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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:

  1. Details of your operating system
  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
  3. The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
  4. Your expected result and the actual result
  5. Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)

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  1. 2 votes
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  2. New Illustrator 2018 UI is not correct-missing panels and won't set workplace

    This is what I get when opening the new Illustrator CC 2018. Wonky, slow to respond, no panels, workplace will not appear. THings lag and disappear randomly. Terrible!
    On WIN 10 Enterprise 64 byte Dell Desktop Nvidia Quatro K4000 video card. 4K monitor

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    Please try to delete your preferences. If it still doesn’t solve your problem, please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.

  3. Invalid Export Location

    When I "Export Selection" on an artboard, the "Export for Screens" window comes up. I select the asset, and choose the export location. No matter what location I choose I get an error upon export - "Invalid Export Location".

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  4. PDF size is extremely large

    Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 version

    When I save a file as PDF or even the original Ai. format the file becomes extremely large. This started to occurred after the latest update. The file contains 2 small artboards with a little bit of text (not much) and a few small icons, its 43 MB! it should be 10 MB or less.

    The same happens when saving as PDF with (Illustrator default settings) File is TOO big, even if I change the settings of the PDF, it might drop to 15 MB.

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  5. Clicking to the side of a (point) text doens't put cursor at the end of line

    Illustrator CC 2018
    Mac OS X El Capitan and Windows 10

    This used to work on CS6 (at least on Mac): with type tool selected, having clicked anywhere in the middle of a text (point, not area), if I wanted to go to the end of the line (eg to continue typing), I could click anywhere to the right of the text and the cursor would move to the end of the line.

    Now, if I do that, it deselects the text (sometimes creates a new point text.

    If I want to continue typing, I have to click exactly just…

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  6. Can´t save an open document!!

    When I try to save an open document, AI say´s it can´t save as the file is open.

    Well, obviously it is open, as I am working on it!

    I have to rename the file. Then when I try to save the new file, same thing happens and I have to keep renaming files if I want to save my work.

    Surely this is a bug.

    Is this happening to anyone else??!

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  7. doesn't display proper illustration

    It didn't happen in C6 version. The line and shape(colored) doesn't display accurately. (Ref. attached)

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  8. Can´t save an open document

    Illustrator CC v 21.1.0 (64bit)

    When I am working a current, open document and I click Save in the File menu, Illustrator say´s it can´t save because the file is open. Well, obviously it is open, because I am working on it!

    I have to Save As... and rename the file, (I usually add the date and time).

    This is obvioulsy just a a little bug in the new update. Let me know if I can help.

    I attach the message I get.

    Actually... Now Illustrator has frozen! So I can´t attach the message.

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  9. anchor point and handle display - no visible difference on screen

    With CC 2018 update there is NO visible difference with ANY of the 3 options of the ANCHOR POINT AND HANDLE DISPLAY dialog in preferences.


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  10. successful save to svgz

    Dear people,

    I refer to the following topic

    Hope you will find a real solution. So things will work in the newest versions of AI too.

    Kind regards,

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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  11. When setting the leading, cannot select "auto"

    When trying to set the leading, cannot re-select "auto"

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  12. Empty artboard name which changes itself when artboard is resized

    I have a simple template for business card, made long ago, with a single artboard inside.
    Today I created new document based on this template and AI22 has shown this single artboard with no name (which was never touched in template and always was default 'Artboard 1'). It displays as 'Artboard 1' in Artboards paleette, but tag is missing.
    Next, when I add height to this artboard in Control panel, it got renamed to 'Artboard 2', both in tag and palette.
    If I undo this and make change again, it got 'Artboard 3' and so on.
    I expect this artboard…

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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  13. Incorrect file sizes

    Importing work into After Effects adds 6 pixels to the file size — very generous. This software keeps on giving.

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  14. most fonts not rendering

    I have to continually uninstall and reinstall 75% of my fonts! They show up in the panel, but do not render when selected. This is way beyond aggravating and is taking up hours of my time daily.
    These are fonts on my hard drive, not typekit or any other font service. using Windows 10 and Illustrator CC 2018 (happened intermittently with 2017, now it's everytime I open Illustrator or let it sit open for more than a few hours)

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    Closing the ticket since didn’t hear back from customer.

    Hi Jamie,
    If you are still facing this issue, Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here

  15. Illustrator freezes all the time

    I am not able to use Illustrator at all. I have updated to the 2018 version. Every time I want to create new project or open existing one the program freezes. No matter if I have GPU Performance option on or off.

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  16. AI CC2018 doesn't show certain font styles, while CC2017 does

    I have ITC FrizQuadrata installed. This font family has 4 styles: normal, italic, bold and bold italic.

    AI CC2017 does show all four.
    CC2018 shows only one — 'ITC'.

    It doesn't show it when you type family name, it doesn't show other styles in drop-down style list.
    If I copy/paste text with needed font family style from 2017 to 2018, AI will show me two identical font names but two different preview near them (and again no italics).

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    Please get in touch with us at
    Please create a sample file in CC 2017 with styles that you do not see in CC 2018. Create a package out of it so that we also get the font files for investigation and share the package with us. For sharing the package you can either upload to your creative cloud files or any other file sharing system like Dropbox, Wetransfer etc..

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator

  17. 2 votes
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  18. A large triangular glitch renders on canvas when selecting and moving objects

    Tried working on a new artboard to learn interface and immediately started getting this problem - this happens when I select an object and try to move it. Then I am unable to move anything properly. I have been unable to find any settings that may have caused this. I uninstalled and reinstalled and have received this same problem on different files and art boards.
    A triangular cut out that appears on the artboard and causes the objects to malfunction when manipulated.

    If I try to create something new, it disappears and then shows up again.

    Adobe Illustrator CC 22.0.1

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    I am closing the ticket due to lack of response.
    Please get in touch with us at or any of the other support channels – . Please give a reference to this post so that we can identify you.
    Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.

    Anish Kumar
    Illustrator Team

  19. Font name not suggested when typing in

    When I want to change a typeface to another and I start typing in the name, instead of loading a list of installed fonts related to the characters being typed, nothing happens. No suggestions loaded at all.

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    Need More Info  ·  Anish Kumar responded

    Hi Love,

    sorry to hear that you are facing this issue. Can you please click on the little rectangle in the font name (below search button) and see the option selected?

    If it is “Search First Work Only”, change it to “Search Entire Font Name” and it will solve the issue.

    Anish Kumar
    Illustrator Team

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