a brushed path snaps the other side to zero.

    1. Draw a path. Give it a simple, thick stroke.
    2. Hold down ALT while using the Width tool to change one side's width; note that the other side stays the same width.
    3. Draw a new path. Give it an art brush or pattern brush.
    4. Hold down ALT while using the Width tool to change one side's width; note that the other side suddenly snaps to zero-width.

    I would swear the Width tool used to behave as in step 2 on brushed paths? It'd be nice to get this reversion fixed. Or to make the Width tool behave consistently across different kind…

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  20. Recolor - Color Theme Picker don’t work

    The Theme Color Picker doesn’t work when...
    In a document with artworks and images,

    1. Select artworks and click the Recolor icon, then go to Advanced Option.
    2. Enable [Open Advance Recolor Artwork dialog on launch]
    3. Quit Illustrator
    4. Open Illustrator
    5. Select artworks
    6. Click the Recolor icon in Control Panel
    7. Disable [Open Advance Recolor Artwork dialog on launch]
    8. Close the Recolor Windows
    9. With the Artworks still selected
    10. Click the Recolor icon in Control Panel again
    11. Click the Color Theme Picker
    12. Click on an image in the document

    Results: Nothing!

    To make it works again, we need to close the illustrator application and reopen…

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