Calligraphic Brush, Blob Brush appearance anomalies at small brush sizes (1 pt and above)
Illustrator 22.1, though this is extant in all versions I'm familiar with (since at least CS5).
When drawing with a calligraphic brush (and thus also with the blob brush) at small sizes, certain tight curves result in anomalous shapes extending out from the expected area covered by the brush. The screenshot attached is around 15mm across. AI file also attached. Expected result is that the brushed area corresponds to the shape of the calligraphic brush along the whole length of the path.
Remaining issues are addressed in Beta build, Please try and add a comment.
Vitaly Galchenko commented
Fix this issue already!
Anonymous commented
Huge pain in the butt of every illustrator. A fix would be helpful, manually editing the curves and anchor points of nearly every small curve you draw is annoying and slowing down the workflow themendously.
Edfredned commented
I'm starting on a graphic novel project and this bug is COMPLETELY getting in the way of my work. Fingers, noses, squiggly hair- everything is effected, so I'm constantly trying to find work-arounds which includes cutting up my lines, thereby making revisions truly difficult.
mtefre commented
Please fix! The bug is very annoying.
Anonymous commented
Its a huge bug, please fix it!!
Talimera commented
Literally decade had past and you guys kept overseeing this issue intentionally . Bravo Adobe !
kim in commented
Fix this please, it's one of the fundamental features in illustrator and it's not working properly. Calligraphic brushes fills nearly every curve you draw
Eric commented
This bug slows down a workflow, would appreciate the fix, its not a minor problem.
Anonymous commented
PLEASE fix this!! Would really help with my illustration process. Also would LOVE to be able to right-click and change he brush size/style/etc. in illustrator, the way we can in Photoshop.
anon commented
Would love to see if we can get an update! This continues to be a huge hindrance using a brush at any size. The "basic" brush doesn't cause this, but any other brush I've tried is showing this "filling in" on the inside of curves. What more information on workflows can we as users provide to move this forward to getting fixed?
nk commented
I am sure that anomalies in look of strokes painted with oval brush are due to low precision computing. Saying that we have ALWAYS errors (bad approximation, randomness) in oval brush visual representation - more or less visible. In precise work like calligraphy, logos... this tool is unusable. I can think off use cases where randomness of stroke is nice but for this tool it should be option especially when Angle/Roundness/Size is set to Fixed with no variation. In attachment is picture illustrating amount of deviation.
Ky commented
I would greatly appreciate a fix! Trying to do any detail or lettering with a brush is difficult because of this - it is happening on neatly every loop or tight curve in my work.
Dominika commented
Yes, please work on this! I'm not able to ink in Illustrator because of the issue and I have to resort to other software. (This, and not being able to easily rotate the canvas for freehand strokes... but the blob brush thing is a more pressing matter).
Anonymous commented
I have this same issue. Inking curves with the blob brush is a nightmare. I never know what shape I'm going to get until after I've let go of the stylus. It's usually on the inside of the curve I end up with a jagged shape or it doesn't make a curve at all and just a straight line between two points.
anon commented
Atoush, is there any update on this issue? There doesn't seem to be any change in the latest update of illustrator...
Ainsley commented
Struggling with this problem right now - getting these awful ugly blobs where there should be nice tight curves.
Nick Busfield commented
Just a +1 for this. I was working on line work for an A4 colouring sheet this week, drawn freehand. Many lines took several attempts to get clean. They look spot on whilst drawing, then glitch on release. Experimented with various smoothing settings to no avail.
Anonymous commented
I am so glad to see these comments. It's been years of frustration. I love Illustrator but this is the basis of the work I do. Generally for print, generally small enough to fit on 11x14 or smaller, full of vector lines & curves. This "glitch" has cost me countless days of tidying & ultimately, I have to settle for a stroke that is less than I intended. Not as natural & not as authentic as I can achieve on paper- that is the ultimate goal. Capture the life in the drawing, no matter what tool is used. Thank you for correcting this. I'm sure a solution exists.
ChristyB commented
It is VERY VERY frustrating. The purpose of vectors is to get the resolution and flexibility at any size--this totally defeats the purpose of using vectors in the first place. I am a surface pattern designer, and I generally import sketches to trace. The blips and blobs created by both the blob brush and the brush tool are maddening. I have had this issue since first getting Illustrator 5, and it has continued through CC. For the price of this program, and having it as the industrty standard, this is something that absolutely needs to be addressed.
Edfredned commented
While we wait for a fix, here’s 1 workaround: Create a brush that’s .5 and then stroke it larger until it’s the same thickness as the brush you want to use. Works pretty well (but not always).