Keyboard commands for zoom and hand tool don't work.
Illustrator CC 2018 running on High Sierra. The keyboard command for the zoom and hand tools doesn't always work. Quitting and restarting the application does't resolve the issue. I have to restart my machine to restore functionality. It's seems to be be an entirely random issue.

Hi ,
Thanks for reporting the issue . Unfortunately we are not able to reproduce this issue. Could you kindly provide the following information to help us nail this down :
1. Machine details which can be found by :
MAC : Choose Apple menu > About This Mac.
2. Version of Illustrator .
3.Kindly rename your Preferences folder placed in below location and share this folder with us .
MAC: /Users//Library/Preferences/Adobe Illustrator Settings//
WIN: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator Settings\
Kindly share the above with us in a Zip file at Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator team
Rod Burkholz commented
This works:
(tried a few things based on other sites/threads).
Save your work, close all Adobe apps
(didn't work for just Illustrator. I had to close Photoshop and InDesign to make it work)
Option + Click-Finder (in Dock): Relaunch
(Takes just a few seconds)
Opened Illustrator again and problem was solved.
Some threads also said they had to restart computer and issue was fixed. Mine worked just doing the Relaunch Finder thing.
FYI: I'm still running an older CS 5.1 but from my understanding, it's the same issue with the apps running, any version, even CC.
One helper said this issue happens at random times from using the Command + H (hide) in any of the apps. I know this or something similar has happened to me in the past but I've been a designer using Adobe products since 1990 and it's very rare to me.
Hope this helps someone 🙂 -
Gio commented
Same issue here, CC 2021, MBP2019 touch bar, @Ken High solution it's the only solution ahead
Olle commented
I have this issue every day, multiple times when working!! I can find no pattern to it, but with the zoom tool chosen I press and hold the alt key to switch to zooming out - but instead I get the hand tool! Clicking around, switching tools a couple of times or moving an object often gives me back the functionality again... for a couple of minutes. Please fix this. I pay premium money for this application and bugs like this is so frustrating.
Ken High commented
Been having this issue for months now as well. Followed the put the MAC to sleep advice, reawake, and it works again. Great to know this as I hate restarting my computer and losing all that was open including all the tabs in my browser.
Válter Santos commented
Same happening to me with a brand new MacBook Pro 16" 2019 while working with the latest Illustrator 2020 version.
It usually happens after my Macbook goes to sleep when I'm away. Whenever I come back the spacebar shortcut stops working and I have to restart the machine. -
Anonymous commented
I am having the same issue in a classroom full of students.
Anonymous commented
as noted by CG last year, putting my machine to sleep and re-awaking it fixed the problem.
note that my logitech mx master 3 mouse acted differently during this time too. the tracking speed was different (faster). it is back to normal post sleep/re-wake.
Anonymous commented
I'm suddenly having the same problem. VERY FRUSTRATING, but glad to know it's not just me.
Anonymous commented
I'm constantly getting this problem! Have to restart my computer several times a day to get the hand in illustrator when I push the **** spaceboard! Get your **** together Adobe. I know it gets harder and harder the bigger you grow, but I long for the simple days 20 years ago when **** just worked.
Anonymous commented
since the latest update i cannot zoom out!
Im on a windows pc and by holding alt would normally zoom out, however its now giving me the hand logo to move the document! if i wanted that i would click on the hand menu and move the document!
how can we get zoom out working again? -
Gerard commented
No way Adobe is "unable to reproduce" this issue. Such BS!!! Losing the keyboard shortcuts for zoom and pan happens far to often and randomly for the huge expense paid for these apps. The Illustrator dev team **** well should have the problem not only identified, but a fix for it.
PJ CG commented
I've encountered the same problem, only to find the input method on my keyboard was set to another language.
It was simply using another character.
Ellen commented
I have been plagued with this problem for the last six months. It comes and goes.
Resetting the permissions on your computer will usually correct the problem. A total PAIN!!!From the Finder menu bar, choose Go > Home. Your home folder opens.
Choose File > Get Info. An Info window for your home folder opens.
If the Sharing & Permissions section at the bottom of the window isn't open, click the triangle in that section to open it.
If the lock at the bottom of the window is closed lock, click the lock and enter an administrator name and password.
Click the action menu , then choose “Apply to enclosed items.” Click OK to confirm the action.A progress bar appears at the top of the window. When done, restart your Mac. Or choose Apple menu > Log Out, then log in again.
Anonymous commented
turning off Siri shortcut in sys prefs worked for me
Connie commented
Check any settings in your antivirus apps. I have to turn on "Pause Secure Keyboard" every time I turn on my computer so I can use the keyboard commands for the zoom tool in any of the CC apps. I use Webroot. Once I do that, I have no problems.
Rob Forrest commented
Illustrator 22.1 running on Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6. As of yesterday, The keyboard command for the zoom and hand tools has stopped working. I tried restarting the program and restarting the entire computer, and that didn't do anything. I also turned off Ask Siri, that didn't so anything either. What's going on, how do i get it back?
Dave commented
I'm on a AMD Ryzen 7 PC running Windows 10, and I'm having this problem too. It seems to clear for a short while when I restart Illustrator, but not for long. I don't run Siri, or any of the other mentioned software. It sure is a frustrating error.
Alejandro Sánchez commented
Got it fixed! Followed this solution (
• Set off "Enable Ask Siri"
• In Accessibility > Voice Over Off
• In Keyboard > Dictation set to Off
• Sound > Input > Volume all the way down
• RestartThen, try your aps and they should be working now. Yo can undo all the sounds stuff that you need back on.
I know, crazy combinations of tweaks, but worked for me
Alejandro Sánchez commented
Same here. It just happened suddenly. I have restarted the computer and still not working. Ai, Ph and Indesign have the same issue. None of this aps are usable now, and I have deathlines to get thru today
Running MacOS Mojave 10.14.1
Mike commented
This is so frustrating and basically making the software not fit for purpose. Happening in both illustrator and Photoshop CC2019 Running on High Sierra