Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7807 results found
unclickable accept button to terms of use
I had a popup tells me to click accept to general terms of use but when i click accept it does not accepting it and popup does not removing
1 voteThe solution is to actually click the Terms of Use link the dialog offers you ( and at least TRY to read them). When you click the link, the Accept button starts working.
Difficulty selecting and moving objects
This just started today. I am working on a Mac and using Illustrator 2023. I've closed the program and reopened it several times, checked other files I have as well and it's driving me CRAZY. I can't seem to select an object and drag to move it. The only way to select an object is to drag and draw a rectangle around the shape and even then I can't drag to move the object
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When exporting an intertwined object to PDF the selection trace is preserved in the saved file
Mac OS Ventura 13.0.1 (22A400)
Illustrator 27.0.1The reproduction scenario is as following:
1. Create two overlaying rings (I used pathfinder to make the hole in the middle).
2. Select both objects
3. Go to Object-Intertwine-Make and select the target area
4. Save in PDFEven if the Flatten transparency was selected (as suggested in ), the tiny selection trace in the intertwined area can be viewed (see the attached file)
1 voteThis issue is fixed in the Prerelease version (available in Creative Cloud Desktop Prerelease section).
Intertwine objects now get treated differently when expanded, and an extra copy get placed underneath the stack of clipped zones to eliminate seams PDF viewers display.
cannot rescale freedom gradient
I have made a graphic with freedom gradient (illustrator 2022). The color will not stay the same if I try to resize the graphic.
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3D and Material
Hi, I'm using Adobe CC with v 27.0.1 and i have a problem when i using 3D and Material... the design won't get the 3D, only show the line.
File Attached. Thanks
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1 vote
Files not replacing the original
when doing 'Save as' with the same file name, illustrator instead adds '-01' to the file name and makes a second copy - it never used to, and isn't of any use as a feature. Please fix.
Also this 'reporting a bug' page is pants!
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Problème de synchronisation avec Google Drive
Je travaille sur 2 imac, l'un chez moi, l'autre à ma société. Tout se synchronise parfaitement à Google Drive, mon cloud d'entreprise, sauf Illustrator, qui me créé des fichiers tmp ! ça marche très bien sur Photoshop par exemple. Que dois-je faire pour synchroniser mes fichiers illustrator sur mes 2 ordinateurs ?
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Can’t select a hyphen at the start of the line
「- 2022 -」と入力したあと、修正しようとしたら、最初の「- 」が選択出来ません。1 voteIllustrator converts a hyphen at the start of the line to a bulleted list, unless the 'Automatic Bulleted and Numbered lists while typing' option (enabled by default) is not turned off.
These converted markers can’t be selected, unless you convert the text back with the dedicated button in the Paragraph menu.
But be warned though, that sometimes disabling the auto-conversion does not work, and hyphen and other characters still force Illustrator to create a list.
If it does happen to you — please vote here:
Object being selected without mouse even being over said object
I really don't know how to best describe this issue, but an object placed in my file is being selected when I click within a radius around the object, but not actually on it. It's a very strange issue and makes it difficult for me to select things around the object.
See video for clarification (logo blurred because this is a clients project).
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Export for Screens mess up Blacks when exporting PDFs
When using Export for Screen to Export PDFs, the blacks are messed up.
Attached, you see a picture of the two PDFs opened in Edge. The left one is saved with "Save a Copy…” command. Right one is exported with Export for Screens utility.
All the blacks in AI file are 100K. For some reason, Export for Screen mess them up. The right one.
Every time I open Illustrator, half of my workday goes in debugging this kind of annoying things. I so much hate Illustrator.
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Button "Verlauf Bearbeiten"
Ich habe in meinem Fenster Verlauf kein Button "Verlauf bearbeiten" Was ist los?
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SVG doesn't save unless move
This bug has been around a while - SVG images won't save unless some part of it is moved. If it isn't moved, it treats it like nothing was ever changed and doesn't save, even when closing the tab without saving, the dialog box doesn't appear. This is annoying, since I often change just the colour of an icon, and have to move the icon a bit, just to get it to save.
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Arial Bold comes out very condensed
when i use Arial bold in default settings, it looks skinny. I will have to to stretch the width to 250% to make it look normal. See image please...
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Preference dialogue box
Hi, When I try to open the Preference dialogue box I get something strange - see attachment, please. Both through the shortcut cmd K and from the Illustrator/Preferences menu
Illustrator V 27.0.1
System Information
Operating system: macOS-12.6.1-arm64-arm-64bit 64 Bits
Graphics card: Apple M1 Max Apple 4.1 Metal - 76.31 vote -
Ich arbeite mit verschiedenen Vektorprogrammen, wobei mir AI als Start und Finalbearbeitungsprogramm dient. Normalerweise öffne ich Dateien in AI und transferiere sie dann per CopyPaste in andere Vektorprogramme, hier z.B. Freehand. Dabei kopiere ich Vektorgrafiken.
Seit ein paar Tagen funktioniert dies nicht mehr. In der Zielsoftware erscheint statt der Vektorgrafik eine Pixelgrafik. Was muss ich in den Einstellungen ändern, damit ich die Vektoren transferieren kann? Oder muss ich eine ältere Version von AI installieren?
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Can't recolour a shape or object
I can't seem to recolour shapes or objects in the latest version of Illustrator. Normally, I would be able to insert a hex code, press enter and it'll be done.
However, now, I have to insert the hex code and click on one of the other boxes for the colour to load before pressing enter. In this case, sometimes the wrong colour appears and I'd have to adjust the RGB/CMYK/HSB numbers to get the right colour. This happened when I was trying to insert a thistle colour and ended up with beige.
Even worse, I sometimes enter the hex code…
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Linked Text Boxes DEFORM
When spreading text over more than one text box, the first one is fine, but any consecutive one deforms so the copy is stretched.
1 voteThe problem was probably caused by scaling area type objects with another art selected. Illustrator treats these selections differently. Take a look in the comments for a more detailed explanation and demonstration.
Effekt Transformieren
Ich erstelle gerade Seamless Pattern. Eigentlich sollte der Effekt eine Kachelung ohne Fugen erstellen. Tut er aber nicht. Es entsteht jedes mal eine Fuge zwischen den einzelnen Kacheln. Und diese Fuge sollte nicht da sein
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Glyphs in a type on a path are placed wrong, rotate and shift
Type on a path seems to be glitching. There may be some setting I'm overlooking, but it's certainly never been an issue before my last update. Characters are rotating and randomly spacing along a smooth, curved path, as if there were sharp turns in the path.
Also, if I'm using type-along-a-path and then scale the objects with the text still live, the text will often glitch and then even if I undo the scale, it remains glitched.
1 vote
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