Shift hold (Constrain angle) within gradient use not working
When I shift hold a gradient now it doesn't snap (constrain angle) in Illustrator. I've checked my general settings and constrain angle is set to 0°... have I missed something? Version 23.0

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.2
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Benja Rodriguez commented
Man that tool its useless. There should be an option to define the angle increment that you want shift to lock to. Such as 15 degree increments (0º, 15º, 30º...). Come on adobe!
New idea from comment
This comment was upgraded into a new idea: Gradient Tool Needs Custom Angle Increment Option -
Ray Cabarga commented
No Ashurtosh I'm afraid it still doesn't work. and it has been a thorn in my side for years now.
Satish Chakma commented
I've installed the recent update and I still can't constrain gradient angles using the shift key
Anonymous commented
It seems the contrain feature works again when the CAPSLOCK key is not pressed.
Anonymous commented
June 13th - issue still present. :(
Anonymous commented
8th May- issue still there. Sometimes it works, others it doesn't. Can this finally be fixed? What's the point of releasing new versions with bugs so simple?
SoCal-Arch commented
April 4th, 2019 and this issue still exists. Using AI 23.0.3 on OS and cannot use the shift key to constrain the gradient.
Anonymous commented
I've installed the update and I still can't constrain gradient angles using the shift key.
Mick Gwilt commented
I've installed the recent update and I still can't constrain gradient angles using the shift key.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for reporting this issue.
Can you kindly provide following information:
1)For Win: Go to Help->About Illustrator and Tell us the Illustrator version you are seeing 23.0.1 or 23.0.2?
Mac: go to Illustrator->About Illustrator and Tell us the Illustrator version you are seeing 23.0.1 or 23.0.2?
2)Kindly provide Steps with which you are facing issue.Regards
Ankit Goyal -
Alex Landon commented
Hello, I am fully updated as of March 4th, 2019 and still having this issue. Please advise.
Anonymous commented
I am still working using Illustrator 2018 version 22.1 until I hear FOR CERTAIN all bugs and issues are fixed in the 2019 update.
Made the mistake of updating to 2019 last fall, but had nothing but trouble with it, which is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE since I work for a company where I churn and burn through at least 30-60 designs every day.
Had to uninstall 2019 and reinstall 2018 just to be able to do my job. Still. Waiting. 💸
Henry Hsu commented
how the **** did it take so long to fix
DD commented
Thanks Ashutosh - that was completely useless.
Augustine commented
How does Adobe keep regressing in their updates? This is embarrassing and a frustration working with an "industry" standard product.
Anonymous commented
FIX IT!!!!!
myrlo commented
Another gradient issue that makes it very difficult:
"Cannot change the blending mode when the gradient tool is selected" -
Jack Mulholland commented
100000% agree with Jim Kopp below the gradient tool has been disastrous— inconsistently changing gradients on all unselected objects with the same gradient when editing the gradient of one object. also can no longer drag swatches in to the gradient panel to replace existing swatches. just adds them and then have to manually delete the original gradient colors. it used to snap and let you overwrite colors via dragging
Jim Kopp commented
It appears some of these issues have been addressed in the latest Beta but I post my list so everything is covered. I will try the beta and see.
I am frustrated with multiple issues with the Gradient Tool in 19 (23.0.1)
It seems the gradient takes precedence over the object as if it's being seen as a style. So when that gradient is in 4 objects they are linked whether selected or not. I will always dupe an object and then edit it but my edit is applied to the unselected objects with the original gradient in some global way. It is maddening and needs to be independent in each object unless I select each object.
I am also having issues with "Shift Key" to constrain the gradient direction not working. I work in isometric and need my gradients to be precise and constrained to the angles I have set. IT DOES NOT WORK anymore.
As also mentioned above RE: dragging a new color to a spot on the gradient bar in the gradient pallet. Half the time it adds the color rather than replaces it. This is primarily an issue with the colors at the end of the bar and mostly the left side. So the round spot doesn't highlight and when you drop the color it puts it on top. And you don't know this until you move it and suddenly you have an odd color in your art that you did not expect.I like to sample colors in a gradient and click them in the color pallet to make the selected object that solid color. I use to get the little color pallet below the line and fill icon. Now I don't and I have to hit the clear/no fill icon and then it shows up.
When I am using the "Gradient Annotator" in a piece of art. It has become impossible to select the ends to stretch the annotator bar. It use to select easily but now the color circles seem so big they select and move when I am trying to select the ends of the bar.
All these things have made the Gradient tool more cumbersome and time-consuming to use. And in some cases disastrous. Please address these issues ASAP.
Leigh McG commented
Adding my voice to the cacophony of cries to please FIX THIS!
And the other gradient tool bugs – when I go to edit a gradient it changes the previously used gradient and all objects it was applied to! INSANE!!!