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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
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1125 results found

  1. Not Saving work, freezing and deleting progress

    I am taking a class and saved my project to the cloud to work on in the next class. The following day, I opened my file, and it froze. I had to close Illustrator and reopen it. When I did, my file was no longer in my cloud, or saved anywhere else. It literally deleted my file and I have to redo my project before I can attend my next class. Thankfully the class is recorded so I can take it at a later time. I hope this does not happen again. I know this has been happening to others…

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  2. Editing Adobe PDF Presets crashes Illustrator

    When trying to edit a Adobe PDF Preset in Illustrator it crashes on hitting OK to save. I have tried deleting all preferences and uninstalling and reinstalling Illustrator but no luck. For most things this would not be an issue since I can overwrite most setting by saving it in InDesign and overwriting with the same name (Why can't we do this in Illustrator?) This is happening on Illustrator version 26.0.3 on Mac OS 12.0.1 Intel iMac. I have added a quick screen grab. It doesn't matter what I try to edit.

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  3. Data Recovery is Disabled for This Document

    Shortly after creating a new file, I receive the message "Data recover is disabled for this document due to an error in recovery process in last session. To enable data recovery, save this document with a different name.". I've not used any complex art and have not saved the file.

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  4. The new version feb 2022 doesn't recognize my network devices in order to save document on the network

    The new version feb 2022 doesn't recognize my network devices in order to save document on the network, I must save them to desktop and then manually drag into the network device, it never happen before, but last 2 upgrades are failing..
    Also when I save a copy or new document in the older version instantly redirect to the field 'name' so I can named the new file, new version you must use the mouse to locate the name field and then input the names, it also happen in the last 2 versions....

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  5. A lot of empty PNG when using Export for Screens function

    When exporting with Export for Screens, many empty pngs are created in the file folder. The bug occurs completely randomly. The number of files also defies any explanation. There may be 10 or 1000 files at a time.

    System: Windows 10, Illustrator v.26.0.3

    New details: this bug occurs if you copy complex graphics to the clipboard. Video attached. I suspect the meshes are to blame.

    Update: If you disable Clipboard Handling → Include SVG Code or clipboard log Windows, the problem disappears.

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  6. SVG fail

    I'm trying to open the attached SVG, from a W3C specification. The image renders correctly in all browsers, but completely fails to import in Illustrator (Photoshop failed too).

    The upload refused to allow SVG, so I tried to add it here, in pure text.

    That failed. For unknown reason "Sorry, we couldn't submit your request." So I'll try uploading it as a text file.

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  7. PDFの書き出しでアピアランスが正しく表示されない


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    Need More Info  ·  PCM Maro responded

    Illustrator 製品版フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。


    1. お使いのオペレーティングシステムおよび Adobe Illustrator (デスクトップ版) のバージョン
    2. 問題が発生したときに実行していた手順
    3. 想定していた結果
    4. 実際の結果
    5. [必要に応じて] Illustrator ファイルまたはビデオをアップロードしてください。


    Illustrator チーム

  8. AIT file does not open as a new AI file when opening from One Drive.

    I updated to Adobe Illustrator V26.0.3 today. And now AIT file opens as AIT file.

    It should open as a new AI file when opening from AIT file since it is a template.

    FYI, I am using MacBook Pro M1 2020, and MacOS Motley V.12.1.

    Doen anyone getting the same problem?

    ---Additional Comment---

    After testing, I found out that this is happening when I open an AIT file from my One Drive folder.

    When I copied AIT file on my desktop, then it opened as a new AI file as it was used be.

    For more details, I am using…

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  9. 中間色のあるグラデーションのあるPDFが正しく読み込めず色情報が消えてしまいます


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    Under Review  ·  PCM Maro responded

    t.takizawa 様、


    InDesign でグラデーションバーの100%の位置にカラーストップがセットされていない場合に、Illustrator で PDF を開いた時にグラデーションのカラーが消えてしまうようです。



    Illustrator チーム

  10. Export for Screens via ExtendScript is slow and appears to have stopped

    When I run Export for Screens via ExtendScript, it slows down and looks frozen. The rainbow cursor will appear.

    It actually works, and will finish if I wait long enough. It seems to take about 10 times longer than running it manually from the GUI.

    This is especially noticeable when exporting JPEGs. If the image to be exported is large to some extent, it will hardly progress after the progress bar reaches about 99%. CPU usage will be around 100%.
    Example: When exporting 8 1700x1000px artboards at 300ppi, it takes 157.636 seconds (the weight of each JPEG is 2.9MB).

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  11. 2021,2022でpdf書き出し時に圧縮した画像に線出る

    macOS MojaveからMonterey
    Mac Pro Late2013
    Illustrator 2021(25.4.3) 、2022(26.0.2)


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  12. Document won't save

    Hi there.
    I have been working in a new file I created, and I am unable to save the file. I have tried exporting, and quitting such that illustrator asks if I want to save. Nothing happens. I am stuck here, as I will otherwise loose the work I have done. Any suggestions???

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    The problem got solved by resaving the original document and no longer can be reproduced.

    If you have a similar issue, try to search for a similar bug report which matches yours exactly or log another one, providing as many details as possible to help the team to investigate it.

  13. Incorrect prompt for color profile when opening documents

    Despite adjusting the Color Settings so that Profile Mismatches and Missing profiles are all unticked, I always get an error message when opening a document which says "Your current colour settings honour CMYK profiles in linked content but profiles were set to be ignored when this document was created".

    There doesn't seem to be any way of stopping these annoying error messages. How do I set up Illustrator to ignore profiles in linked content, like it was when the document was created? Or alternatively to add a default CMYK profile to the linked content automatically?

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  14. Export for screens importing to After Effects as the same image

    When exporting for screens the artboards save out as separate files and in Photoshop and everywhere else appear as they should, however even importing to After Effects they all appear as the same file. If I re-save them in Photoshop it fixes the problem but is a hassle for something I need to do on a regular basis. This has been the case for several years and different versions of Illustrator on different computers.

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  15. No eps thumbnail preview

    My default is Illustrator but yet I can't see the file thumbnail preview.
    Even when I press spacebar there is still no preview.

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  16. Copying and pasting figures from graph-pad prism into AI no longer works.

    Windows 10, Current 2022 AI, Graph Pad Prism ver 9.2 current version. With previous versions of both software could easily cut and paste Figures from Prism into illustrator. now I get "operation cannot complete because of an unknown error" followed by a partial pasting of the figure.

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  17. File Ruined After Updating

    I was working with a slightly outdated version of Illustrator and the program kept acting up and crashed twice, so I saved my files and updated. Right before I did, a file I was working on did this. After the update, the error seems to be permanent.

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  18. Issue rendering some gradients

    If you change the the extension to .pdf, the gradient is no longer rendered. Rendering the .ai in other pdf interpreters also do not render the gradient.

    More information:

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  19. Playing Save for Web operation from action produces different result than a direct operation

    1. Rename the .txt file to .aia
    2. Load this file as a set into Actions panel
    3. Open the .ai document (make sure that linked .tif file is loaded)
    4. Export the file using Save For Web command. Set size to 200% and save the result as 1.jpg
    5. Run the 'Test' action form the loaded set. Save the image as 2.jpg

    Compare both files. 2.jpg is looking more red than 1.jpg
    No profiles attached to JPGs.

    1. Run the action again
    2. While the S4W dialog is open, go to Optimize menu (hamburger button in top right corner) and disable 'Convert to sRGB' option


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  20. Export for Screens not updating Artboard titles

    I've been copy/pasting my artboards and renaming them to save time.

    I've noticed though that Export for Screens doesn't always update the artboard name, despite the artboard name being changed.

    I've seen this bug a few times now.

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