Illustrator CC 2019 is very slow and laggy
I'm using a Mac OS 10.13 Intel Core i7 16 GB. Ever since I updated to the CC 2019, illustrator became laggy and slow. The other adobe apps worked fine after the update. I saw here that I should try turning the dictation off but that didn't help.
Everything in illustrator is slow now. And if I use the blend tool a lot in one document the eyedropper option in the gradient window becomes unavailable. Everything even if it's as simple as moving from one art board to the next or zooming in/out is lagging
Hi All,
Thanks for reporting this issue. We understand your problem, but need some more information to get to the root cause of the problem areas. We’d require information about the specific workflows, tools, features with which you’re noticing performance degradation in Illustrator.
Here are some performance-related issues that are already reported in Illustrator User Voice. If you too are facing a similar issue, kindly add your vote on the relevant threads. If your issue is not listed here, please feel free to open up a new thread. We’re marking this thread as closed for now.
1.Overprint Preview / CPU Previews in 5k→
2.Performance issues in basic operations Zoom / Pan
3.Performance issues in Specific features
Shape Builder→
Thanks for your patience and support!
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team
David commented
This has completely screwed our workflow. Really unhappy!
Brady commented
Worst update ever, This is what happens when theres no competition in the marketplace - **** is shipped.
Anonymous commented
same...too laggy..i just updated but still...
Anonymous commented
I turned off dictation and it became almost useable. Still really slow and awful. But I can at least click on things now. They really crapped the bed on this version.
Anonymous commented
The worst. It is 100% useless with all the lags.
Anonymous commented
So slow to open ...
Anonymous commented
Mine is lagging so badly! Not to mention the CUDA issues I had with Premier Pro. What is going on Adobe?
Oliver Montero commented
Try cmd E (it will change the view from CPU to GPU)
GPU - runs smooth
CPU - lag -
An commented
What is this fcking madness!!!! ILLUSTRATOR IS NOT WORKING!!! IHAVENT BEEN ABLE TO WORK!!!!
Fernanda Márquez commented
I agree with all users above. Illustrator CC 2019 is responding really slow, I mean: HARDLY RESPONDING. Please do something my projects are delayed.
Toks commented
The strange thing is that it appears to be much faster on my desktop than my laptop. On the laptop, I would have to wait for a couple of long seconds after every click, to see the effect. So that means I can only work at the desk. I would prefer to be able to change locations.
Kaylie commented
My AI 2019 is slow as well. I even have the maxed out specs of the imac pro 2019 and its still so slooowww. PLEASE HELP.
Fergus commented
Seconded this issue. I literally can't edit a type layer on a clean file, after a reboot. The program beachballs and it's glacially slow.
I'll be spending the morning downgrading all the apps after just spending a recent morning upgrading them. Very frustrated that my latest $1000 payment is going to result in a product release that I have to revert. Why pay for this?
Chris commented
This should solve the lagging type issue..... When working with type, make sure GPU Performance is turned ON. I only have it turned on if I'm constantly working with type, otherwise I turn it off because I find it affect previewing and file speed.
DJEAN commented
I too am having this issue. It usually starts in Illustrator when I am manipulating fonts, i.e., warp effect, then distort and transform. Then, I toggle into InDesign and then both are slow and sluggish. I usually copy my outlined text from Illustrator into InDesign (rather than importing as a graphic). This is when they both get sluggish and slow. Neither file is large, so it seems like it should not be a processor issue.
Daniel Barac commented
Last Update, 23.0.3., what's going on.
Laggy AI, is now more Laggy.
For what reason have you made an update if everything has only gotten worse than before.PLEASE DO ANYTHING RIGHT !
All AI-Users pay many Money for in this moment, "Expensive ****".
we're considering using "Corel" again or "Affinity Designer" -
Anonymous commented
adobe is basically windows 10 with full of ****
D.Griffith commented
i'm completely out of commission and can't work!!
please fix this problem, Apple!!
this is totally unacceptable! and you are still charging us a monthly fee!
we should be reimbursed for this !!
do something ASAP! -
JB commented
Soooo slow. I reinstalled CC 2018 22.1 and it has solved all my problems. I can't figure out how to do it with Acrobat, currently, my only solution for that is to just stop using it. I'm considering going back to CS6, I still have the discs.
Edu Couchez commented
Same over here, both on Mac and Windows. After last April update... more than 20 minutes to start to work safe. Even after starting, screen freezes, "Program not responding" messages, menus needs seconds to unfold, and nothing is interactive and intuitive anymore... constant blank screens and freezes, and everything needs seconds to react to my mouse actions. In fact, I remember faster responsivity with 90's Coreldraw in a 200 pentium machine.
I suspect it's the collateral effect of today's fast and cheap programming to keep time deadlines. Developers know their software can use all the power of computers, so don't think about optimisation. Usually I've to wait for more than hour to get Dropbox synced, while fighting against other concurrent apps to get all the machine resources.
Obviously, all the answers I receive are: "change your hard disk for a SSD one" It seems that software companies are confabulated to make SSD brands to sell their stocks.