Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7755 results found
I have so much problem with the updated Illustrator and this is not any Idea
I am a designer at a Sign business and after the update I can't make a functioning stroke. It will add a red line around the stroke when printing and I can't make the stroke work at all. Today I made a new document added text and was supposed to add blue color to the text and it will not add it in the new document but it still will in the other open document I have. I have so much problem I would easily change to some other program but there is noting else I can use as I…
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Ich möchte ein Beschriftung Unterstreichen und das geht nicht ....
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Artwork from CC Libraries doesn't keep its name when placed into other apps
It used to be that when you added AI artwork into a CC library and gave it a name there, it kept its name when the artwork was placed into for example InDesign document. All my libraries have artwork with names, but when I place any of them into InDesign it simply shows up as "Artwork" in Links. However, this doesn't seem to be buggy for all artwork in the CC libraries, just new ones I created in the last few days.
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Blurry Cloud Preview
Maybe this is a bug or a new feature request but when I share an Illustrator file for review via Creative Cloud the preview is showing all artboards with no ability to jump between artboards. When I try to zoom in to preview assets its just a blurry mess. See attached.
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CFF font outline rendering issue
I have received a font quality complaint which seems to be related to Adobe Illustrator 2021. It does not occur in versions 2019 and 2020. In the app viewport, some outlines have kinks which are not part of vector outlines (image 1). When converted to outlines, the paths are clean, however the bump is still being rendered (image 2). In a png output file the bump is not present either (image 3). It seems to be a viewport rasterizer failure rather than font flaw. Please let me know if any additional information is required. I might not be able to…
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1 vote
- macOS(Mojave 10.14.6) Illustrator2021(25.2.3)およびIllustrator2018頃から 2.レイヤーパネル上で作成されたガイドレイヤーを削除。 (この時のガイドレイヤーは同一環境で作成された.Aiデータの場合も、別環境で作成された.Aiデータの場合も含みます。また、削除に関してもレイヤーパネル下部ボタンでの削除、キーボードのdeleteを使用した場合どちらも含みます。)
- ガイドレイヤーが、通常のレイヤー同様に削除される。
- ガイドレイヤーは削除されず、何も描画されていないように見える空のレイヤー(レイヤー名はガイドレイヤー)が複製される。元の削除操作を行ったレイヤーは複製されたレイヤー同様に何も描画されていないように見える空のレイヤーになる。再度、複製されたレイヤーと元の削除したいレイヤーをレイヤーパネル上でまとめて選択し削除すると通常通りに消える。
1 vote製品フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。
質問がございます。Illustrator にはガイドレイヤーという機能がございません。
よろしくお願いいたします。Illustrator チーム
.jpg error message
Trying to open jpg files to create virtual proofs for client & it is giving me following error:
the "tm19597-frt.jpg" is in an unknown format & can not be opened.1 vote -
Artboard and acrobat trim box
This file has an artboard size of 10mm in illustrator, yet when opened in acrobat the trim box shows as 10.283mm rather than 10mm. Why is this?
Many Thanks
Paul W1 vote -
1.Windows10 Illustrator CC v25.2.3
1 voteご報告の問題は再現できませんでしたので、一旦こちらの報告の対応は終了させていただきます。
Illustrator チーム -
Export as SVG should respect all-caps style on text
Text in Illustrator file set with All-Caps style. When export as SVG, the style is lost. Either the style should be preserved, or, during export, the case should be hard-coded into the text (e.g. "Hello" styled as all-caps becomes "HELLO").
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"Color A Vector" learning practice page comes in already completed instead of a prepped canvas.
"Color A Vector" learning practice page comes in already completed instead of a prepped canvas, so nothing changes when proceeding through the practice steps. This causes confusion and wasted time because nothing was changing as if I was doing something wrong. I added a few screenshots to show some of the steps, and where the picture was already at the desired settings to complete the steps. Could this be fixed so that I am actually creating the image? I left my best contact email which is different from my business email linked to my account. I am using a Toshiba…
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Color in Adobe CC Libraries Are Not Functioning As Expected?
I am using Adobe CC Design Apps, specifically the latest release, for Illustrator 25.2.3 (as of 5.14.21) on a 2017 MacBook Pro on BigSur 11.2.3. The issue that I am having is as follows:
I am building a library of 100+ illustrations that all use a custom library of CMYK colors. There are 10 colors in total.
I have created a CC library of my colors — each color has been set as a CMYK value and defined as a spot color with the global box checked. My documents are all set to the CMYK color space, and they are all…
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Tiles documents, Fit in window shrinks right column of windows
If I tile a larger number of documents (50+), first I'd like the ability to fit all in their windows at once, but if I got through and do it one by one, the column of documents on the right shrink a little bit each time I fit any document in window. Doesn't seem to be any reason for this, and it reshapes all windows, slowing things down.
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Arrow Head and Font Drop Down in Floating Panels display bug on Multiple displays
The Arrow Head drop down menu in the Stroke panel pops up in weird places as shown in the attached video.
Similarly, the fonts drop-down menu in the Character panel seems to be showing much larger than it normally would.
This only happens when I am using multiple screens.
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Direct Select tool selecting unnecessary groups
Steps to repeat making unecessary groups (just one of many ways) in order to test how they break the direct select tool, and cause unpredictable appearances:
1) make a rectangle.
2) apply a "3D Extrude & Bevel" effect
3) Expand appearanceNow that you've flattened your 3D object, you'll have an extra 4 unnecessary groups come along for the ride. But you won't know this unless you use Vector Firstaid, or use the appearance panel to manually inspect the situation (argh!).
4) Now use the direct select tool to click in the centre of one paths of the shape (direct…
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Install dialogue 'remove previous versions' not working
Just updated illustrator on win10 desktop from Creative Cloud. Install dialogue checkbox 'remove previous versions' checked, but not uninstalled.
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When saving as PDF, downsampling does not function for images that are part of a transparency mask
Windows 10 - Illustrator CC Desktop
How to create issue:
Place a linked image. Use linked image with another object to create a transparency mask. Save as PDF. Adjust downsampling options. View created PDF with a PDF viewer and see that the image did not get downsampled. Also, look at file size of created PDF.
Release the transparency mask and resave with all other variables identical to other saved file. Open the file in a PDF viewer and see that it is properly downsampled. Also, look at file size and see that it is smaller than the other created PDF.
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1 vote
Illustrator チーム
Beim Öffnen einer PDF werden Textzeilen in Pfade umgewandelt
Meistens wenn ich eine PDF-Datei in Illustrator öffne, gibt es die Meldung, dass die Schrift in einen Pfad geändert wird. Jetzt habe ich herausgefunden, dass der Grund dafür ein Fehler mit Ligaturen ist. Wenn Ligaturen wie fl oder fi verwendet werden, kommt diese Meldung.
Es scheint, dass Illustrator die speziellen Glyphen nicht erkennen kann. Wenn keine Ligaturen in der PDF-Datei vorkommen, öffnet Illustrator diese problemlos und der Text ist editierbar.Wolfgang J. Kremer
Mac Pro 5.1, OSX 10.14, Creative Cloud1 vote
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